Full server counterattack

Chapter 152 Successfully Attracting Gu Han's Attention

Chapter 152 Successfully Attracting Gu Han's Attention
After finishing, Xu Wentian also left the office.

On the entire first floor, there was only Lu Xici left.

There is not much to see, so Lu Xici should go home first.

Wait until she packs her things and leaves.

A black shadow directly appeared in front of the work table of Lu Xi Temple.

The outstretched hands were rummaging for something on the table.

Finally saw half of what was exposed.

The corner of the mouth curled up unconsciously.

This woman still wants to play with him, she just doesn't know what to do.

Gu Han, who had already left before, returned to the company after everyone had left after get off work, in order to find the handwritten manuscript that Lu Xici had put somewhere.

After this search, he really found it.

Gu Han directly pulled out his handwritten manuscript.

Then the whole person froze in place.

Mistake ah misstep.He was tricked twice in one day.

It turned out that what I was holding in my hand was a photocopied handwritten manuscript.

And there is a post-it note on top of the manuscript.

It says.

'Ha ha!Unexpected!I knew you would come back to find something, sorry, I've already brought the original home.But if you want a copy, there is one on the desk, on the back of the computer, yes, there is also a copy under the keyboard.goodbye! '

Gu Han's face turned blue and white for a while, and he tightly held the copy in his hand.

Then reach out and touch the back of the computer.

In the end, I didn't touch any copies.However, I found another post-it note.

'Ha ha!Are you being fooled again? I wouldn't be so stupid to put so much here.There is really no copy later, and it is useless if you are looking for it. '

Gu Han now has the urge to kill someone.

But after thinking about it, he smiled lightly.

sure!It's been a long time since I wanted to play with someone so much.

Gu Han saw the sticker on the table of Luxi Temple, which said the words Luxi Temple.

Said in a low voice.

"Okay! It turns out that your name is Lu Xici. Very good, you have successfully attracted my attention, and you should take it seriously in the next period of time!"

How could Lu Xici, who had just arrived home at this moment, know that he was already in Gu Han's plan.

There was no one at home, and Lu Xici saw the note pasted on the door, written by Tang Li.

——Xiaoci, your father is going on a business trip, I will follow him to take care of it, it will take more than ten days to get home, if there is no food at home, remember to buy it, you and Jian Luo should be well at home, we will meet soon back.By the way, let Xiao Luo know.

It turned out that Lu Yuanzhi was on a business trip.

At this time, Jian Luo hadn't returned home yet, so Lu Xici had better go to sleep first.Anyway, if it's too late, order takeaway.

As for the note in your hand!

Then put it here and let Jian Luo see it by himself.

Thinking about Lu Xi Temple, he pasted the note on the door again.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, then picked up the pen in his hand and added a sentence on the back of the note.

——PS: Xiao Luo, please take care of Xiaoci, she prefers to eat meat.

Lu Xici put away his pen.

Get it done.

Go upstairs and sleep.

When Jian Luo came home, she saw the note pasted on the door at first sight.

I stood there watching for a while.

I still feel that there is nothing wrong with the previous ones, but it is the last sentence.

'Xiao Luo, please take care of the small shrine, she prefers to eat meat. '

It feels weird.

(End of this chapter)

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