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Chapter 154 He Helped Her Finish Her Work

Chapter 154 He Helped Her Finish Her Work

Lu Xici watched TV while eating.

In the end, he simply went back to the room and moved all the computer and some work materials into the living room.

"Xu Wentian wants this information tomorrow morning. From my point of view, Gu Han is a bastard, the culprit who caused me to be unable to play games and have to work overtime here." Lu Xici turned on the computer while falling asleep Gu Han was wrong .Import some things that have been sorted out in the U disk into the computer.Then began her so-called translation work.

Every time a sentence is translated, he has to scold Gu Han in his heart.

Wrote and scolded and then ate with chopsticks.

Time passed little by little.

Sitting in the room, Jian Luo closed the document in front of her.

Gently opened the door and walked to the stairs to look at the Luxi Temple, which was still lying there knocking.

The clock in the living room was still ticking round and round.

It's so late and I still haven't slept.

Because Lu Xi Temple's back was facing him, Jian Luo didn't know what this girl was doing.

So I didn't go down to have a look.

Turned around and went back to his room.

But when Jian Luo went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she found that the light in the living room was still on. Maybe she stayed there the whole time and never left.

The posture is still the same as before.

Jian Luo walked down.In addition to seeing the pile of snacks for takeaway.I also saw her computer and the materials placed next to the computer.

And Lu Xici, who had already fallen asleep in this position.

There is no end to what information needs to be obtained.

Jian Luo picked it up easily.

I put it in front of my eyes and looked at it.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you can immediately recognize it as Gu Han's handwriting.

Her computer, Jian Luo bypassed Lu Xici, picked up her computer and sat down directly beside her.

First of all, I went over the first edition which was similar to that made by Luxi Temple.

It still looks good.

It's just that some words are mistranslated.

Jian Luo is the clearest character of Gu Han's. Although he is a bit withdrawn in character, few people can reach his state when working, so every time he makes a copy, he is deeply loved by Jian Luo. Lo and customer favorite.

Jian Luo put the computer on the table, and spent an hour or two doing it by herself to help Lucy Temple organize all these things.

Then quietly put her back in place.

Finally went back to his house.

When Lu Xici opened his eyes, he rubbed his head.Stretched a big lazy waist.

I looked at the time and it was almost dawn.Just when I was sober and ready to continue working, I saw the files on the computer.

Why does it feel like something is wrong.

"Did I go to bed after I finished it, or did I fall asleep before I finished it?"

Lu Xici now has some suspicions that something is wrong with his brain.

She clearly remembered that she fell asleep before finishing the results last night!So what is the situation now, what is she doing?

The information in front of him was actually all completed.

But she didn't know some of those words at all.

For some reason, she subconsciously turned her head and looked upstairs.

Then he immediately threw away the thoughts in his mind.

Impossible. Impossible he helped himself.

In other words, if there is any special function in Lu Xici's body, once the master falls into a coma, a mysterious species that has been protecting her by her side can come out to help her solve things that she cannot solve.

(The author of Drifting: Bai Yan, you are too good at dreaming.)
 (The author who drifted by leisurely took away the recommendation tickets from each of you.)

(End of this chapter)

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