Full server counterattack

Chapter 157 What You Did

Chapter 157 What You Did

"You are the only person in charge of Gu Han's copywriting that is the fastest and most accurate. You should have heard of Gu Han. Although he has a weird temper, his copywriting is very important to the company. In the same way, whether you are in charge of him or not has become very important."

These are some theories.

"But since I entered this company, I want to display my talents and realize my ideals and ambitions. I don't want to be a special translator for someone." If this is the case, then what's the point of her staying in this company? ?

It's just another way of being suppressed abroad to continue suppressing at home.

"Sorry, Manager Xu, I think if you give me a lot of other work, I should be happy to accept it, but I can't keep translating Gu Han's copywriting. No one wants to keep translating Gu Han's copywriting. Standing still and not moving forward, what I need is to go up step by step, and finally reach a goal I want. If I have said this and you still want to arrange it like this, then I would rather leave the company.”

Xu Wentian didn't know what to say, he was not doing these tasks at all, he was just a messenger.

"You go down first."

Lu Xici got up, bent over, nodded and walked out.

Xu Wentian didn't know that Luxi Temple would have such a big reaction to this matter.

Lu Xici returned to his seat, without any motivation to work, and happened to have a pen in hand.She picked it up at once, opened the cover, and made a series of marks on the paper with all her strength.

What I have to say is that the feeling of being betrayed by Zhuang Simiao when he was suppressed by Zhuang Simiao abroad came back in an instant.

She has tried her best not to think about these things.

Hua Xianzi watched her act so aggressively.

"Small temple. Small temple."

Only then did Lu Xici stop what he was doing.

"Turn your head and look at the flower fairy.

"Are you OK!"

Lu Xici shook his head lightly.

"I'm fine, let's go to work!"

"It's fine." Although she was very puzzled, the eyes of Lu Xici that Hua Fairy saw just now were actually filled with tears.

At this time, there was also a pair of eyes not far away quietly looking at her figure, Gu Han raised his eyebrows, and continued to sleep on his own.

During the break, when Lu Xici just came out of the toilet and washed his hands outside.

It happened that Gu Han also came out of the toilet at this time.

She could see him as soon as she looked up.

After washing his hands, Lu Xici was about to leave.

But at this moment, Gu Han was one step ahead of her and blocked the way forward.

"Step aside."

If Lu Xici didn't say a word, it didn't mean that she was in a good mood now.

"Didn't you feel good yesterday? Why did you become like this today?"

Why why why, it's not because of your work.

"If you have something to do, you should just say it directly. If you have nothing to do, please get out of the way. I have something to do."

That is what Gu Han said now, at this moment.

"I know why you're upset."

Lu Xici's gaze immediately fell on Gu Han.

He didn't speak, but let the person in front of him continue talking.

"Because. Because I said it."

"You mean, after you report it, I will be responsible for the translation of your copywriting."

(End of this chapter)

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