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Chapter 162 Have Fun, Have Fun

Chapter 162 Have Fun, Have Fun
"At that time, Gu Han called me and asked you to take full responsibility for his copywriting in the future. At the beginning, I was also thinking about whether you could be competent for this. After all, in my opinion, Gu Han is definitely a rare talent in the company. Aunt and uncle called I took good care of you when I was in the company, and now I will give you a chance, whether to continue to be the flowers in the so-called greenhouse in your eyes, or to challenge more impossible things."

"It was actually Gu Han who told you in person. That guy must be holding a grudge, because I made fun of him and he behaved like this, huh! But there is one more thing, I translate Gu Han's information, then I can do other things thing?"

Jian Luo raised her eyebrows.

"You think that the company spends money to invite you to come and eat, and Gu Han doesn't write copywriting every day."

In this way, it was Lu Xici who was going crazy from the beginning to the end. He lost his temper and ran out without even thinking about it.

"So can we go home now?"

Jian Luo looked at Lu Xici, only to see that she still shook her head slightly.

Why haven't I said a few words yet?It was directly overshadowed by her next sentence.

"I'm suddenly enlightened, and I'm in a great mood. It's just like the sunset at the seaside. It's rare to see such a beautiful scenery. I want to have fun. Also, it's the first time I realize that you are such a beautiful woman. talking man."

Lu Xici jumped off the rock and ran towards the sea water, leaving Jian Luo standing on the rock alone.

Looking at the girl running on the beach in the sunset.

Such a talkative man?
It's not just Lu Xici who thinks this way, even Jian Luo feels that what he said just now is indeed a lot more when he thinks about it.

He took out the mobile phone he had in his pocket, fiddled with it for a while, and took a few photos of the sunset. Just as he was about to put down the mobile phone, he suddenly saw the Luxi Temple breaking into the picture.

And the person on the other side still doesn't know how beautiful he is under Jian Luo's lens at this time.

Lu Xici turned her head, the sea breeze lifted her hair, she smiled and raised her hands to tidy it up.

With a click, Jian Luo put her beautiful figure into her mobile phone, and also put her into her eyes.

Facing Jian Luo, Lu Xici raised his hands and waved them a few times.

"Don't just stand there stupidly! Hurry up and play together. Be a man! You just need to know how to relax once in a while."

Seeing that Jian Luo didn't respond to what she said, Lu Xici ran up to him and stretched out his hand to Jian Luo.

"Come on, I'll play with you, you won't be shy again!"

Jian Luo looked at her outstretched hand.


Still no further action.

Lu Xici looked at him, with his hands hanging by his legs naturally.

Taking a step forward, he held him directly with his own hand.

"Let's go!"

Jian Luo just let her hold his hand and ran forward without any resistance.

"That's right! It's just like this to be able to have fun. Look, our footprints are all left on this row of sandy beaches."

At first glance, it really is.

A long series of footprints, one big and one small, have been connected for a long time.

Letting go of Jian Luo's hand, after Lu Xici ran to the sea, he was instantly shocked by the cold sea ice.

Jian Luo looked down at the hand that was held by Lu Xici earlier, and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, without any warning, the water that Lu Xici held in his palm with his head bowed directly poured on Jian Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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