Full server counterattack

Chapter 179 The Leftover Egg Fried Rice

Chapter 179 The Leftover Egg Fried Rice
[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] If I see her online, I will definitely tell her, brother.I wish you success in advance!But I still want to ask you one more question, do you like women or men?
Let me tell you that Gu Yin was a male number when he played the number one handsome player in this server, and this seventh brother's You Sang was also a male.

[Secret Chat] [Seventh Brother's Worrying Sang] You can also tell her very clearly that I already knew that she was a woman when she played the first handsome match in this server, and I also knew what she looked like.So, this time she couldn't escape.

God!Lu Xi Temple discovered a remarkable thing.

He already knew that Gu Yin was a woman?And the most important thing is to know what Gu Yin looks like.

Is it to a large extent that Seventh Brother's You Sang is someone Gu Yin knows in reality.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Could it be that you are her friend in real life?

[Secret Chat] [Seventh Brother's Worrying Sang] You don't need to worry about this, you just need to tell her this.

Lu Xici went offline before replying to the other party.

It seems that Gu Yin really met a strong opponent this time.

Lu Xici thought about it and decided to send a message to Gu Yin.

It's just that at this time, Gu Yin himself was in a hurry.There is no time to talk to Luxi Temple at all.

Because Gu Yin's computer was hacked just a moment ago.

After playing for a short time, I felt a little hungry in my stomach.

But if you go out at this time.

Forget it, it's okay to be hungry.

Lu Xici thought he could persevere.

half an hour passed
An hour passed.
Ok!I really can't bear it.It's like she would die if she didn't eat a meal that she loves so much.

Lu Xici put down the mouse, got up and walked to the door, and first put his ear on the door to observe.

When there was no movement outside, the door of the room was gently opened.

The lights outside are not on, it seems that Jian Luo should be in his room at this time.

Whenever he behaves like a thief in his own home.Luxi Temple really wants to cry but has no tears.

Smear went downstairs all the way to the kitchen.Opened the refrigerator door and took a lot of snacks in a mess.

Just as he was holding his things and turned around to leave, his eyes inadvertently saw a bowl on the stove opposite.

A bowl covers another bowl.Put your snacks aside for now.

Lu Xici walked up to the bowl.

Uncover gently by hand.

Then I saw a bowl of delicious fried rice with eggs that exuded heat and fragrance.

What did Jane Luo do?
Still made a special one for myself.

Could it be that he had expected that Luxi Temple would get up in the middle of the night to look for food.

Lu Xici walked to the door of the kitchen and looked up.

Make sure Jian Luo is not there.He turned around and started eating with a spoon.

All the snacks and so on were forgotten by her, and now only the egg fried rice in front of her is her favorite.

It is a bit loud to say that Lu Xici will probably forget his original movement once he eats it.

Jian Luo quietly opened the door, stood in the darkness and watched the people downstairs sitting there eating.

Finally entered the room and closed the door again.

Lu Xici was full and cleaned the bowl by the way.Put all the snacks that were to be taken away back into the refrigerator.

"I won't eat you for the time being tonight, and I will eat slowly when I have time tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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