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Chapter 183 Gu Yin Wants to Buy Clothes

Chapter 183 Gu Yin Wants to Buy Clothes (Addition)
Lu Xici sat in front of the computer for a whole afternoon, and there were still some unfinished things when he was about to get off work.

Gu Han said that it must be handed in in the afternoon, and it is impossible for Luxi Temple to take it home to do it.

Almost everyone in the office had left, only Lu Xi Temple and Gu Han who continued to sleep there were left.

Lu Xici is really envious of such a talented person who can earn money while sleeping.

But think about it.It may take some time to be able to write so many things by hand, but Lu Xici didn't see his hard side, but he seemed to enjoy it all the time.

Why!Improve yourself first.

The phone that was set aside rang.

Lucy took a look.

Gu Yin called.What's the matter with calling her at this time?
"I have something to say, I'm busy now."

Gu Yin yelled at Lu Xici on the phone.

"Xiaoci! I'm going to a party on Saturday, but now I don't think the clothes at home are suitable, so you come here quickly to help me choose."

"Miss, are you because I'm as free as you every day? I'm not only going to work with the boss now, but I also have to do something left by a bastard. I need it in a while."

"That's okay! It's okay for us to go together later, anyway, it's still early. I'll come and accompany you."

When Lu Xici wanted to say something else, Gu Yin had already hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone that has returned to normal, he muttered softly.

"The call hung up pretty quickly."

Does she come or not?Finish the work at hand first.

5 minutes later.Gu Yin's figure appeared on the opposite side.

"See if I'm alright, I'm here to accompany you."

"Well, it's really good. I just want to accompany you to buy clothes for a while. Let's talk about it after I'm done here! You can do it yourself."

Lu Xici didn't even raise his eyes to look at Gu Yin, his eyes kept turning back and forth between the computer and the handwritten manuscript.

Gu Yin looked at the documents next to her hand.

"I'm going, this word is so ugly! Who wrote it? You wrote it! When did your handwriting become so ugly?"

Lu Xici immediately convinced Gu Yin, and the voice of this speech could be heard on the entire floor.

She quickly looked at Gu Han.

There was no reaction, and it seemed that he slept soundly.

"Speak softly, I'm still here now. The person who is chasing non-stop is the one who fell asleep on the other side. This ugly word came from his hand. You should be careful! Don't wait for Gu Han to hear it I don’t know what to come up with to entrap me.”

Gu Yin looked at the person who was lying there with his back to them sleeping.

Is there such an exaggeration as Lu Xici said?

After typing the last word.

Click Save for Lucy Temple.

Sitting on a chair stretched.

"Hey! It's finally done, it really ruined the lives of this little fairy."

"Thought you were a cat! You still have a few lives, hurry up and pack up and let's go! Treat it as my invitation to dinner tonight." During the time of typing in Luxi Temple, Gu Yin was sitting by the side all the time Playing with mobile phone.

"Give me 10 minutes, I sorted out the materials and sent them to a mailbox."

There is also an email account at the bottom of the note, and Lu Xici still needs to sort it out and send it over.

It's just when Lu Xici enters it.The name that jumped out was a word Luo.

I don't know why, but I subconsciously think of Jian Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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