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Chapter 186 You Already Like Her

Chapter 186 You Already Like Her
When the secretary entered the office with the documents, she saw Jian Luo giggling alone with a mobile phone.

"Mr. Jian, I knocked on the door a few times, but there was no response, so I took the initiative to walk in."

Jian Luo regained consciousness and put down the phone in his hand.

"Well, it's okay, you are here."

"These documents need to be signed and stamped by Mr. Jian, so I will hand them in."

"give it to me!"

Cheng Lai handed the document in front of Jian Luo.

in the process of waiting.

Watching Jian Luo sign quickly.

"Boss Jian seems to be in a good mood today, must have met something happy!"

Jian Luo returned all the signed documents to Cheng Lai.

"Am I being so obvious?"

Cheng Lai smiled.

"It's already obvious to those of us who stand on the sidelines and see, is it because of someone you like?"

the person I like.

"That's impossible. She's not the person I like. It's just that every time I see her, I feel like I'm covered with sunshine in an instant, and my mood can also be slightly affected by her mood. Thinking about what's good about me Food. I will keep making an extra portion, and then share half with her. Sometimes my eyes will be on her and I will not move away, and I will do things to her that I can't think of." Jian Luo also has some Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cheng Lai in front of him.

"Mr. Jian, you are so successful in your career. Could it be that you have a negative EQ? It's obvious that you like the girl you described! And it's not just a general liking, but a very, very liking."

"Really? But I like someone else. Although the two of them are not together, she already has an emotional destination." When she said this, Jian Luo's expression became obviously serious, even though Even after such a long time, when he said it again, he still felt a slight strange feeling.

That's why he has kept this feeling deep in his heart until the end, and has been unwilling to bring it up.

He and she have never been together, and she has never liked Jian Luo, but she is the best girl Jian Luo met in college.

And this girl is living a very happy life now, with a man who loves her so much that he is willing to give his life.

It's just that this person was not Jian Luo from the beginning to the end.

"Who can say clearly about feelings? Maybe you are just passing by in her life. If you like it, you like it. Who doesn't have a young and frivolous relationship that ends without a problem. Maybe God wants you to meet better Only people will make you wait. Maybe Mr. Jian, you have regrets because you didn’t get it. You have been resisting in your heart. Even if you like another girl unknowingly, you are not willing to admit it. Why don’t you think about it. If you will regret a missed relationship, sometimes, liking is just so unreasonable."

Jian Luo looked up at Cheng Lai in front of him.

"I found that as my secretary, you are not only outstanding at work, but also very powerful emotionally."

Being praised by Jian Luo, Cheng Lai's face showed a hint of complacency.

"Could it be that Jane always forgot that I studied psychology before I didn't have a job."


After Cheng Lai left, Jian Luo found the mailbox on the computer and clicked in, and saw the email sent not long ago.

Signed Luxi Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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