Full server counterattack

Chapter 194 I Have Someone I Like

Chapter 194 I Have Someone I Like
This is crazy!It was clearly a matter between Gu Yin and Gu Han.Why did it involve Luxi Temple and Gu Yuze'an?

Terrified, Lu Xici hurried to find Gu Yuze'an.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Great God, if you have something to say, please don't talk indiscriminately in the world, okay?
Although there are relatively few people online in the game this evening, it doesn't mean that there are no people!Moreover, the appearance of the big night is an explosive event, and the number of onlookers is also quite scary.

[Secret chat] [Gu Yuze'an] So you always think I'm joking?

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Otherwise?Isn't it because I prevented you from getting married that time, so you still hold a grudge against her until now!Besides, I can be regarded as atonement, right? I also helped to save Qingcheng, so the matter between the two of us will be evened out.If you do well in the future, you will be number one in the whole server. As for me, I will still play my own game.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Do you think it's still too late?It's too late, my life has been gradually disrupted by you since you first appeared in my world.

Seeing this, Lu Xici really thought of Gu Yuze'an as the kind of man who fell in love with her so much that he couldn't help but want to be with Lu Xici.So she was ready to start amplifying her moves.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Great God, to tell you the truth, do I already have someone I like?I can't be with anyone in the game.

【Secret Chat】【Gu Yu Zean】.
[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] Let me tell you, don't believe me, I really like him, although I don't know his attitude towards me, but I also live under the same roof. Being angry for a long time is still very likely to happen. Although the mouth is poisonous and very cold occasionally, it does not prevent the occasional acting like a baby and laughing.

【Secret Chat】【Gu Yu Zean】.
[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] Why do you keep posting a long string of ellipses when you have nothing to do, anyway, I have already said what I should say, but you and me!You can still be friends.

After all, there is a friend who is like a god, and no one will refuse.

[Secret chat] [Gu Yuze'an] Are you sure you really like the person you said very much.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Yes, I like him.

[Secret chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Let's meet then!
What?There is something wrong with Gu Yu Ze'an.

The Luxi Temple has already been said to be like this.

He actually asked Lu Xici to go out and meet him now.If Lu Xici agrees to him, then Lu Xici is crazy.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Farewell, the Great God can't bear it, I've already said what I should say, it's useless to talk more.If you don't have anything to do, I can do it myself.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Are you sure you don't see me.At that time, you can compare who is better between me and the person you said.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] There is nothing comparable, he is the best in my heart, as long as he is someone I like.The bad things in the eyes of others are all good things that I can boast to the sky.

Gu Yuze'an didn't reply to what Lu Xici said, probably because he was busy or didn't want to talk to Lu Xici!
Lu Xici shook his head and turned off the computer.

Or wait until the break to play on it!I'm not in the mood to continue playing now.

 (I have seen everyone's comments, and I will pay attention. I ask for a wave of votes every day. See you in the evening update!)

(End of this chapter)

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