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Chapter 338 The Present Me and the Future Me

Chapter 338 The Present Me and the Future Me

While talking, I will go in and have a look at Luxi Temple.

I don't know if it's the wrong time to come, everything is on the master's table, but no one can be seen.

"What a pity? I want to show that master, I found the person I wanted to find."

Luxi Temple worshiped one by one.

"Thank you, thank you God. Thank you fate for making such a big joke on my life. Every day now, I feel that I am actually living a good life. Of course, I also want to thank myself for my perseverance, and then I have love. I have gained new friendships through my career. Family ties have always been so strong. Although there are some discrepancies with the life I planned at the beginning, I am quite satisfied with my current life in Luxi Temple. Treat me well."

Speaking of this, Lu Xici suddenly remembered a very important thing.

Pulling Jian Luo, he ran to a big tree outside.

Pointing to the big tree and asking Jian Luo.

"Do you know it? You have to be grateful for it."

I remember that the master here once said something to Luxi Temple, the general meaning is as follows.

Miss, the person who is destined to meet will meet sooner or later, not in a hurry.Peace of mind to wait.But feel this!It comes as soon as it is said, just like the thousand-year-old tree at the door, which has witnessed the love and separation and reunion of countless people for many years.Maybe your love will take root and sprout under the big tree.

At that time, Lu Xici didn't believe it at all, but seeing Jian Luo standing in front of her at this moment, she seemed to be able to believe it.Believe in this enigmatic future.

But the wish she made under the tree was to find the man who had saved her.

If you look at it now, even if you can't find Luxi Temple, maybe you just feel regretful, but you don't insist.

"You two are so familiar."

Just when Lu Xici and Jian Luo were standing in front of the wishing tree, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him. Lu Xici turned around and saw that this was the master who wanted to marry her back then.

And why didn't you look at him inside?

Master Ganqing also went down the mountain.

"Master, master, do you still remember me? When you came here earlier, you still counted my marriage."

"I have an impression, especially a beautiful girl like you."

Ouch, I feel embarrassed about talking about Luxi Temple.

"And the person next to you should have been here before, right?"

Jian Luo nodded slightly.

"Fate is so wonderful sometimes, the two of you stroll around slowly, and I will go to work first if I have something else to do."

After bidding farewell to the master, Lu Xici turned and looked at Jian Luo.

"So bring me here is"

"Do you know what I was doing here?"

Lu Xici only knew that she came here as a transfer of luck, but she didn't know about Jian Luo!
"Could it be that you also came here to transfer your luck?"

Jian Luo took her hand and walked forward slowly.

"One of the main reasons why I came here is to say goodbye to the past and start a new life."

Lu Xici looked confused.

Here are several meanings.

"Has something to do with that girl."

"I did put the photo in the wallet, but I burned that photo later. It's just the photo in the phone, I really forgot. I gave myself a few times when I was deciding whether to be with you. The reason is to really think about whether two people can come together and go on. From the moment I decided to stand in the square and wait for you, I was sure of my heart and wanted to go on with you. determination. I have given you the best of me, so you just have to trust me in who I am now and who I will be in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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