Full server counterattack

Chapter 344 Caught off guard and pushed to the ground

Chapter 344 Caught off guard and pushed to the ground

"No way! Luxi Temple, I can only see vague numbers, but I really can't see the specifics. Your eyes are too sharp! How did you see it?"

Um, I don't know how to explain this Luxi Temple to Gu Yin.

Probably it varies from person to person!

"If that's the case, we'll go directly to 4009 when we arrive, and save unnecessary trouble."

Gu Han found a place and parked the car. After getting off the car, the three of them ran straight to the hotel, took the elevator all the way to the floor they belonged to, and found 4009.

Just when Gu Han reached out to knock on the door, Gu Yin hurriedly stopped her.

"Hey! You just knocked on the door so openly."

"Otherwise, you have to knock on the door anyway. If you open the door and find that it's not right, just say you've found the wrong person and run away quickly." Gu Han replied to Gu Yin with a cute face.

"This is the room, knock!"

Even Lu Xi Temple said so.That Gu Han stretched out his hand and knocked a few times.

After a while, a woman's voice came from inside.

"Who is it!"

At this time, Gu Han tidied up his throat a little.

Reply to the other party with a special magnetic tone.

"Service delivery."

Even Gu Yin was taken aback by Gu Han's bumbling voice, but it sounded a little sissy.

Taking advantage of this time, before the door was opened, he gave Gu Han a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Gu Han was overjoyed, his smile was brilliant!

After Fu Ziyan came out of the bathroom, he heard a knock on the door, and thought it was something he had just called earlier.Didn't expect it to be delivered so soon.

"wait a minute!"

She had to put on a coat first.

When he walked to the bed, he looked at the person lying quietly on the bed at the moment.

Fu Ziyan possessed himself.

He reached out and patted Jian Luo's face.

He is handsome when he speaks, and exudes the unique charm of a man in his gestures. Now even lying on the bed is so so attractive. Immediately want to pounce on him.

"Why does she have such good luck in Luxi Temple every time? As long as I have the ability to get it, I will get it at any cost. Including a handsome and charming man like you, who will become the person under me in a while .”

Fu Ziyan was also present at today's gathering.Moreover, he deliberately chose a position close to Jian Luo.

Although Jian Luo rejected her several times during the period.

But out of face, I still had a symbolic drink.

This cup is enough for Fu Zitian to complete his plan and drug Jian Luo.When everyone was about to leave after eating and drinking, Jian Luo, who hadn't gotten up and walked a few steps, was about to die.Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten him to this place now.But it took a lot of effort, but along the way, he often heard his name called Lu Xici.

"Lu Xici! It's useless even if you call her by her name overnight. She might be angry and yelling at the photo I sent her at this moment? I'll send her a text after the matter is over later. Be a bit explicit, I guess your love will collapse with a bang~"

After putting on his coat, he walked towards the door, and when he opened the door before he could see the person in front of him clearly, he was thrown to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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