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Chapter 350 Only one person can be trusted in this world

Chapter 350 Only one person can be trusted in this world
"Too bad, she actually just left alone."

Gu Yin hurriedly grabbed her bag and chased him out.

But she is not familiar with the people who come and go around here.

Walking and walking also gave myself a dizzy.

For Luxi Temple, go downstairs and take a taxi directly to W.

At the front desk, I said that I wanted to find Fu Ziyan, but the other party said that Fu Ziyan was not in the company today.

What else can I do, it seems that this time she is going to kill her.

Lu Xici would not find it so easily.

So I walked out of the door of W company again.

"Luxi Temple."

Suddenly hearing someone calling her name, Lu Xici turned around and found that the person calling her name was actually Zhuang Simiao.

That's right, Zhuang Simiao should also be a talent in this company.

"It's rare that I call you at this time, and you can still stop and look at me a few more times."

Zhuang Simiao walked to Luxi Temple with her bag on her back.

"Do you have anything to do? If it's okay, I still have something to do. Let's go first."

"Aren't you here to look for Fu Ziyan?"

Lu Xici looked at the person in front of him.

How did she know.

Seeing that Zhuang Simiao didn't answer from Luxi Temple, he knew that he guessed it right nine out of ten.

"This morning, I watched Fu Zinian rush to the company to ask for leave and then leave in a hurry. Seeing you like this, I guess you hit a wall."

"Then what do you want to say."

"I can tell you where her home is."

Hearing Zhuang Simiao's words, Lu Xici smiled.

"If someone asks me who are the only two people in the world that I can't believe, then I will definitely answer Fu Ziyan and Zhuang Simiao without hesitation."

"I admit that I did a lot of bad things to you before. It's because I'm very jealous of you. I'm jealous that you can get what you want without any effort. I'm jealous that the eyes of men and women often The feeling of staying on you. That's why I want to destroy you, but now, compared with Fu Ziyan, I should really want to kill her more."

"I really didn't expect that the two of you would bite each other. Zhuang Simiao, you probably didn't expect that the person you personally pushed up to now has a higher status than you!"

Zhuang Simiao smiled bitterly, took out a post-it note and a pen from his bag, wrote down Fu Zinian's address on the paper, and pasted it on Lu Xici's clothes.

"Thinking about how much money my dad gave her is mixed with this house, I feel very angry! I also gave you the address. It is up to you whether to go or not. If someone is giving her the address at this time You ask a question, the world chooses the only person you can trust between Zhuang Simiao and Fu Ziyan, I believe you will know your answer, we all get what we need, it's just mutual benefit."

After speaking, Zhuang Simiao left directly.

Lu Xici was left standing there alone.

He took off the post-it note from his clothes and held it in his hand to look at it.

If someone asked her a question, if Zhuang Simiao and Fu Ziyan could only trust one person in this world, then Lu Xici would believe it. Who would she choose to trust?
Lu Xici firmly held the note in his hand.Turn around and walk towards the place where you can take a taxi.

After getting on the bus, Lu Xici handed the note in his hand to the driver.

When Lu Xici was in the car, he sent Gu Yin a message.Tell her where she is going now, so it is always safer.

(End of this chapter)

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