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Chapter 355 You Saved Me Back then

Chapter 355 You Saved Me Back then

"I've been looking for him for a long time. Every time I pass by here, I have to stop and wait to see if he will pass me by at a certain time and place, but I may not even recognize him. At that time, I really didn't see his appearance very clearly, so I could only rely on my feelings. Without him, there might not be the current Luxi Temple. When I didn't know you, one of the wishes I made in the temple was I hope to find him one day, I have no other thoughts, I just want to say thank you to him, Jane Luo."

If suddenly the person you have been looking for appeared in front of you without warning, how would you react?

Is it just like Lu Xici is at a loss at this moment?

Looking at Jian Luo with red eyes, she was slightly flushed.

"Jian Luo, are you the angel who saved me?"

She was lying on the ground like that, and he was standing in front of her. When the two of them looked at each other, Jian Luo looked at Lu Xici very seriously at this moment.The current Luxi Temple is very sober.He knew who the person standing in front of him was at the moment.

Lu Xici's feeling was unmistakable, even though at that time he couldn't see the other party's face clearly.

Jian Luo didn't answer her words.

Lu Xici continued to question.

"Have you ever been to this place?"

Finally, Jian Luo curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Gently nodded.

Lu Xici got up and jumped up and excitedly stepped forward to hug Jian Luo. Seeing such an active Lu Xici, he was a little overwhelmed for a while, but his heart was very sweet.

"Actually, I always thought that I only saved you once, but I didn't expect to save you here as well. At that time, your face was covered with blood, and I was in a hurry to go to the airport, so everything was lost."

"I think of a time when I went to pick her up from get off work as a part-time job at night, I met a gangster on the way. I was injured and you saved me, right. If you said that, wouldn't you have recognized me a long time ago?" .”

No wonder Fu Ziyan had a hesitant expression towards Lu Xici when he saw Jian Luo earlier.

"Yes! Except for the car accident here, which I don't remember, I have already had an impression of you, and you broke into my world unknowingly."

Lu Xici hugged Jian Luo like a bear and refused to let go.

"Do you know how happy and excited I am right now? The person who is always by my side, not just my boyfriend, but the person who gave me a second life. I feel very lucky."

"Okay, I can understand your mood, but can you let me take a breather at this time? Be careful that if you keep on like this, you won't have a boyfriend."

After hearing what he said, Lu Xici hurriedly let go of Jian Luo.

He turned his head and patted his face.

"Ouch! So what! You just pretend that Lu Xi Temple never appeared before, and now this Lu Xi Temple is real. She is definitely not a psychopath."

Jian Luo felt that God was fair, and when he lost something, he would quietly give him something else.

At this moment, the one in front of him is the most important one to him.

"Luxi Temple."


"Thank you God for sending you to my side."

He was serious when he spoke, with a light in his eyes.At that time, she was willing to believe everything Jian Luo said.

Lu Xici smiled with tears.

By the time we got home, it was almost daylight.

Neither of them felt sleepy at all.

Standing at the door of the house holding Lu Xici's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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