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Chapter 360 Parents' Celebration

Chapter 360 Parents' Celebration

If you say you want to continue playing, then continue playing.

It's just that Tang Li kept looking at Lu Xici, feeling the eyes from her side, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

So he put down what he was doing and turned to look at Tang Li.

"Do you want to ask about the matter between me and Jian Luo?"

Tang Li nodded, then immediately shook her head.

"Mom! I don't have to know what's on your mind. If you want to ask anything, just ask." Anyway, Lu Xici was talking to them like that just now.Also thought that there will be this time.

"Actually! Mom doesn't have anything special to ask, but just wants to know if you really decided to be with Jian Luo. Or is it just for fun between the two of you. Then there will be no more."

"Mom! Believe me, being with Jian Luo is deliberate. Of course, we have only been together for a short time now, so we haven't given much thought to the following things. But don't worry! We are all adults, we know What are you doing. Of course! I like Jian Luo very much, so you and Dad are not allowed to interfere."

Tang Li pretended to be serious and educated Luxi Temple, of course she definitely did not object to their being together.

"Then you have fun by yourself, I'll go out first."

The moment Tang Li turned to leave, her entire face was beaming with joy.

After walking outside, he was pulled aside by Lu's father who had been waiting for a long time.

"how is it going."

Tang Li made an OK gesture, and the two of them laughed brilliantly.

"Old Lu, I think the two of us should go out and celebrate."

"Success, we will go wherever you say."

Because the two were standing at the door of Luxi Temple's room and discussing in low voices, the moment the door was suddenly opened still gave them a big shock.

Lu Xici just wanted to go out to use the toilet, and the moment he opened the door, he saw two people standing at his door.

"What are you guys doing?"

Lu Yuanzhi and Tang Li quickly became serious.

"That... your mother and I are discussing going to dinner together at night? You can eat whatever you want at home!"

Lu Xici looked at the two with wide eyes, so this meant to abandon her again.

"Standing at the door of my room discussing what to eat out tonight. And it shouldn't be an important holiday today!"

"Hey! This is a little secret between me and your mother. Don't meddle in it. Hurry up and do what you have to do."

The two left while talking, leaving only Lu Xici standing at the door.

Sure enough!It's your own, so you can't ignore it.

There was only Lu Xici left at home, so he turned around and went into the house to continue playing games.

When I sat back in front of the computer, I saw several messages.

[Secret Chat] [Scarlet Jiangnan] You really divorced Gu Yu Ze'an.

[Secret Chat] [Scarlet Jiangnan]? ? ?
[Secret Chat] [Scarlet Jiangnan] Why didn't you speak.

As soon as Lu Xici saw it, he immediately sent him a message.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Yes, so I can keep the promise I made to you, let's go!Don't you want me to marry you?I just happen to be free now.

[Secret Chat] [Scarlet Jiangnan] Do you really want to?

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Is there any difference between willing and unwilling?This is what I owe you, it should be done.Do not worry!What should be paid back must be paid back.

(End of this chapter)

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