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Chapter 366 Meeting Each Other

Chapter 366 Meeting Each Other
In fact, this place is not very far from home, and I can go back by myself after Luxi Temple is finished later, so there is no need for Jian Luo to pick him up in person.

She is not a child.

"Sister, you are really happy. You have been cared about since you came out. Looking at my stupid brother, he hasn't called me yet. It seems that he really forgot about my sister." gone."

Mo Xinchen looked at her mobile phone.

Normally, at this time, Mo Yun would definitely call her.

But this time I haven't received a call from him since I went out, even if it's a text message to ask, it's good!

It seems that on the matter of Luxi Temple, the two brothers and sisters have different opinions for the first time.

This time, no matter what Mo Yun would do to stop her.

Mo Xinchen herself had already made up her mind to do this matter according to her ideas.It is for the happiness of my brother, but also for my own happiness.

One day, my brother will realize her good intentions.

Mo Xinchen looked at Lu Xici who was standing there and didn't know what was still thinking in his heart at the moment.

Sister Xiaoci, my brother likes you so much, at least since I was sensible, I have never seen him be so attached to a girl.If you don't like him now, it's because you don't know him well enough.

After you really understand what kind of person my brother is, I guarantee you will definitely fall in love with him.

And at this time, people who are still standing there thinking about Jian Luo, how could they think that the people sitting there have already started to calculate themselves in their hearts.

Twenty minutes later, Jian Luo appeared within his sight.

Lu Xici waved at him.

In fact, Jian Luo had already spotted her without waving her hand.

Walking in front of Lu Xi Temple, he stretched out his hand to straighten her somewhat messy hair blown by the wind.

"Just by looking at you like this, you know you must have eaten a lot, right?"

Although he was questioning Lu Xici, there was a lot of pampering in his tone.

"I promise I didn't eat much." It just seemed that even God was unwilling to help Lu Xici at this time. In front of Jian Luo, Lu Xici couldn't help hiccupping out.

Then he looked awkwardly at the person in front of him.

Why were you talking so swearingly just a second ago?In the next second, he slapped himself in the face severely.

"That... is actually the one who eats first, looking at them row by row. They are all waving to me and telling me. Come on, come on! Come on and eat me, and then I can't help but satisfy others This wish, right! So I said... You should know all about the following situation."

Jian Luo just stood there, listening to her serious nonsense.

Just as he was about to speak, he accidentally saw a girl sitting there looking at him and Lucy.


"Look at my memory, I was too busy looking at it, and I forgot to come here to let you know each other. This is Mo Xinchen, Mo Yun's younger sister. Xinchen is Jian Luo."

Mo Xinchen generously extended her hand to Jian Luo.

"Hello, Jian Luo, my name is Mo Xinchen, you can just call me Achen."

"Hello, Miss Mo."

Everyone had already asked Jian Luo to call her Ah Chen so clearly, but Jian Luo still kept a distance.Because some intimate nicknames are not suitable for everyone.

I don't know if it's Lu Xici's illusion or she just likes to think about it when she has nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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