Chapter 369
Lu Xici stood up and looked at her, maybe Mo Xinchen felt that Lu Xici was completely focused on talking to Jian Luo just now, so he ignored what was going on in her heart.

"If you go home late later, my brother will definitely be worried."

"Then why don't Jian Luo and I send you back! Anyway, the two of us have nothing to do."

"Don't, don't, really don't need it, I'll take a taxi and get home. It's safe, don't worry! Goodbye then."

After speaking, Mo Xinchen went straight into the crowd and disappeared from the sight of Luxi Temple.

From Mo Xinchen's point of view, some things are done step by step and there is no rush.Otherwise, it is easy to backfire.

So she didn't pay attention to the obstacles that were not obstacles in front of her.

Lu Xici turned to look at Jian Luo.

"Why do you feel like you don't like Xin Chen very much, you didn't say a word to him just now. I even called you when I greeted you."

Sometimes not only women's intuition is more accurate, but also men's intuition.

Jian Luo felt that the woman named Mo Xinchen had a deep city in her heart, and judging from the way she looked at her, there was also a deep meaning.

But it was impossible for him to tell Lucy Temple all this so blatantly.

Jian Luo looked at Luxi Temple.

"Really? Did I ignore her? You misunderstood yourself! It's getting late, and we should go back and rest."

Lucy nodded.

Under Jian Luo's hand, he returned home with the uneaten food.

Throughout the night, Luxi Temple was in a state of being too full to sleep.

And so it went on until morning.

Then she was disgusted by Jian Luo who was standing at the sink brushing her teeth.

"You didn't sleep all night last night, did you?"

Lu Xici rubbed her face and looked at herself in the mirror.

I'm not energetic, and I have a few pimples on my face, which are red.
"Oh, you know what to say? I'm too full, and there are too many peppers. Then look at it now! How can I go out to meet people now?"

After Jian Luo finished washing, she went downstairs.

Lu Xici was left standing alone in front of the mirror and howling.

His face already looked like this, it was equivalent to taking a knife and scratching the flesh of Lu Xi Temple a few times.

She stayed alone in the toilet for several ten minutes, until Tang Li's voice came up calling for food.

"Got it! Come right away."

When sitting on the table, Lu Xici looked at the delicious food on the table.

But no appetite at all.

"Usually hungry wolves rush for food, why are you suddenly so reserved today. Hurry up and eat!"

Lu Xi Temple didn't have much appetite in the first place.What Jian Luo said next made Lu Xici lose his appetite even more.

While eating, Jian Luo suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand.

The main thing was to look at Lu Yuanzhi and Tang Li on the opposite side.

"Uncle and aunt, there is something I need to tell you."

Hearing what he said, Lu Xici also pricked up his ears to listen carefully to what he wanted to say.

"I've been bothering my uncle and aunt's house for so long. The new house is almost cleaned up, and I might move in within two days."

As soon as these words came out, the remaining three people all looked at him in unison.

At this time, Lu Xici couldn't even take care of the pimples on his face.

It was Lu Yuanzhi who answered first.

(End of this chapter)

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