Chapter 373

[World] [Aunt Meng Mian] If you talk nonsense, I will issue a warrant.I believe everyone knows about the relationship between Xiaoci and Scarlet Jiangnan.But it was because Scarlet Jiangnan helped Qingcheng at that time that the following things happened, and what Chunjiangshui really likes is our leader.

[World] [Ugly and earth-shattering] If you say so, the apology for this big scene is really for the sake of spring water;

[World] [Aunt Meng Mian] So what if it is, so what if it is not.Anyway, anyone who is interested will be able to see it, and she can also understand the attitude of the person who apologized to the end.

At this time, Lu Xici's hand on the keyboard hesitated for a moment.

This. Could it be that she was really talking about it?
Didn't she just get angry with Jian Luo just now?It shouldn't be so fast!
After much deliberation, I can't think of a second one.

Since she can't ask, she can also ask other people in Qingcheng.

So he locked his target and went to find Jinse.

[Secret chat] [Yici Chunjiangshui] Hello Jinse, I would like to ask who is the person you are apologizing to this time.
[Secret chat] [Jinse Liuguang] Hey, Xiaoci, you came to me!The person we are apologizing to this time is you. The gang leader said he made you angry, but you ignored him, so there is such a thing.

After a long time, the romantic person she thought was Jian Luo.

snort!Who else did you think it was?
Seeing that Luxi Temple did not reply to the message.

Jinse Liuguang sent her another message.

[Secret chat] [Jinse Liuguang] Small temple, please forgive the leader!He has already introspected deeply and knows where he went wrong.

Ok?Could it be that Jian Luo also told the people in the gang what happened between them.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] You know what happened between us.

[Secret chat] [Jinse Liuguang] No!But we all know what the gang leader is like.He must have known he was wrong.Then give him a chance, if he is bullying you next time, we will help you.

Lu Xici looked at the message sent by the other party and smiled slightly.

The people in Qingcheng are so lovely.What a delight.

But Jian Luo should also let him know what it was like to offend her in Lu Xici.

It really makes people feel annoyed that they are going to move out without telling Lu Xici about such a big matter.Anyway, this time Luxi Temple will not compromise easily.

Just when Lu Xi Temple was about to look and do other things, he suddenly heard a knock on the door of his room.

It must be Jian Luo, so she just ignores it.

But after a while, the voice of someone outside the door rang out.

"Small Temple, Luxi Temple. What are you doing? Close the door in broad daylight. Open the door."

what!It was Tang Li's voice.

Lu Xici immediately put down the mouse, went to the door and opened it.He looked at the person standing at his door.

"Mom! Is there something wrong?"

"Why, is it possible that if you come to see you now, you need to make an appointment in advance."

"That's not it."

"This is watermelon, take it in and eat it slowly!"

Tang Li was holding sliced ​​watermelon in two plates.

What is the other plate?

"One plate is for you, and the other plate is for Jian Luo. You put yourself back quickly and send Jian Luo to the room."

However, Lu Xici just glanced at the other plate of watermelon in Tang Li's hand, then turned around and went back to the house, continued to close the door, and left a word for Tang Li when it was over.

(End of this chapter)

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