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Chapter 379 Meeting Mo Xinchen at the Door of the Company

Chapter 379 Meeting Mo Xinchen at the Door of the Company

"Oh my god! Are you trying to scare me to death?"

"Ah! That's not true. I was just thinking about one thing. Did you tell Gu Yin something recently? I think she is avoiding me intentionally or not. Either she doesn't answer text messages or calls. answer, or just hang up the phone after saying a few words. So I was wondering if you betrayed me. "

Lu Xici gave Gu Han a blank look.

"Do you think I look like the kind of person who would betray you?"

Gu Han nodded like pounding garlic.

Getting angry with Lu Xici immediately wanted to beat him up.

"I said, can you think so much every day? Is there any use after thinking so much? Besides, has Gu Yin rejected you now? So you still have hope, don't you, come on! Great God, I like you."

Watching Gu Han return to his seat.Lucy thought about it.

Anyway, now Gu Yin already knew that Gu Han liked her.So as for the development of the rest of the matter, it seems that it is not related to the Luxi Temple.

As soon as the off-duty time came, Lu Xici walked out of the company with her bag on her back.

It was not long after Luxi Temple left.

Jian Luo arrived at their department.

Slowly wandering to Gu Han's side, he patted his shoulder lightly.

At this time, Gu Han was lying on the table and Zhengxiang was sleeping?

After being disturbed like this, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

But when they got up together and saw that it was Jian Luo, they didn't say anything.

Gu Han looked around in a daze.


"It turns out that everyone has already left work, no wonder there is no one there."

Jian Luo leaned against Gu Han's table.

"Since they're all off work, why are you still here?"

"It's not that you don't know that even if I go back, I'm alone. It's better to stay here. However, you shouldn't come here at this time to find me, right?"

Jian Luo didn't answer in a hurry, but set her sights on the location of Luxi Temple.

Gu Han knew it when he saw his eyes.

"Lu Xi Temple will leave as soon as the off-duty time comes. It seems that the time has not gone far. If you go after it now, there is still time."

Jian Luo raised her eyebrows and stood up straight.

I didn't expect that I could be seen through so easily now.

Under the guise of looking for Gu Han, he just wanted to see if Lu Xici had left.

"Then I'll take a step first, and you should go home early!"

After speaking, Jian Luo raised her foot and walked out, leaving Gu Han standing there alone and watching stupidly.

Jian Luo is already so proactive, so should he also take action against Gu Yin?You can't always be nice to others overtly and secretly like this.

After Lu Xici left the company gate, he was going to head towards the bus station.

At this moment, someone called her name.

He turned his head and looked around.He saw Mo Xinchen standing not far away.

Ok?She is here at this time.

Mo Xinchen took the initiative to walk in front of Luxi Temple.

"Sister Xiaoci, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Xinchen, are you here?"

"Oh! I'm here to pick up my brother home today! I haven't waited until my brother saw you."

"That's it! Mo Yun should be out in a while, so I'll go home first. I'm too tired from work today. I feel like I'm not motivated at all."

"Really? Then sister, you should go home and have a rest! I still have to wait here for my brother to come out."

(End of this chapter)

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