Full server counterattack

Chapter 391 According to the original chapter

Chapter 391 According to the original words

It's over. Hearing Zhang Ziwei say such a sentence, everyone present looked at him in an instant.

"Eh me?"

"Why? I think what I said is not good, and I don't even think it's necessary to take notes."

Of course, Luxi Temple does not mean that.

I just feel that there is no need to record what she said.Generally speaking, only a few points are more important, and most of the rest are nonsense.The key is that almost all of those important points in Luxi Temple are remembered after listening to it once.

"I'm sorry, Manager Zhang, I don't think you mean anything bad. It's just that I have all the things you want to say in my mind. So I don't. "

"That is to say, what I said is not even qualified for you to record."

Lu Xi Temple was also speechless, where did she feel this.Obviously Luxi Temple didn't mean that, so is it here to deliberately target her now?

"Manager Zhang, I think you have misunderstood."

Zhang Ziwei looked up at the people present.

Looking at Luxi Temple.

Xu Wentian originally wanted to say a few words for Lu Xici.

However, this aura is really not as high as Zhang Ziwei's, and he was stared back with just one look.

Gu Han was awake at this time, with his hands folded around his chest, looking like he was watching a good show.

Lu Xici really hated it.

Didn't this bastard once angered Zhang Ziwei?How did you get discouraged at this time.

"Lu Xici, then you repeat all the words I just said, and I won't let you explain them one by one, just say the key points clearly."

The key words?

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

Zhang Ziwei looked at Lu Xi Temple amusedly.

She still doesn't believe that Lu Xici can tell everything.She can be considered smart if she can remember one or two.

Lu Xici cleared his throat and stood up.

I looked at those present here.

When Gu Han saw her posture, it meant that she was about to make a big move!

"Then I'll just say it. What Manager Zhang said just now focused on the things that need to be paid attention to in this cooperation with Aishang Company, mainly including the following points. Next, I will explain them separately."

From the beginning to the present, Lu Xici kept talking non-stop, without taking a breath in the middle.

After 10 minutes, he closed his mouth after speaking, and then looked at Zhang Ziwei looking at Xu Wentian.

Anyway, if you want her to understand it, that's probably what it means.

Xu Wentian smiled gratifiedly at Luxi Temple, but Zhang Ziwei's expression changed, because Luxi Temple was almost the same as what she said.And it is more streamlined and easy to remember, in this way.It made people feel that what Zhang Ziwei said was superfluous.

"This time, everyone who is present at the cooperation plan with Aishang must participate. After three days, everyone will hand over a complete plan to me. The meeting will be adjourned." After speaking, Zhang Ziwei took her own information and walked out first office.

Seeing this, Xu Wentian immediately followed.

Hua Xianzi got up and looked at Luxi Temple excitedly.

"Xiaoci, that's amazing! You didn't even see her expression just now when Zhang Ziwei was beaten back like this. She changed in a flash, as if she had changed her face. She usually looks like that. The haughty and extremely arrogant expression, it must be deflated now! It's very satisfying."

"You guys think it's very satisfying. I might be blacklisted by her! Thinking about the future life may not be so easy, God!"

(End of this chapter)

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