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Chapter 410 Let's remarry

Chapter 410 Let's remarry

Tang Lila went to wash the dishes in Luxi Temple.

It was said to be washing dishes, but in fact Tang Lila lived in Luxi Temple and chatted there.

"Small temple! When Jian Luo leaves later, go see him off!"

Lucy nodded.

Jian Luo wants to leave without waiting for Tang Li to say that she is also going to give it off!

"Well, I'll see him off later."

The two of you are talking to me sentence by sentence.At this time, Jian Luo walked to the kitchen and greeted Tang Li and said that she was leaving.

"Auntie, I have to deal with the company's affairs after I go back, so I'm going to go back and come to see you and uncle when I have time next time."

"Okay, Xiao Luo, let Xiaoci send you out like this."

Then Tang Li pushed Luxi Temple.

"Xiaoci, send Jian Luo off quickly."

Lu Xici nodded, turned around and followed behind Jian Luo.

Follow him all the way to the door.

Jian Luo stopped walking, and Lu Xici directly bumped into her without paying attention, hitting Jian Luo's back straight, with a bit of force, and she grinned in pain.


Jian Luo turned around and looked at Lu Xici who was rubbing her head.


It's funny and angry.

Pulling past Lu Xici, he reached out and rubbed her head lightly, and blew on her head very lovingly.

When the cool wind hit, Lu Xici shrank his head.

"Why are you so stupid every time?"

"Didn't they all say that women in love have negative IQs?"

What he said made Jian Luo unable to answer.

Thousands of words turned into a little fool.

"Just take me here! The car is here too. I'm going home."

Lucy nodded.

"Be careful on the road."

Jane Luo got into the car.

Lu Xici felt that he had something to say.

Until Jian Luo was about to leave.

"That. Are you going to play the game later?"

Jian Luo stopped what she was doing and looked at her.

"Huh? Want me to play the game."

Lu Xici nodded slightly.

"If possible, let's remarry!" Think about the last time the two got divorced because of Scarlet Jiangnan, but now Lu Xici and Scarlet Jiangnan are not married, and Scarlet Jiangnan will not say that he is letting Lu Xici marry her. .

"Okay. I'll be online when the time comes."

"Then go home quickly! Bye!"

Lu Xici waved his hand, watched Jian Luo's car drive out of his sight before turning back home.

Tang Li watched Lu Xici come back again.

"I thought you were going to leave with Jian Luo? I didn't expect you to come back."

"Mom! Are you so anxious to marry me off?"

Seeing Tang Li like this, Lu Xici knew what she was thinking.

"How is it possible? Does your mother look like this kind of person? Even if you stay at home and never get married, your mother and father will be able to support you. Your father and I just think that Jian Luo is a very good child. So I hope you take good care of it, for some people, if they miss such a moment, it will be a lifetime thing."

Lu Xici nodded fiercely.

"I know, I know everything you said, so don't worry! My daughter is this old, so it's possible that she doesn't know how to deal with emotional matters. I'll go up and play first!"

Looking at the figure going upstairs in Luxi Temple, Tang Li is really, a little bit at a loss for what to say.

The fear is that Lu Xici doesn't know how to deal with things after encountering emotionally. After all, in their opinion, this is the first time that Lu Xici has such a serious relationship.Although they are quite satisfied with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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