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Chapter 427 Zhang Ziwei and Mo Xinchen

Chapter 427 Zhang Ziwei and Mo Xinchen

Lu Xici rushed to Tang Li, and then hugged his mother.

"Mom! You really found a good decathlon husband. My dad is super good. He can fix broken phones for me."

"I thought what was it? It's not that your dad likes to study this and that just because he has nothing to do. He can barely do the trivial things."

Lu Yuanzhi walked out.

"Actually, even if the phone is dropped, there is no big problem. It's just that you are too anxious, and you can't do things well. It's an easy thing to do when you calm down. The phone is also repaired, so go to rest early! I Get ready to sleep with your mother too."

Lu Xici took the mobile phone and kissed Tang Li and Lu Yuanzhi on the cheeks.

"Good night."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the phone was turned on, Lu Xici received a message from Gu Han.

It turned out that the information was really in his heart at this time, so Lu Xici would feel more at ease.

Lu Xici called Mo Yun and said thank you.

"Finally, I can rest assured and have a good night's sleep."

Hang up the phone and go to bed in Luxi Temple.

And Mo Yun was still sitting on the balcony watching the night scene outside.

There was red wine and an empty glass by hand.

Just calling him from Lu Xici was enough to surprise him.

Mo Xinchen came home and saw her brother sitting alone on the balcony.

After changing his shoes, he walked over and walked up to Mo Yun.

"Brother, why are you depressed here alone? You also drank wine. Are you okay!"

Mo Yun seldom worries about some things, but Luxi Temple is the only main point that makes Mo Yun often have serious mood changes.

"No, I'm just thinking about something, what? Do you want to drink? I will allow you to drink with me today."

Mo Xinchen rolled her eyes at Mo Yun.

"Girls of my age, you still believe that I have never drunk red wine! You should keep it for yourself and drink it slowly! I'll go to bed first, seeing you like this is because you are trapped by love."

After Mo Xinchen chatted with him a few words, he went into the room to rest.Just as he was about to go to the room, the doorbell rang at this moment.

"Huh? It's so late, who is still looking for us at this time."

While talking, he walked towards the door.

As soon as I opened it, I saw Zhang Ziwei standing at the door.

"why is it you again."

"Xinchen, I don't think I have much conflict with you. I remember that you used to call me sister anyway, why seeing me now is like seeing an enemy."

After all, Mo Xinchen was on Mo Yun's side.Although there was not much conflict before, it is different now.

Zhang Ziwei's liking for Mo Yun can be seen directly by anyone with a discerning eye.

If Zhang Ziwei appeared in the middle from time to time, it would greatly hinder the development of Lu Xici and Mo Yun.She can't let this happen.

So we must cut off the idea that Zhang Ziwei still likes Mo Yun.

"You said it was before, not now. I was young and frivolous and ignorant before, but now I can tell right from wrong."

"What do you mean? Could it be that I, Zhang Ziwei, have done something to offend you brothers and sisters? Did Lu Xici say something bad about me to you?"

Zhang Ziwei wanted to enter the house, but was blocked by Mo Xinchen's foot.

"My brother is not at home, even if he is at home, he won't let you in."

"Mo Xinchen, just because I don't lose my temper doesn't mean I don't have a temper. Don't challenge my bottom line here."

"Ouch! You're showing your true colors now! You still want to kill me, and you treat me like this now. If you really enter the door, it's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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