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Chapter 429 Gu Yin is busy

Chapter 429 Gu Yin is busy
Lu Xici and Gu Han still had buns in their mouths, so they didn't call out Gu Yin's name immediately.

I thought that Gu Yin would be able to say hello when he saw the two of them.

But who knew that while the two were amazed, Gu Yin just walked in with his things, and approached the company's gate in a daze.

Lu Xici and Gu Han both looked at each other.

It was obvious that Gu Yin was abnormal.

"Gu Yin."

Hearing someone calling his name, Gu Yin stopped and turned around, and saw Lu Xici and Gu Han standing behind him.

"Huh? Xiaoci, you've arrived at the company too! Then go to work quickly! I have to pack up and go to work."

After speaking, he stopped talking to Lu Xici and Gu Han, turned around and continued walking forward.

Gu Han ate the whole bun.

puzzled question.

"Did something happen to Gu Yin recently? Why are you always so out of control? You play so well with her. Did something happen in her family?"

80.00% of Luxi Temple knew what was going on, but she would not tell Gu Han at this time.

"I'll go talk to her after get off work! Go to work now."

Lu Xi Temple and Gu Han walked in together.

As soon as she got her seat and before she had time to sit down, Fairy Hua completed what Mo Yun had asked her to do.

"Xiaoci, this is what Manager Mo asked me to give you just now."

"Okay, thank you fairy."

Lu Xici took the document and sat down in his seat, taking out all the contents.

He looked at the places that Shen Qingchen helped him modify.

Sure enough, the modified ones he had seen looked even better. Sure enough, the boss is the boss, and the things he made were different.

The Luxi Temple now only needs to be done again, and it will be almost the same after refining and modifying.

Throughout the day, apart from some necessary small things, Lucy Temple put all its energy on the documents.

Until I get off work, it is finally done.

Get up and stretch.

"It's finally finished. Even if Zhang Ziwei wants to pick any faults, it will be more difficult."

Gu Han turned to look at her.

"Small shrine!"

Lu Xici turned back and looked at Gu Han suspiciously, this sentence was a bit...somewhat!

Gu Han must have wanted some help from Luxi Temple.

"Great God, if you have anything to say, just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely work hard."

"Apart from Gu Yin's matter, I can't figure out what else I need your help with. I also know that if I go to her at this time, she will definitely not want to see me. She also saw me at lunch today. I left in a hurry, so can you help me to see her, even if I don't know what happened to her, but you will definitely help her, I don't want to see her look so sad all day long. "

After saying these words, Gu Han got up and bowed deeply to Lu Xi Temple.

"Xiaoci, please."

A small sentence, please, Lucy stepped back in shock.

This Gu Han Xing's gift is a little too big!
He even didn't expect to be willing to do this for Gu Yin.

"Gu Han, why are you doing this? Although I'm helping you like this, if Gu Yin still can't like you by then, I will really"

It may be that he and Gu Han have been colleagues for a while.

Lu Xici knew what he was like, so now he really didn't want Gu Yin not to like him, and Gu Han would be sad when the time came.

(End of this chapter)

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