Chapter 506

"I'm too lazy to tell you. It's a perfect example of cheating teammates. By the way, who killed Gu Yin just now."

"Sci-Crazy Chop Goddess."

After Gu Han asked this question, he didn't talk to Lu Xici, but directly logged into the game, and then ran to the place where Gu Yin was killed just now.

Lu Xi Temple saw this.

"Gu Han, what are you doing? You don't think you want to avenge Gu Yin, do you? The other party belongs to a scientific lunatic. And there are several of them staying together now. If you go like this, you will die in vain."

"I'm not like you in Qingcheng, who cares about this and that. I'm not in any gang now. So in the game, I can do whatever I want. You can't control me. I'm Gu Yin's enemy. It will definitely be reported."

Gu Han, who couldn't say anything about Lu Xi Temple, only followed him halfway along the way.

Jian Luo saw her moving.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] What's wrong?
[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] Gu Han wants to avenge Gu Yin and beat up the rib goddess.

[Secret Chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Don't worry!The rib goddess is not Gu Han's opponent, she can't beat Gu Han.

But this is not what Lu Xici is worried about!

[Secret Chat] [One Temple of Spring River Water] Even if he is powerful, he can still beat several people by himself.When I was on a mission just now, I saw ribs with a few people from their gang.

But before Lu Xi Temple approached, there was already a fight at Gu Han's place.And the purpose is very clear, which is to go to the goddess of ribs.

What Jian Luo said was right, this rib goddess was really not Gu Han's opponent, she was beaten to death within a few blows.

Then a new round of scolding war is about to begin.

The first is the rib goddess who has been beaten to death.

[Nearby] [Goddess of Ribs] Okay, why did you hit me.

[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] You are the one who hit you, if you are not convinced, get up and hit.

[Nearby] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] Are you sick?I didn't mess with you.

[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] Anyone who offends me is offending me.

The person who offended him?

[Nearby] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] Drunken Flower Yin?What is her relationship with you.

[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Worrying Sang] Why do you ask so many, as long as you know that she is not someone you can touch casually.

[Nearby] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] Then if you keep saying that, I won't accept it.I want to fight!

[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] Accompany you at any time.

In less than a while, there were many scientific lunatics around the goddess of ribs.

It seems that this person still went to find a helper!
Lu Xi Temple watched from not far away.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Jian Luo.What to do, Gu Han was surrounded by people.What about the other four or five people?

[Secret chat] [Gu Yu Ze'an] What about combat power?

Combat power?Luxi Temple went to open it to have a look.

Uh. Except for the one named Rib Goddess, it seems that the combat power of the rest of them is not very high.Just when she was about to reply to Jian Luo.Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure not far away.

Gentleman's Fat?
Jiang Hanxue said earlier that this person is ranked third among the scientific lunatics.Then his combat power is definitely above the Rib Goddess.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] That gentleman's fat man also appeared.

Just when everyone thought that the gentleman's fat man would come to help the goddess of ribs.But Lu Xici felt as if this person was walking in his direction.Could it be that the place he was hiding was discovered by the other party?
(End of this chapter)

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