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Chapter 509 One person for a long time

Chapter 509
Anyway, this so-called learning means that some companies will regularly select some people and send them to a special place to study. This company is also responsible for training them.

Commonly known as the cultivation of elite talents.

Learn how to talk business with people, and some things in the contract.

How to speak when you meet someone, how to figure out a person's personality and characteristics in a short time.To be able to talk better.

Then there are some small points, practice and so on.

Lucy's eyes were dazzled.

And Feng Yang is also a member of this company that specializes in cultivating talents.The next one-person month will also be Lu Xici and their teachers.

"Why do I suddenly feel like we might be living in hell this month?"

Gu Han suddenly moved to Lu Xici's side and whispered.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because! This Feng Yang feels quite difficult."

"What? Is it possible that you are still afraid of Feng Yang's failure, and I haven't seen you afraid of anyone other than Gu Yin!"

"Go, go, go! What do you know. I must have my own thoughts about some unknown things and some people who don't know. That's not called being afraid."

"Yes yes yes. It's not called fear."

When he said this, Gu Han became a little more serious.

"Don't blame me for not telling you in advance! You must keep a certain distance from that person named Feng Yang. Otherwise, I will tell you the man."

"What! Why did you tell Jian Luo?"

"At that time, I will say that you and other men are unclear."

Lu Xici couldn't help raising his middle finger to the person who was sitting next to him now.

"You're ruthless! But Feng Yang and I are just high school classmates, don't think too much about whether we will be successful or not, our pure classmate relationship back then was also one that you could say black or black with a word! The rest is all about nothing. No."

Gu Han turned his head and looked out the window.

"You may not care about some things, but it doesn't mean others can't care."

Lu Xici finally gave him a strange look.

What was the last word that whispered?

At this moment, Feng Yang walked in with something.

The people around immediately sat neatly.

The evil Lu Xici thought that some important person appeared on the stage, but Feng Yang could also be regarded as an important person.Of course, this is only known after the Luxi Temple.

Feng Yang walked in.Be at the forefront of them.

Lu Xi Temple and Gu Han sat in the last row.

When Feng Yang glanced over, his brows were slightly frowned, but he still didn't say anything at this moment.

On the first day, what I said seemed to be some simple things.Because everyone has just arrived here, many things are not very familiar.

There is a special canteen here for lunch.

As soon as Lu Xici and Gu Han walked out, they saw Wang Yi waiting for them.

As soon as he saw a figure, he hurried up.

"You guys are out! Let's go! Go to dinner."

On the way, ask Luxi Temple if they are used to it.

"It feels so-so! After all, this is the first day. Many things cannot be decided today."

As soon as the three of them arrived at the cafeteria Lu Xici, they rushed over for delicious food, and Gu Han was simply convinced by the foodie Lu Xici.

And he himself went to find some food casually.

After buying it, I randomly found an empty seat and sat down.

"It feels like I'm back in school every minute."

(End of this chapter)

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