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Chapter 515 Gu Han Chapter Comes

Chapter 515 Gu Han Comes Back
Gu Han probably won't come back tonight, so there is only Lu Xici here.

This time I fell asleep until dawn. Wang Yilai knocked on the door to see her.

"Don't knock, don't knock, big brother, if you knock, you will have a problem with the door, come in!"

Wang Yi had a lot of fun with them last night and drank a lot of wine. At this time, his whole brain is still short-circuited.

"Where's Gu Han? He's not here."

"He asked for leave today, there is something to do in City C."

Wang Yi nodded and then looked at Lu Xi Temple with a different look.In the beginning, Lu Xici kept doing his own thing, so he really didn't notice Wang Yi.As a result, he turned his head and saw the other party's eyes.

"What are you doing looking at me like that?"

"I was just thinking about a question, you and Feng Yang were two people last night."

"Huh? We went out to play for a while, what's the matter, what's your opinion!"

Wang Yi immediately shook his head.

"No, no, no comments."

After leaving the company at night, Lu Xici vaguely felt that someone was following her, because it was getting late at this time.Gu Han wasn't there either.So she quickened her pace.

But the faster he walked, it seemed that the footsteps behind him followed faster, and Lu Xici couldn't help it, so he turned his head to look.

Sure enough, I saw a man standing not far away.

On this night, she was actually being targeted by a man.

It's just why this man still has some familiar feeling.

Take a closer look.

Didn't Lu Xici recognize it as one of the two men who insisted on dragging her to drink while eating barbecue?

"Hello! Beauty, we meet again! I am not drunk today! My brother came to play with you alone."

"What exactly do you want?"

"My younger sister was born so beautiful, brother, I couldn't control myself for a while! I watched you go back this way that day, and I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

OMG!Said that Lu Xici felt that his goose bumps were about to come out.

It's a brother and a sister.

"I don't know you and I don't want to have any interaction with you, goodbye!"

Lu Xici turned around and was about to run, but he still couldn't outrun the opponent. Unexpectedly, the speed was so fast, and Lu Xici was caught by the opponent without paying attention.

"Let go of me, I'm being rude to you!"

When the other party is not paying attention.

While talking, Lu Xici kicked the other party's crotch.

The other party squatted on the ground in pain.

Lu Xici's kick might have been a little hard, but he couldn't be soft-hearted towards such a person.

Seeing that the opponent had no fighting strength, Lu Xici was gaining momentum, and wanted to take care of the person in front of him.

But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in front of him.

"Xiaoci, are you okay!"

"Feng Yang, why are you here at this time?"

Lu Xici remembered that Feng Yang's house didn't seem to be in this direction.

"You left a note with me when you were attending class today. I went out on something just now, but when I came back they all said you had gone. Didn't I just come to chase you and give you the notebook?"

"That's it! In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome. You can just give it to me tomorrow, and you will make your trip in vain."

The two of them were so engrossed in chatting that they ignored the person who was squatting there and moved his body carefully.

Silently picked up a brick.Then he got up and roared at Luxi Temple and went.

(End of this chapter)

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