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Chapter 518 Basketball Game

Chapter 518 Basketball Game
"Isn't it okay for the classmates to say a word or have a meal together?"

"Of course you can, but being too intimate is crossing the line."

"Which eye of yours saw the crossing between me and Feng Yang. Huh?"

The two talked while walking, and the more they talked, the louder their voices became, and the louder their temper became.

In the end, no one will give way.

The two stopped, turned around and looked at each other face to face, with anger in their eyes.

"Anyway, I'll watch over you for Jian Luo."

"It's as if I'm a watery woman."

"It's almost the same if it goes on like this."

"Guhan you"

Lu Xici really thought that he would go crazy if he kept talking to Gu Han.

So he pointed at Gu Han's nose and began to speak.

"I, Lu Xici, a woman who exists like a fairy, is too lazy to argue with you so much. I will not lower my own grade in time. Huh!" After speaking, Lu Xici strode away, shaking her hair.

There was indeed a basketball game in the afternoon, and many people went to watch it.

Lu Xici packed up and prepared to go to the destination.

After getting up, he found that Gu Han was still lying there.

"Gu Han, don't you want to watch the basketball game?"

"Don't go, go and go by yourself."

"You." Still talking, the phone rang, um, Gu Yin called.

"Hello! Gu Yin, I was still thinking about calling you to ask questions later? You are really going to scare me to death, right! Are you feeling better now?"

When Lu Xici was talking to Gu Yin, Gu Han raised his head and sat there, and Lu Xici smiled.This person really is.
Once a person has a weakness, he becomes somewhat unlike himself.

Sitting there chatted with Gu Yin, and hung up the phone after feeling relieved.

"Are you going to watch the basketball game or not? If you don't, I'll go by myself."

"Who says I won't go, I still want to see Jian Shi's boss wife? Don't let her seduce others, or others seduce her."

When Lu Xici and Gu Han walked to the basketball court together.I found that the surrounding area was full of people, and it turned out that they had already started fighting.

Lu Xi Temple tried several times to squeeze in to have a look, but the wall was too thick, and the direct way of breaking through failed, so she retreated silently.

Gu Han was sitting on the stool at the back, it didn't matter whether he looked at it or not.

Lu Xici also came to his side.

"There are so many people, I can't see it! Forget it, I'm too lazy to look, so I just sit here and play.

Lu Xici could only look at the shuttle figures of those people through the gap, and had no idea who was who.

Sitting so boringly, I gradually felt a little tired.

The feeling of falling asleep the next second after closing the eyes.

"If you are sleepy, go home! Anyway, there is no class today."

After being awakened by Gu Han's words, he realized that he was already so sleepy.

"Just listen to these people yelling here. You can't even see it. It's too boring. Why don't you go home and sleep."

If Luxi Temple is going to leave, Gu Han will naturally not stay.

The two returned to the apartment together, each going to their own room.

It was dark when Luxi Temple woke up.When he left the room, he saw Gu Han sitting there alone playing games.

While he was still awake, he walked to the other party's side and took a look.

So it turns out that Gu Han was competing with someone at this time?
Lu Xici just stood behind him and watched for a while.

After looking at Gu Han's technique, he thought about his own strength.

Why!Really, the more I look at it, the more I feel that I am useless at all?

(End of this chapter)

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