Chapter 540
"Okay! I see, go up and rest."

Gu Han returned to the apartment and saw Lu Xici who was lying on the sofa at this time.

"Why did you come back so early? I thought it would be a while before you came back? You didn't stay with Jian Luo for a while."

"What are you waiting for? He's going back tomorrow. I'm going to study tomorrow too. Besides, the day of returning to City C is getting closer and closer."

"Lu Xici, do you think Gu Yin is weird?"

"Hey! What? Why did you say that suddenly?"

"Because, forget it, there's nothing. Let's do it first! I'm going to bed. You should go to bed early too."

Gu Han still stayed there when he entered the West Temple on the road.

Is it Gu Yin who is weird or you who are weird?I don't understand what happened to these two people.

Lu Xici tidied up and went into the house to rest.

In the morning, Gu Yin and Jian Luo were on the same flight.It's just that the location is a little different. After discussing with other people, Gu Yin sat next to Jian Luo.

"Boss Jane."

"Gu Yin?"

"I have something to tell you at this moment!"

"Huh? Let's talk!" Jian Luo put down the magazine in her hand and listened to Gu Yin.

"I'm going to resign after I go back this time, but I hope that Xiaoci and Gu Han won't know, at least not before they return to City C."

Resign?so suddenly.

Originally, when employees resigned, Jian Luo would not ask too many questions, but because Gu Yin was a friend of Lu Xici.

"Can I know why?"

"Because I have something more I want to do, I just thought about it but didn't put it into action before, but after going through so many things, I also think clearly. I don't want my life to be like this, so... sorry. "

"If you figured all this out by yourself, I don't think it's a big deal. I wish you well in the future! I can keep the place of Luxi Temple a secret for the time being, but you have to assure me that you are sure that there is nothing wrong."

"Don't worry! It's okay, I just change to a job I like again, and I will contact them when everything is arranged."

The plane took off and left the city.

Gu Han got up early in the morning and somehow broke a glass for no reason, and the shattered glass shards flew all over the sky.

Lu Xici even had to be careful when walking.

"Gu Han, what are you doing? Have a grudge against the cup?"

When Lu Xici found the broom and entered the house to clean, he saw Gu Han squatting down and picking up the pieces one by one.

"Be careful, don't hurt your hands, the shards of glass can hurt your hands."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Han frowned, and he was really convinced by Lu Xici.The splinter got stuck in his hand.

"Hey! How did you do it, I just said?"

Lu Xici hurriedly asked him to clean up the wound, and she could clean up the rest.

"Really, weaker than a girl."

As the days passed, the time they stayed here became shorter and shorter.

I'm going back to City C soon.

Luxi Temple really learned a lot this month.It was something she had never been exposed to in school before.So it's been a huge benefit.I am very grateful for everyone's company over the past month. When I returned to the apartment at night, I called Jian Luo.

"Gu Han and I are going home in three days, remember to pick us up at the airport then! By the way, there is also Gu Yin, call Gu Yin to come together, I have called her several times before but nothing happened Answer, the company is very busy recently! She actually started not answering my calls. Let's see how I deal with her when I go back. "

(End of this chapter)

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