Full server counterattack

Chapter 573 Throw it to Gu Han

Chapter 573 Throw it to Gu Han
[Nearby] [One Leaf Canoe] Seventh brother's worry, you actually left me to play with another person who is not up to level, are you worthy of what my brother said?

[Nearby] [Yin Wei is in love with you] Who is this person!
[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] friend.

[Nearby] [One Leaf Canoe] Then I don't care, you want to play with me now, I want to reach the full level quickly.Good to play with my brother.

[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] Miss, how can you reach full level so quickly, you can play by yourself first, and I will guide you to level up later, okay?

[Nearby] [One Leaf Canoe] No, no, I say no, no.My bad temper can be regarded as coming up, you must take me to play today.Otherwise, I will tell my brother tomorrow.

Really, why did Jian Luo leave this burden to him?Really.

It's so bad that he can't play a game cleanly now, but now he has offended everyone on both sides.

It's just that the next development of the plot never occurred to Gu Han.

Just when he didn't know what to do, the people around him suddenly walked up to Ye Zihan, raised the weapon in his hand, and beat the person in front of him without saying a word.

Ye Zihan is a novice at this time, wearing tattered equipment, how can he stand up to the opponent's beating.

The blood bar dropped with a whimper.

Then fell to the ground.

Hang up. Hang up?

He was beaten to death by Yin for falling in love with you.

what!I'm afraid it's even more unclear now.

It is better to go first at this time.

[Nearby] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] That. You guys play first, I'm sleepy, so I'll go offline and sleep.

How lucky Jian Luo and Lu Xici should be that they are not in the game at this time.

He went offline without seeing what the other two said.

[Nearby] [One Leaf Canoe] Did he run so fast on purpose?You beat me to death, how will this account be settled.

[Nearby] [Yin for falling in love with you] If you kill me, I will kill you.Otherwise, what else do you want to do, or you can beat me instead.

[Nearby] [One Leaf Canoe] Are you kidding, can I beat you?

[Nearby]] [Sound for falling in love with you] How about that?Take it easy on your own!That bastard is running away now too.I also go to sleep.

Just when Gu Yin was about to go offline to sleep, she suddenly saw the secret chat message sent by the other party.

[Secret Chat] [One Leaf Qingzhou] Who is that Seventh Brother's Yousang, are you two familiar?

[Secret chat] [Yin Wei is in love with you] Does it have anything to do with you?something between the two of us.

[Secret Chat] [One Leaf Light Boat] He was going to take me with him.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] Are you kidding me!The two of us will go to the couple contest together later.

[Secret Chat] [One Leaf Light Boat] Oh!It turned out to be a pair!

Seeing what the other party said, Gu Yin didn't refute or say anything more.

Instead, he chose to go offline directly.

If Gu Han saw this scene at this time, he would probably wake up laughing when he fell asleep.

When Lu Xici went to work in the morning, he saw Jian Luo's car parked not far away as soon as he walked out of the house.

Jian Luo got out of the car and walked in front of her, and took the initiative to take the bag from Lu Xi Temple.

"Let's go! Let's go to the company together."

"Why did you suddenly remember to pick me up? Are you not busy?" There was no complaint, just a simple inquiry.She is not the unreasonable kind of person.

(End of this chapter)

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