Chapter 576
[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] Well?Wait, wait, Gu Han is only playing with you, not with you, and has the right to bring other girls, but you, it's not normal.

[Secret Chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] I'm too lazy to talk to you, sleep.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River Water] You are not afraid that Gu Han will be robbed, and then you will get nothing.

[Secret chat] [Voice of falling in love with you] If you are talking nonsense and waiting for me to come back and break your leg, huh?

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] OK? OK!I go to work on my own.

After doing the task for a while, Lu Xici suddenly remembered something.

Hurry up and tell her before Gu Yin is offline.

[Secret Chat] [A Temple of Spring River] You still don't want to leave at this time!In a while, there will be a competition to compete for the top three in this server, and then they will participate in the finals.Don't forget the time ha!

Gu Yin didn't reply, and she didn't know if she saw it.

Tonight is the day when the first three pairs of this server will be released.As long as it passed, then wait to participate in the cross-server finals at that time.

Taking advantage of the last time, Lu Xici took the time to train.It's good to wait for a while for Jian Luo to go online.

The competition at this stage has not yet started, and many people in the world are starting to say who will win.

[World] [Gentleman's Fatty] Xiaoci Xiaoci, I support Xiaoci, she will definitely win.

[World] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] Why don't you just go to Qingcheng!Don't forget that you are still participating in the competition. If you lose in a while, I will give you a good look and kill you.

[World] [Gentleman's Fat Man] Isn't that just right?Helper, small temple.And we happen to be in three groups, so it would be perfect to advance to the final.

[World] [Nine-tailed fox is not a fairy] Too arrogant!We haven't spoken yet?

[World] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] This person came from nowhere again.

[World] [Smart and Upright Star] You don't even know her, so you're still embarrassed to stay here.

【World】【If You Are Mine】Yes, yes.

[World] [Long-lost Happiness] Anyway, you're right if you can't beat her.

[World] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] Is that right?I can't beat her?I want to see where it is sacred.

[World] [Dream Back to Fengyue] Mr. Qinghan and Nine-Tailed Fox are both masters on the PK list, if you are not a fairy, you are a scumbag of combat power, so sorry, don't be abused too badly then.

[World] [Gentleman's Fat Man] Fighting?Fighting is my favorite. Fighting makes me so excited, especially now that I am looking forward to the game coming soon.

[World] [Goddess of Spare Ribs] Tonight, let's see how we abuse you into scum.

When Lu Xici is free, he looks at the world and what these people say.

The game hasn't started yet?These people began to fight with each other.

Jian Luo went online almost at the same time as Gu Han.

Then the two invited Lu Xici to join the team at the same time.

All were rejected by Luxi Temple, and then two people were invited.Then Gu Han added Gu Yin in.

It became four people in the team.

[Team] [Seventh Brother's Sorrow] The system will be random in a while, there are six groups in total, so we still have a great possibility to meet each other.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Anyway, if we meet, we will definitely lose.

[Team] [Voice of falling in love with you] Humph!

[Team] [One Temple of Spring River] It's okay, it's okay, isn't there a high chance that we won't meet?
(End of this chapter)

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