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Chapter 586 Hurt yourself

Chapter 586 Hurt yourself
Seeing her like this, the first thing to do is not to blame, but to care, and without a word, I will take her to the hospital.

Ye Zihan was in Jian Luo's arms, hugging his neck, seeing his anxious expression, her heart was moved.

How good would it be if this could last a lifetime?This should be all his own, from the side he saw him.The heart has already been delivered.He should have been himself.

Ye Zihan will not admit defeat so easily.

So the movements of his hands tightened around his neck a little more.

And Jian Luoquan regarded her as too painful.

Came to the hospital, running up and down.Everything is hands-on.

I have been bandaging with her all the time.

In order to avoid any mistakes in the previous time.So the knife is still on the leg.

"Hey! I'm afraid of pain, afraid of pain."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you have to get out this knife before you can bandage it, you know?"

Ye Zihan hugged Gu Han's waist, leaned his head on his stomach, and closed his eyes tightly.

For Jian Luo, the tears that were really held back flowed out.

It really hurts.It hurts to death!
He gritted his teeth tightly.

The voice from Jian Luo kept whispering that it was all right, which also gave her great comfort.

After bandaging, Jane Luoran sat outside to rest for a while.He went to get her medicine.

"Fortunately, no bone was injured. If it was a little bit deeper, it should have been lying down in the hospital for treatment. Why are you so careless?"

Ye Zihan looked very wronged.

"I don't know what happened, it suddenly became like this. I'm sorry."

Jian Luo sighed.

"What's the use of saying sorry to me? Isn't it you who hurt in the end?"

"Huh? But I'm still very happy to see you care so much about me."

Ye Zihan's smiling face was brilliant.

Jian Luo took her home and took good care of her.

But this is not a long-term solution, after all, her injury will not heal so quickly, and Jian Luo Company still has so many things to solve.

Of course, the person who will pick up Ye Zihan back to China will arrive soon.

But seeing her like this now.

"Zihan! Zihan. What's the matter, are you okay!"

"Oh! Uncle, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt much now. I believe it will be fine soon."

This time it was her uncle He Cun who came to pick up Ye Zihan.

"It doesn't matter if you look like this, can it be cured here? How about I contact us now and go back for treatment. Don't delay the best treatment time! Otherwise, if there are any sequelae by then, But what happened." After speaking, He Cun was ready to make a call with his mobile phone.

It was stopped by Ye Zihan.

"Uncle, what are you doing? I just bandaged it up, and the doctor said that I didn't hurt any bones. Now you have traveled a long distance and want me to go back. What if something happens along the way? My injury hasn't healed yet. ?”

When He Cun thought about it, it seemed reasonable!What if the tossing along the way becomes more serious.

"Then what do you mean"

"I'm staying here with brother Jian Luo very well! He also takes good care of me, and I'm inconvenient now, can't you let me stay here for a while? I promise I won't cause trouble."

"You can just play here for a few days. It's a girl's family to stay here for a long time. How embarrassing. Besides, Jian Luo is busy with company affairs. How can there be so many things all day long?" time to take care of you."

 (The countdown to the end, there is still about a week or so before the end of this book!)
(End of this chapter)

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