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Chapter 612 Let's go home!very painful

Chapter 612 Let's go home!very painful
Before leaving, he chatted with He Cun a few words.

He Cun patted him on the shoulder.

"Actually, I should say sorry to you for Zihan. She is too willful."

Jian Luo shook her head, said goodbye to them, then turned and left.

Ye Zihan lay there stupidly.

Looking ahead, I don't know what to think.

Seeing her like this, He Cun sighed helplessly and sat in front of her.

"People have already told you so clearly, you should also know that there is not only Jian Luo in the world, there is no one who is better than him, and people don't like us. We can't force ourselves, and say To be honest, Jian Luo's words to you are considered good. Zihan, you can't live without him. Let's go home, you will have more time in the future, and you are still young."

Tears fell from Ye Zihan's eyes.

She didn't write down a few words that Jian Luo said, and the only thing that left a deep impression on her was that one sentence anyway.

He will not like her.

"If someone who doesn't like you is really cruel when he speaks, I've already done that, and the only thing he misses is Lu Xici."

"Zihan! Let's go home!"

Ye Zihan closed her eyes, the wounds on her legs and feet still hurt.

She frowned slightly in pain.

I can't bear to admit defeat like this!Why did she just throw in the towel?
"Go home! It really hurts to go home."

Tang Li was worried about Lu Xici, so she called Lu Yuanzhi directly.

After Lu Yuanzhi found out, he even put aside the work in hand, and rushed back immediately, and saw Tang Li walking around in the yard anxiously.

"Is everything you said on the phone true?"

"A person was locked in the room alone. She didn't cry, didn't speak, and had nothing. It was like disappearing. I don't know what happened. She didn't say anything, and her face was swollen like that."

Lu Yuanzhi came to the door of Luxi Temple, reached out and knocked on the door a few times.

"Xiaoci! Xiaoci, I am my father! Can you open the door?"

Then there was a small sound from inside the room.

"I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with you. Do your own thing! Don't bother me. Otherwise, I'll be really angry in a while."

Lu Yuanzhi said nothing this time, it seems that Lu Xici is determined not to see anyone this time.

Lu Yuanzhi and Tang Li went downstairs in despair.

Suddenly, Jian Luo walked in.

"Uncle and aunt. I'm here to find Xiaoci."

When Lu Yuanzhi saw Jian Luo coming, it was like seeing a savior.

"Xiao Luo! You are here. Xiaoci doesn't know what happened. Her mother said that the situation is quite serious. Did something happen between the two of you? Why is there still a wound on her face?"

For a moment, Jian Luo didn't know how to explain it.

Could it be possible to tell them that the slap on your daughter's face was actually slapped by him, if that is the case, it would be strange for Lu Yuanzhi to kick Jian Luo out of the house directly.

"Uncle, there may be some misunderstanding between me and Xiaoci, I will explain to you later." After speaking, Jian Luo walked directly to the door of Luxi Temple's room.

The outstretched hand knocked a few times.

"I've said it all, I don't want to see anyone at this time, go away!"

"It's me, Jane Luo."

There was no sound in the house.

Lu Xici turned over and sat up.

I thought I heard it wrong.

She got out of bed without even bothering to put on her shoes and walked directly to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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