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Chapter 614 Go to work again

Chapter 614 Going back to work
"Xiaoci. You really have to go back to work."

Lu Xici thought about it.

"I still have half a year to go back to school? Let's start and finish!"

Lu Xici went out and walked towards the bus station.

While waiting for the bus, Mo Yun appeared from nowhere.

"Morning! Small temple."

Lu Xici looked at the people around him.

"You come to take the bus again."

Mo Yun smiled.

"Yesterday I forgot my car at the company again."

Lu Xici nodded, then turned around and stopped talking.

Mo Yun looked at her like this.A whole week!

Every morning he would show up around her house to look around.

There was no sign of her on the first day.

The next day there was still no sign of her.

I just waited, waited, and finally saw it today.

If he could, he could wait for her like this every day.

When Lu Xici arrived at the company, he went directly to his department.Mo Yun watched her walk past before leaving in peace.

She came earlier, and she dealt with some previous matters.

When Gu Han arrived at the company, he saw Lu Xici sitting on his work seat, and rubbed his eyes deliberately.

Someone who didn't show up for a whole week.

Gu Han hurried over, walked to the opposite side of Luxi Temple and sat down.

"Lu Xici, are you okay!"

Lucy looked up at him.

"Huh? I can do something, it's good. Let's work!" After speaking, I buried myself in work.

"You and Jane Luo?"

When talking about Jian Luo, Lu Xici's hand holding the pen was taken aback for a moment, his heart suddenly calmed as if being pricked by a needle.There is a piercing pain.

"Break up peacefully, so don't ask these second-hand questions in the future."

Gu Han obediently closed his mouth.

They really don't know what happened after they came back that day, it's not just that Luxi Temple just appeared today.Even Jian Luo didn't see him for several days.

Lu Xici also gradually returned to a person's life.Start running at both ends of the company and home.

Or work overtime.

Either go home or fall asleep.

Tang Li was really afraid that Luxi Temple would be crushed because of it.

It really hurts to watch!

On this day, as usual, Lu Xici went home after working overtime.When he walked to the door of the house, he stopped and turned his head to look at a few places behind him to see why he always seemed to be followed by someone.

Maybe I've been too busy thinking too much recently.

Lu Xici turned and opened the door and walked in.

Not long after she went in.

A person suddenly walked out of the dark place at the corner. If you looked carefully, you could recognize it as Jian Luo.

He has been following behind Lu Xici, watching her go home safely.

When Jian Luo turned around and was about to leave, he saw a person standing not far behind him. The nearest people like to play stalking?
"I knew that as long as there is Luxi Temple, I will be able to find you. Break up peacefully?"

Gu Han came out from the darkness.

Jian Luo tidied up her clothes, it was very cold this winter.

"Don't you already know everything, what else do you want me to say?"

"You don't seem like a person who will be so restless when encountering things. What's wrong this time."

Jian Luo stood where she was, without speaking for a while.

I told Gu Han when I got in the car.

"I hit Luxi Temple."

Gu Han looked at him in surprise.It seemed that Jian Luo couldn't believe that Jian Luo would hit someone.

"Because of Ye Zihan, I told you long ago that that woman is not simple, she just resists." Jian Luo almost slipped her mouth.So switch quickly. "Ye Zihan is very scheming. She told Lu Xici about your sister. If you were me, you wouldn't forgive you so easily. You know that a slap can break up a lot of things."

(End of this chapter)

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