Full server counterattack

Chapter 622 Reserved 1 position

Chapter 622 Leave a place

"Isn't this what you always wanted? I hope that even without me by my side, you can have a good new life and return to the position you wanted in the first place."

Lu Xici turned to look at him.

He also looked down at the documents in his hands.

Lu Xici clenched his fist tightly.

"Really? Then I should thank you, right? Mr. Jane, thank you for giving me a good development opportunity. I will definitely live up to your expectations of me and start my new life properly." The last few The words are extremely heavy.

After speaking, Lu Xici left without looking back.

Jian Luo was left sitting there alone, looking at the blank piece of paper in his hand.

Lu Xici returned to his work position.

Gu Han looked at her.

"Why is it like this?"

Lu Xici suddenly lay down on the table and cried.

That day, she never suppressed her emotions again, even if she was laughed at by the whole company.Even being ridiculed.She didn't want to care about it at all.

During that day, it seemed that everyone knew two pieces of news at the same time.

The first news is that Mr. Sang of W Company took a fancy to Lu Xici's talent and gave him a big cooperation.

The second news is that Jian Luo and Lu Xici have broken up.

Of course, once the news got out, there would be a lot of gossip.

What are you talking about, now that Luxi Temple is backed by Sang Wei, how can you still look at Jian Luo now?

But there are also many people talking about seeing Lu Xici crying on the table that day, so many people are saying that she was actually dumped by Jian Luo.

What it is like, only they themselves know.

Fortunately, there seems to be no intersection between the two of them during this period of time.Later, Gu Han was directly transferred to work beside Jian Luo.Lu Xici felt that he hadn't seen Jian Luo for a long time.There is no one on the opposite side of Luxi Temple, and I often look at the opposite side in awe when I am working.

Although most of the time she doesn't know what she is looking at.

This day, after getting off work as usual, Lu Xici walked to the door of the company with her bag on her back.

Suddenly an ice cream was handed to her, and Lu Xici looked at the person who appeared in front of her.

"It seems that the winter is not suitable for eating ice cream!"

"It is to be eaten in the winter. If this is the case, the tears will be frozen and cannot flow down."

Lu Xici was amused by Mo Yun's words.

"This joke is not funny at all, but I still want to laugh. Thank you for the ice cream." Lu Xici took it and turned to leave.

Once the cooperation with W started, Luxi Temple began the busiest period of time.

I often run on both sides of the plane, and sometimes I am very tired.

It seems that only busy work can make her pause and forget something.

When going back and forth to W again this time, Sang Wei mentioned something to her.

"Xiaoci, in another half a month. The cooperation between W and Jian Shi will come to an end. And your internship in Jian Shi will soon end and you will return to school to graduate. Do you still want to stay in Jian Shi?"

yes!Luxi Temple has been too busy recently, so I forgot about these things.Soon it will be time for her to go back to school.

But it seems to be confused about the future.

I just wanted to have him before.When you are confused, you will always find the way forward, but now.
"I have reserved a position for you at W. You can come here anytime after graduation, but I only reserve half a year for you. You can come to W to report at any time within half a year, but once the time is over, you You're going to miss that opportunity. Think about it, it's the only way to get you back on track."

(End of this chapter)

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