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Chapter 625 Something Happened to Jian Luo

Chapter 625 Something Happened to Jian Luo
"Okay! Since you suggested it, I'll invite you to the bar tonight!"

When the two returned home, they packed up and changed their clothes before going out.

Came to the bar at night!

This time is when the bar is full of people.

Lu Xici and Jiang Hanxue found a corner to sit down.

"If you want something to drink, order it yourself."

After Lu Xici and Jiang Hanxue had chosen something, they sat there and waited for the wine to be served.

At this time, the person who brought them wine.

It made Lu Xici and Jiang Hanxue surprised in an instant.

"Fu Ziyan."

Fu Zixuan was startled with the hand holding the wine.Didn't expect to see the two of them here.

Put down the wine in your hand quickly and take the opportunity to leave.

Lu Xici grabbed her hand.But then Fu Ziyan broke free and ran away.

Seeing this, Lu Xici and Jiang Hanxue hurriedly chased after him, and finally blocked Fu Ziyan at the corner outside a private room.

There is Luxi Temple in front, and Jiang Hanxue in the back.

Fu Ziyan couldn't run even if he wanted to.

"What do you want to do?"

In Lu Xici's impression, Fu Ziyan should be a member of the upper class now, but it doesn't look like this now.

Lu Xici took a few steps forward and approached her.

"How did you become like this now?"

"Why, are you surprised that I look like this now? Isn't it all caused by your good boyfriend. Or will I become nothing?"

It's all about what, Lu Xici looked like he didn't know what happened.

"My boyfriend?"

Jiang Hanxue said at this time.

"She's probably talking about Jian Luo!"

"What happened to Jane Luo?"

Fu Zixuan laughed.

But he just didn't answer Lucy Temple.

Lu Xici grabbed her hand firmly.

"Fu Ziyan, are you going to tell me or not?"

Jiang Hanxue told Lu Xici not to be impulsive.

"Lu Xici, don't you still know what happened? Or is it that you have not been with Jian Luo for a long time now. It seems that he has protected you very well! He will leave everything behind you Net. But it’s good, anyway, he has now received his own retribution.”

"Fu Ziyan, you can't tell me what happened."

"I'm already like this now. If I want to say it, I can say it if I don't want to. You can control me!"

At this time, a man came out of the private room. Unexpectedly, after seeing Fu Zinian, he put his hand on her shoulder and took Fu Zinian away from Lu Xi Temple and the others.There are still some foul language in the mouth.

Jiang Hanxue couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the current situation.

"My God! How did she become like this now. Shouldn't she have a lot of money?"

Does Fu Ziyan become like this has something to do with Jian Luo?

Could it be that something happened in this year that Lu Xi Temple didn't know about.

After Lu Xici asked for leave, he flew back to the country directly.

Tang Li and Lu Yuanzhi were shocked when they saw Luxi Temple.

"Hey! How did you say that you came back without saying a word? Didn't you say there are still a few days? I should go pick you up."

Who knew that Lu Xici just went home and put a luggage, then turned and left.

Take a taxi all the way to Jianshi.

She was really taken aback when she stood at Jian Shi's door.

Now this company is not called Jian Shi at all.

Lu Xici felt that his head was about to explode.It wasn't like this when she left!
What the hell happened.

(End of this chapter)

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