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Chapter 90 I hope to help you by my side

Chapter 90 I hope to help you by my side

As soon as he arrived at the monster entrance area, Gu Yuze'an's figure appeared there.

Has helped Lucy Temple clean up the surrounding monsters.

Gu Yu Ze'an asked Lu Xici to withdraw from Jinse Liuguang's team, and then the two of them formed a team separately.

Then formed a team with Lu Xici.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Follow me, don't run around.

Lu Xici obeyed his command obediently.

Leaning tightly behind him.

The people in front were slashing and killing monsters with weapons.

Brilliant light effects emanated from Gu Yu Zean's body in circles.

Just let the Luxi Temple be in this gorgeous beauty.

He took Lu Xi Temple to the center of the monster step by step.

From the beginning to now, Gu Yuze'an's skills have never stopped.

Lu Xici knew that he must be afraid that once the skills stopped, those monsters would attack.

Gu Yuze'an had nothing to be afraid of, but Luxi Temple was different.

In such a short time.

It's really good to make Lu Xici feel so protected.

She was just about to send a message to Gu Yuzean to say thank you for playing here today.

Who would have thought that Gu Dashen would stop his skills at this time.

Then Luxi Temple was tightly surrounded by monsters rushing up.

Then she died gorgeously in the abyss of the magic valley.

At this moment, the other person sitting in front of the computer was also a little confused when he saw this situation.

He just took a phone call, and then typed skills on the keyboard with his free hand.

But who knew that even a great god would make mistakes!
Then something incredible happened.

Accidentally didn't hold down the key and slid out.

Then let the person standing behind him die in front of him.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Both of them are very embarrassing!

In the end, Lu Xici came out to break the embarrassment.

[Team] [One Temple of Spring River Water] It's okay, it's healthier to die, so I'll come back to life.

After speaking, Luxi Temple returned to the resurrection point.

It took almost a minute for Luxi Temple to receive the news from Gu Yu Zean.

[Team] [Gu Yuze'an] Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now.

[Team] [Yici Chunjiangshui] It's all right, I should thank you for coming.It was my first time to go to the abyss of the magic valley, and I saw so many monsters, and I was still with the first one.I am very happy.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] If you like it, I will play with you in the future.

Seeing his last words, Lu Xici lost his mind.

if you like.I will play with you in the future.

Lu Xici showed a faint smile.

Without knowing it, under the feeling that she didn't know.

The relationship with Gu Yuze'an is quietly changing.

correct.The business was forgotten.

[Team] [Yici Chunjiangshui] I came to you for a serious business, that is, Liu Lingren is now spending money to ask the great gods of other guilds to help, and people in your guild may also be in contact with him.

Soon, the message from the great god replied.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Huh?I know it all.My aunt told me that Liu Lingren had looked for her, don't worry!I will not be defeated so easily, and Qingcheng will not be disbanded so easily.

It seems that Lu Xici is needless to worry.

He is so good.

Just when the equipment of Luxi Temple went offline to rest.Then I saw the message sent by Gu Yu Ze'an.

[Team] [Gu Yu Ze'an] Tomorrow night, I hope you can stay by my side.

The mouse in Lu Xici's hand slipped and fell to the ground with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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