Chapter 12 Snake Demon
Everyone screamed.

After recovering, she realized that Fang Meijing had grabbed Mu Xiliang's arm with one hand and lifted it up slightly. That shot hit the wall behind Adjutant Song, finally saving his life.

"Xiliang, you have to calm down. What's the use of killing him now? It's important to save people!!"

Fang Meijing exerted a slight force on Mu Xiliang's arm, trying to force him to retract the gun.

As if a century had passed, Mu Xiliang moved his fingers and retracted the gun silently.

He was really out of control.

His hands were shaking a little, and he clenched them hard, forcing himself to calm down.

Mu Xiliang looked at Luo Hongyi. Luo Hongyi couldn't be in a better mood than him at this moment. That was his only son.

Back in the study, the people who had been sent to investigate came back one after another. According to the testimony of Adjutant Song and the coffee shop, it was Luo Heng who left first, and Qing Huan followed him.

Mu Xiliang knew Qing Huan well. Although she was a bit smart, she was not a reckless child.

"Qing Huan must have discovered something and went after Luo Heng, but the doubt is why Qing Huan avoided Adjutant Song? Who was the woman who took Luo Heng away? For no reason, how could Luo Heng be willing to go with the other party? Walk?"

Luo Hongyi's face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word.

Mu Xiliang tried his best to suppress the panic in his heart and continued, "I know Qing Huan, she must have discovered something, she must have felt that something was wrong with Luo Heng, so she chased after him. The little girl with the strength of a chicken, no one will take her as a target, the other party's target can only be Luo Heng. Can you think about it, in Qingcheng, who dares to attack Luo Heng?"

Luo Hongyi raised his head abruptly.

Several faces flashed through his mind.

He has been in charge of Qingcheng for many years, and it is not without enemies.

However, he didn't feel like it.

He has fought those people for so many years, and they are not the ones who solve problems by kidnapping and silencing.

The atmosphere was stalemate, Luo Hongyi's adjutant came in from outside, buckled his boots and said, "Marshal, someone came to report just now, around [-]:[-] p.m., a policeman saw Miss Qinghuan in the German Concession."

Luo Hongyi was taken aback, "German Concession??"

"Yes, the police from the patrol room in the German Concession were on a routine patrol at the time. They saw Ms. Qing Huan wandering alone at the gate of a villa. The police stepped forward to question her. Ms. Qing Huan said that it was her first time here just to see, the police Seeing Miss Qing Huan's extraordinary clothes, so I didn't doubt it too much, I just told her to leave early and left. After that, no one saw Miss Qing Huan again."

"Has the owner of the villa checked it out?"

"I found out that the original owner was a dancer who was adopted, and she sold it to a single woman when she came back. The subordinates also found out that the single woman was probably the concubine that Song Yihe secretly took in outside a few days ago. "

Luo Hongyi was startled, and looked at Mu Xiliang, "Song Yihe??"

"Yes, there should be nothing wrong with the uproar about this matter. Song Yihe has always had a good reputation among women, but suddenly he almost divorced his original partner because of a woman. No one in Qingcheng didn't know about this, and they all said That woman looks so beautiful that she doesn't look like a mortal woman, because she was afraid of her original spouse's family, Song Yihe placed her in the German Concession in order to protect her."

Luo Hongyi frowned and stood up from the chair.

He walked back and forth in the same place a few times, then turned and walked in front of Mu Xiliang, "Song Yihe is indeed my biggest competitor, and he has always wanted to replace me for so many years."

Mu Xiliang's eyes turned cold, "Could it be him?"

Surprisingly, Luo Hongyi didn't answer right away.

He turned around with his hands behind his back and walked to the window. After thinking for a long time, he turned to look at Mu Xiliang, "I won't hide this from you. I have been fighting with Song Yihe for so many years. If Song Yihe wants to kidnap Luo Heng, he has already started, why wait until today? Besides, why did he kidnap Luo Heng?? He is not such a person."

Fang Meijing, who had been silent for a long time, had a twinkle in her eyes, "What if he kidnapped Luo Heng not to take Luo Heng's life, but to destroy his reputation?"

After a pause, seeing everyone looking at her, Fang Meijing continued, "He can frame Luo Heng for having an affair with his concubine, and then he can catch the adulterer!! Otherwise, how can he explain what Luo Heng is doing there?"

To destroy Luo Heng is to destroy Luo Hongyi.

Luo Hongyi's expression plummeted.

He clenched his fists and said nothing.

If what Fang Meijing said was true, he should quickly send troops to rescue Luo Heng and Fu Qinghuan.

But, but there is the German Concession, without the permission of Consul General Qingqiu, deploying troops without permission is tantamount to declaring war on Germany! !
Mu Xiliang obviously thought of this too.

"If you can't send troops openly, just find an excuse to send them. May I ask if there is anyone available in the commander's hands who can pick things up in the German Concession."

After a pause, he continued, "It's best to have thieves. If you stole the Consul General's house, the Consul General will definitely call you and ask you to send troops to search for it. Then you can divide the troops into two groups. There is a curfew in the German Concession at night. Heng and Qinghuan can't leave the German Concession before dawn, one night is enough."

Luo Hongyi and him looked at each other, and immediately asked the adjutant to do what Mu Xiliang said. Mu Xiliang took a deep breath and walked slowly to the window.

A large cloud covered the moon, and the earth was dark.

Mu Xiliang has never felt despair and regret like now.

If he can't find Qing Huan.

There was a rattling of the bones of the hand.

Fang Meijing walked to him slowly, and looked outside together with him.

"Miss Qing Huan will be fine. Xiliang, don't mess yourself up. The most important thing now is to stay calm."

Fang Meijing's warm voice was calm and powerful.

He turned his head to look at her, her eyes were bright and shining with hope.

Yes, be calm and don't mess yourself up.

"Mei Jing, thank you."

Mu Xiliang's tone was indescribably cold.

Fang Meijing smiled and shook her head, "Xiliang, my heart is the same as yours, we are both worried about Miss Qing Huan. Miss Qing Huan is a lucky person, she will be fine, so you have to believe in yourself, with you Now, she will be safe."

Mu Xiliang looked at her silently, and then turned to look out the window after a long time.

"It'll be fine, it'll be fine."

The red silk thread led Qing Huan all the way to the door of the villa, without going in, Qing Huan was almost sure that Luo Heng was inside.

A soaring demonic aura permeated the air. This aura is not something ordinary ghosts can do. What exists inside is probably a demon.

Even though Qing Huan had experienced many battles since she was a child, this was the first time she had encountered such a powerful monster.

She clenched the white chalcedony on her chest, hesitated at the door for a long time, and finally made up her mind to go in.

Very luxurious decoration, full of resplendent and magnificent.

Qing Huan was still looking at the building when a slight sound rang in her ears.

Slowly, the noise became louder, mixed with the stench of corpses, hitting her.

She took a step back involuntarily, and saw many ghosts floating towards her.

They bared their teeth and clawed at her, pounced on her, even with chalcedony as protection, but there were too many ghosts.

There were still a few powerful ones who rushed to her.

Qing Huan immediately opened her palm, and the red circle of light jumped up as if in response, emitting a dazzling light in mid-air, roaring towards the ghost.

It took about ten minutes before the ghosts in front of me disappeared.

There was only one left.

He seemed to be bound by something, squatting on the ground in pain, his pupils alternated in different colors, sometimes ghostly, sometimes sober.

Haven't completely lost my mind yet.

"help me!!"

He roared in pain, relying on the last bit of willpower to stay awake.

Qing Huan consumed most of her spiritual power, took a breath, walked to a place five steps away from him and stopped.

"What's the matter with you, why are you all gathered here?"

Because of the resistance, the male ghost's face was about to change shape, "She, she ate us, and then imprisoned our souls to work for her, helping her find more men for her to enjoy."

"Her? Who is she?"

"I, I don't know," the male ghost roared in pain, hugging his body, "I only know that her name is Luo Kui, yes, she is a snake demon, who specializes in eating men to live forever, and the one who attacked you just now was eaten by her The man who fell!!"

It really is a demon.

"Then do you know if she brought a man back tonight?"


He was about to go mad in pain, and his eyes gradually turned gray, which was the prelude to turning into a ghost.

"She took that man upstairs, right there, right in the second room on the left, now, now that man should be almost dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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