Chapter 18 Confession
"How could it be bad?! Where is it bad!!"

Before Mu Zhonglin could speak, Qing Huan rushed forward, almost bumping into the doctor.

Mu Zhonglin called "Qing Huan" and pulled Qing Huan to his side.

"So is there anything else we can do now?"

"I came out to tell you that the patient lost too much blood, and our hospital's blood reserve is not enough. Someone needs to transfuse the patient."

Qing Huan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shouted, "I am type ab! I have the same blood type as brother Xiliang!"

While speaking, he rolled up his sleeves violently.

The doctor froze for a moment, then nodded, "That's right, Mr. Mu Xiliang is indeed type ab." As he spoke, he turned around and called a nurse to take Qing Huan to draw blood.

The nurse's hands moved quickly, and the 400cc was fully pumped in a short time.

Seeing that she was about to retract the needle, Qing Huan grabbed her hand.


"But 400 is already a lot, and you won't be able to bear it any more."

"I can bear it, you smoke yours!"

"Didn't I tell you to continue!!"

Qing Huan roared.

Mu Zhonglin didn't know when he came in from outside. He glanced at the nurse and said "Pull out the needle", and the nurse immediately pulled out the needle to stop the bleeding.

Qing Huan sat on the chair blankly as if she had lost her soul, and Mu Zhonglin held her shoulders with both hands and bent down to approach her face.

"Qing Huan, there are many ab blood type soldiers in the guard battalion outside waiting to give Xiliang blood transfusions, that's enough."

Qing Huan bit her lip and shook her head vigorously, muttering "not enough", and gradually burst into tears.

"How can this happen! How can this happen!"

She looked at Mu Zhonglin helplessly, and burst into tears. Mu Zhonglin's eyes were slightly drunk, and he hugged him silently.

"Big Daddy, I just want to save him! I don't want him to die!!"

"I see!"

He gently patted her on the back and comforted her softly, where Qing Huan could not see, Mu Zhonglin had already burst into tears.

The operation didn't end until the sun was up.

The person rescued by Mu Xiliang was pushed out of the operating room first. He was protected by Mu Xiliang, with minor injuries and out of danger.

After half an hour, Mu Xiliang came out.

He was bare-chested, covered with white bandages, and his face was as white as snow, lifeless.

Qing Huan looked at Fang Chengye tremblingly, and Fang Chengye said to Mu Zhonglin, "The operation was successful, but because the patient's wound was deep and his lungs were injured, anything could happen before he wakes up. So the family members should take care of him, As long as there are no complications, it is considered a success. Before Mr. Mu wakes up, I will be in the hospital, call me anytime if you need anything."

Mu Zhonglin nodded gratefully and went to see Fang Chengye off. Qing Huan and Fu Yunting followed the doctor to send Mu Xiliang back to the ward.

Everything was settled properly, Fu Yunting thought about it, took a look at his daughter, and finally left without saying anything.

It was less than half a day after Fang Chengye's words fell, and at night, Mu Xiliang really had a high fever.

Qing Huan wiped his body over and over again, fed him little by little water, and at dawn, although Mu Xiliang was still burning, it didn't get worse after all, and his condition was stabilized.

After Fang Chengye checked Mu Xiliang, he didn't speak for a long time.

Mu Zhonglin couldn't help but said, "Doctor, what's the matter?"

"Generally speaking, a patient's high fever after surgery is a precursor to complications. A high temperature like Mr. Mu's is difficult to control. But I just took his pulse, and his condition has improved a lot. At least judging from the pulse condition, this You shouldn't have a high fever."

Fang Chengye was a little confused, as if he couldn't make up his mind, Mu Zhonglin accompanied Fang Chengye to talk outside, Qing Huan looked back at Mu Xiliang, and lightly put his fingers on his pulse.

She held her breath, and after a few minutes, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Like Fang Chengye, Qing Huan didn't seem to believe it, she hurriedly got up and opened Mu Xiliang's eyelids, her pupils were in an even position, and the whites of her eyes were clear, which is a sign of a healthy person.

And his pulse, although still weak, is recovering strongly, as if someone injected energy into his body.

Qing Huan was puzzled, but she didn't dare to be sloppy at all. In the next few days, she and Ding Heqiao took care of Mu Xiliang with all their strength. It has a rosy air.

On the morning of the fourth day, Mu Xiliang woke up.

He woke up faintly, not knowing what year it was, Qing Huan just went out to wash his face, when he opened the door and saw him staring at the ceiling in a daze, Qing Huan was taken aback, then ran over in surprise.

"Brother Xiliang, are you awake?"

She looked at what he said carefully, afraid that this was her own hallucination.

Mu Xiliang turned his head to look at her, and after a long time, his consciousness gradually returned.

He wanted to speak to her, but could not;
He moved his finger, but couldn't lift it up.

Qing Huan suddenly came back to her senses, grabbed his hand and placed it on her face.

"Brother Xiliang, you're awake! You're really awake!"

Immediately choked up and couldn't speak.

Mu Xiliang nodded weakly, and stroked her face with his fingers.


The small face that was already the size of a slap became smaller again.


Qing Huan just kept crying, unable to say anything, it took a long time to remember to call the doctor.After Fang Chengye came to check and confirmed that Mu Xiliang was fine, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

He's better, really better!

Qing Huan stood behind the crowd, shaking her body twice, Fu Yunting who had been standing behind her quietly supported her.

"Qing Huan, you should go home and rest."

He knew that his daughter liked Mu Xiliang, so he let her go these days.

But now Mu Xiliang was no longer in danger, but Qing Huan, whose complexion looked several times worse than Mu Xiliang's.

"Xiliang is no longer in danger, Qing Huan, go home with Dad."

Qing Huan was startled, and looked up at her father. After a while, her heart softened and she nodded.

After following Fu Yunting home, Qing Huan fell asleep and fell asleep for no reason.

She dreams, and the dream is full of Mu Xiliang, either alive or dead.

She has liked Mu Xiliang for more than ten years. She thought that the time was still long and she would have enough time to pursue him, but an assassination made her come to her senses.

Qinghuan's eyelids moved a few times, and Yoyo woke up.

Outside the curtains, the sun was shining brightly, it was already summer, her favorite season.

If Mu Xiliang left like this, who would she say "I like you" to?

It turns out that life is not as long as she imagined, sometimes it is just a moment, and maybe the journey to the end has already started.

"Mu Xiliang... I... like you."

She practiced softly into the air.

Easier than imagined, not so difficult to speak.

She imagined Mu Xiliang's reaction when she heard this sentence, whether she laughed at her childishly playing around, or said apologetically, "Qing Huan, I only have brother and sister feelings for you."

She knew the timing was wrong, the time was too short, not long enough for him to like her.

However, she was willing to give it a try.

Even if she is rejected, she is still his closest sister, and he will never be able to avoid her in his life.

"I will be brave."

she said to herself, and rolled over to get up.

Qing Huan opened the closet and put on her favorite clothes. The pair of diamond earrings on her earlobe were sent back from Qingqiu by Mu Xiliang on her birthday that year.

And that pearl bracelet, Mu Xiliang gave her back from Qingqiu.

She ran her fingers over a row of lipsticks, picking the softest pink.

Mu Xiliang said that he loves her pink and spring-like color the most, which is what a young girl should have.

Dressed up properly, she stood in front of the mirror, and the girl in the mirror was sweet and radiant.

Although she had convinced herself a long time ago, Qing Huan was still extremely nervous on the way to the hospital.

She even felt a little cramping in her stomach.

Finally arrived at the hospital. In the past, she was most afraid of this place, but today, she thinks it is extremely beautiful.

Qing Huan went all the way up to the fourth floor, and when he reached the stairs, he saw Ding Heqiao standing at the door of Mu Xiliang's ward, as if he was on guard.

Qing Huan couldn't help laughing.

She walked forward quickly and called "Adjutant Ding" with a light voice.

Ding Heqiao turned his head and saw it was Qing Huan. Seeing her attire, he froze for a moment.

When he reacted, Ding Heqiao immediately had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Miss, why...why didn't you rest for a few more days?"

Qing Huan couldn't help being taken aback by Ding Heqiao's nonsensical words.

It just so happened that the door was blown by the wind at this time, creaking open a crack, Qing Huan took advantage of the situation to look inside, and saw Mu Xiliang sitting on the head of the bed, and a woman in pink sitting in front of him with her back facing Qing Huan.

Mu Xiliang looked at the woman's gentle eyes with a smile on her face, not knowing what the woman said, Mu Xiliang laughed.

Probably the wound was affected, Mu Xiliang couldn't help coughing, the woman in pink hurriedly got up to help him pat his back, and gave him water to drink, acting gentle.

Ding Heqiao was terrified, he glanced at Qing Huan, and whispered, "Miss, this..."

But before he could finish speaking, Qing Huan smiled and said, "The lady inside, isn't she, Fang Meijing?"

(End of this chapter)

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