Mountains have trees and trees have branches

Chapter 204 The little girl in the mortal world

Chapter 204 The little girl in the mortal world

Yuan Jie never imagined that this ordinary mortal girl in front of him would have such a high spiritual power.

After several rounds of entanglement, he was repelled by her palm.

It was clearly a light slap, but it made him secretly take a breath.

Seeing Qing Huan, Yuan Ji's eyes became more and more sinister.

Qing Huan withdrew her palm, and said kindly, "Did you never expect that you can't beat me?"

After a pause, she didn't wait for him to speak, and said to herself, "That's because my mother passed on her thousand years of cultivation to me before she left."

Yuanji's pupils shrank.

His whole body was instantly shrouded in cold air. Seeing Qing Huan's eyes seemed to tear her apart, Qing Huan was not afraid, and said with a smile, "I really don't understand how you got to sit on that throne. For a woman, you can Regardless of everything. Let me guess, what are you doing here today, oh, is it because you know my father is getting married and you are here to congratulate me?"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Ji attacked.

Qing Huan was prepared, so she calmed down, she suddenly took Yuan Ji's hand, approached him with a smile and said, "Uncle, do you know how to write shameless, I'm your niece."

After finishing speaking, there was laughter and noise from the yard not far ahead, probably the guests were making trouble in the bridal chamber, and someone shouted "Kiss one", Qing Huan felt a flash in front of her eyes, and Yuan Ji disappeared suddenly .

At the same time, there was a slight fluctuation in the air, and a little ghost in black appeared in front of Qing Huan.

"Are you all ready?"

Qing Huan looked at the wedding room not far away and said indifferently, the little ghost said in a low voice, "Everything is ready, my lord sent me to report to the girl, please rest assured."

Qing Huan nodded and said "I'm sorry", and the little ghost disappeared in an instant.

When Yuan Ji came back to his senses, he had already been temporarily imprisoned by the Heavenly General.

"As the king of the fox clan, you have cultivated for thousands of years, but you don't respect the rules and regulations. You wantonly disturb the world, hurt mortals, and break the balance of the three realms. From now on, you will be punished with the Guanjing Pavilion, and it is up to the Emperor of Heaven to decide."

Qing Huan watched the calm air return, and strolled back to Yuan Ruoshuang's yard.

The guests left when Yuan Yu came, so there was no big commotion, but both Fu Yunting and Yuan Ruoshuang were injured, and Fu Yunting was still in a coma to protect Yuan Ruoshuang.

Qing Huan glanced at her father and frowned, "Is it all right?"

Yuan Ruoshuang shook his head, "It's okay, he didn't suffer any serious injuries, but he was affected by Yuan Ji's fox spirit, and he woke up in two days."

"Two days?"

Qing Huan murmured, "Two days should be enough."

Yuan Ji didn't expect Yuan Ruoshuang to give Qing Huan all his spiritual power, and he was like an ordinary person at this time;

Including Fu Yunting, he shot without authorization, and one injury would be two mortals, which is a serious crime.

Qing Huan remained silent, Yuan Ruoshuang looked up at her, "What's wrong."

Qing Huan hesitated for a moment, lowered her eyes and said, "I always feel that Yuan Ji won't give in."

He has gone mad.

Yuan Ruoshuang frowned.

"I should go see him."

Qing Huan disagrees.

"He has imprisoned you for so long, didn't he figure it out, what's the use of you going to see him? It will only make him more unwilling."

Speaking of the realm of infinity, Yuan Ruoshuang hadn't thought of it for a long time.

She knew Yuanji would not give in.

"If there is a chance, I still want to meet him. To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be tied. Probably, Yuanxi is my doom."

After three days in a row, Fu Yunting finally woke up.

Yuan Ruoshuang stayed by his bed the whole time, seeing that he woke up, she hurriedly said, "Are you awake? Is there any other discomfort?"

Fu Yunting shook his head and slowly sat up.

During the past few days of coma, he always dreamed about things before he got married.

"Are you OK?"

Fu Yunting raised his hand and touched Yuan Ruoshuang's face, "I lost weight."

Yuan Ruoshuang couldn't help laughing, "Stupid, I haven't seen you for a few days, how can I lose weight?"

The sun shines in from outside the window, and the room is quiet.

The atmosphere was just right, so good that Yuan Ruoshuang was nostalgic for it.

"Yan Zhao, I'm going out to do some errands. You're home alone these few days, okay?"

Fu Yunting shook his hand.

After a while, he withdrew his hand.

He asked something, but the words came to his lips, and he swallowed them back.

There was nothing he could do.

There shouldn't even be hatred and frustration.

"Are you going alone?"

Yuan Ruoshuang smiled, "Why, Qing Huan will go with me."

Hearing Qing Huan's name, Fu Yunting couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then, go early and return early."

Yuan Ruoshuang smiled, wanted to get up, paused, and sat back down.

She leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Fu Yunting's lips.

"That day the bridal chamber had no time to say, I love you."

There were tears in Fu Yunting's eyes, and he laughed to himself.


He looked at her figure, disappeared at the door of the room, and collapsed back on the bed.

He can't do anything.

Just like that year, when the He family gave birth to Mu Xiliang, everyone thought that the He family and Xue Wanqiao would surely die.

But almost a month later, Xue Wanqiao suddenly appeared.

She was calm and composed, and came to look for Fu Yunting, saying that the wife had given birth to the young son safely, and she came to report the news because she heard that the war had subsided.

Fu Yunting didn't care about being surprised, so he hurriedly notified Mu Zhonglin and went to pick up Mrs. He together.

When they found Mrs. He, the eyeballs of both of them were about to fall out. Xue Wanqiao hid Mrs. He in a cave, filled with firewood and laid a meadow, which looked simple but very warm.

Mrs. He gave birth to a fat boy weighing seven catties. It seemed that the little guy had just had a full meal and fell asleep satisfied. His face was flushed with a satisfied smile.

At that moment, neither of them could say anything.

Finally, he took the two of them back home first, and after the He family had settled down, Mu Zhonglin called Xue Wanqiao for questioning.

"How did you run away that night?"

"I don't think the situation is good, so I dare not take my wife to the farm. This mountain is the closest to us, and my wife is about to give birth. I have no choice but to hide my wife in a cave."

Fu Yunting was a little impatient, "You delivered the child??"

Xue Wanqiao nodded.

Mu Zhonglin asked anxiously, "Then how do you eat it??"

Xue Wanqiao smiled slyly, "I know how to hunt."

Are there any animals in the mountains?
Therefore, not only did He not suffer, but he was also raised fat and fat.

Fu Yunting's jaw almost dropped from shock.

When he left just now, he took a closer look at the cave. Although it was simple, it had everything that should be there.

"You made everything in the cave??"

Xue Wanqiao glanced at him slowly, frowned and said, "Why don't you let Madam do it?"

Mu Zhonglin almost laughed out loud.

He actually found a baby.

"You look young, how can you do these things?"

Xue Wanqiao said, "I have lived in the mountains since I was a child. My father is a hunter, and my mother is a personal servant of a rich family who serves the master. These things must be learned. The responsible person has long been starved to death."

"Then where are your parents??"

Fu Yunting couldn't help asking, Xue Wanqiao raised his eyebrows, "He's dead."

The questioning has come to an end.

But Fu Yunting murmured in his heart.

This girl is really capable.

Such a capable girl, how could she only ask to be a little sweeping girl.

So, when Xue Wanqiao came to fetch water, "You said your mother is a maidservant of a rich family? Where is that rich family??"

When cooking, "Your parents are gone, but your hometown is always there. Which village are you from? How did your parents die?"

When cleaning the yard, "What did you do before you came here, and how did you get here?"

Xue Wanqiao's men paused, and said, "Oh, it's such a big dust, I need to sprinkle some water."

As he spoke, a ladle of water was spilled, which happened to splash on Fu Yunting's face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, why are you standing there!"

She pursed her lips and smiled, gloating on her face.

Fu Yunting wiped his face and said angrily, "You did it on purpose!!"

Xue Wanqiao was immediately happy, "That's right, because you are so annoying."

After that, she turned around and left the yard.

On the second day, news spread that she had resigned from Mrs. He.

(End of this chapter)

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