Chapter 4 Guard
On the way home, Qing Huan became more careful, and when they reached the door of the house, they turned another corner and headed towards the Governor's Mansion. As expected, they found two more ghosts.

But this is so strange! !
Qing Huan's head was full of question marks, but she didn't have a clue, it was getting bright, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, inside her head was like a movie, there were Mu Xiliang's faces coming and going, if Mu Xiliang had something good or bad, she would marry who will go? ?
Throwing off the quilt suddenly, Qing Huan sat up and shook her head vigorously, no, this problem must be solved, otherwise she will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Before she finds out what's going on, the best way is to protect her personally.

Qing Huan's eyes lit up, she laughed twice and quickly jumped out of bed.

Mu Xiliang wiped out Qingfeng Village, so it was logical for him to join the military.

Mu Zhonglin thought for a long time, and instead of directly giving his son real power as others thought, he was placed in Fu Yunting's general staff as Fu Yunting's training staff.

You have to eat this meal one bite at a time, you won't be able to chew as much as you want.

Mu Xiliang just went, basically nothing serious, before he went, the General Staff had done the defense rectification, now it was a time of leisure, he sent Fu Yunting home, turned around and went back to the Governor's Mansion.

But when he got to the door, he heard Qing Huan's laughter.

I don't know what she said, which made his mother laugh out loud. Since he could remember, except for Qing Huan, his mother would not lose her composure like this to outsiders.

There was already a maid waiting at the door, so Mu Xiliang threw the briefcase to the maid and strolled into the living room.

Qing Huan was snuggling next to her mother, but she was not wearing a cheongsam today, an old-fashioned upper and lower jacket, a lotus root pink double-breasted jacket, and Qing Huan's small face lined with a small lapel became more and more slapped.

"I said who is here to make my mother so happy, Fu Qinghuan, we just met yesterday, why are you here again?"

Qing Huan glared at him and stuck out her tongue towards him, hugging He's arm tightly, "Ma'am, Brother Xiliang bullied me!"

He patted her hand and said lovingly, "He didn't dare."

Mu Xiliang was a little unhappy, "Mother, I am your own son."

"What's wrong with my son, you are as virtuous as your father, you are crazy outside all day, if you are half as caring as Qing Huan, mother will definitely favor you."

Qing Huan giggled from the side, "That's it." Add fuel to the fire!
Mu Xiliang sat next to He Shi, picked up an apple and bit off half of it in one bite, crossed Erlang's legs and slurred his speech.

"Mom, I think you are prejudiced against me. If I really stay at home with you all day to tease cats and dogs like you said, you might say that I am worthless and not as good as other people's sons. In the end, I will definitely Also, Qing Huan is better, knowledgeable and well-cultivated, it would be great if we could switch, wouldn't it?"

He imitated He, spoke in a high-pitched voice, deliberately emphasized the tone when he said "cultivation", and looked at Qing Huan winkingly, Qing Huan suddenly remembered what happened last night, his face burned, and he gritted his teeth Look at him, "Mu Xiliang!!"

"Oh, I'm not right? I'm praising you. Who doesn't know that our Qing Huan is a famous lady, with the most gentle demeanor, right?"

This time, even Mrs. He could hear the teasing in Mu Xi's sarcastic remarks.

She glared at him and said with a smile, "Stop talking nonsense. You haven't seen each other for more than twenty years. Why do you pinch him as soon as you meet? Xiliang, you are an older brother. If you want to let your younger sister make Qing Huan angry like last night, I won't do it." Forgive you."

According to the official statement, the two siblings had a quarrel, and Fu Qinghuan was born without a mother, and was brought up by Mrs. He alone. That's why Qinghuan called Mu Zhonglin Daddy. Out of respect for the deceased, Mrs. He insisted on calling her Madam.

According to the gossip, Fu Qinghuan likes Mu Xiliang, and Mu Xiliang is probably also interested in her. The young couple quarreled in public, so Mu Zhonglin covered it up for them.

He Shi listened but smiled slightly.

Although she will not interfere with her son's marital problems, she is still very happy if the object is Qing Huan.

There was a servant girl in the front to pass the message that Mu Zhonglin would not come back for dinner due to a social engagement, so He patted Mu Xiliang's leg lightly and knocked off his son's Erlang's leg, then took Qing Huan's hand, "Okay, let's eat Bar."

It wasn't until after the meal that Mu Xiliang realized that Qing Huan was here for a short stay and would not be leaving for a short time.

In the afternoon, Qing Huan hummed a song and happily packed things in her room. She specifically asked to be next to Mu Xiliang's room, and Mrs. He readily agreed.

Even if there is no such thing as catching ghosts, it would be nice to see Mu Xiliang every day.

Thinking about her future life, Qing Huan became more and more excited. She grabbed the sheets and giggled, completely oblivious to Mu Xiliang coming in from outside.

Seeing her foolishly happy alone, Mu Xiliang stepped forward and bent over to get close to her, wondering in her ear, "Why are you happy alone?"

He made a sudden sound, Qing Huan was startled, turned around and saw Mu Xiliang's suddenly enlarged face, and yelled "Ah" as if frightened, and was about to be carried to the bed.

Fortunately, Mu Xiliang quickly pulled her, and fell down with her in his arms.

This is the second time she has put Mu Xiliang under her body.

Qing Huan wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, what kind of evil did she have? ?
Even if she likes Mu Xiliang, it doesn't have to be so fierce, right?

"Hehe,, does it hurt from the fall?"

Mu Xiliang squinted his eyes, the pain was of course nothing to him.

"Fu Qinghuan, what the hell are you planning?"

But seeing him, there is a need to be so panicked? ?
Qing Huan's heart skipped a beat.

"Haha, what can I have an idea??"

"That's fine, why did you suddenly come to live with me?"

"This is also my home, okay? My wife has said that I can come whenever I want, and I don't need to explain to you!"

When it came to the end, she had a guilty conscience, and her voice was a little softer. Mu Xiliang became more and more suspicious, but she couldn't find anything wrong.

During the ten years he was not at home, thanks to Qing Huan being with his mother, there was even a room dedicated to her at home.

But why did she insist on living next door to her this time?

Seeing that Mu Xiliang didn't speak, Qing Huan didn't dare to linger on him any longer, thinking about it in a hurry, but when she raised her head, she saw Xiao Tao, who was sent by He's to serve her, standing awkwardly at the door with a stack of quilts in her arms. them.

Seeing that Qing Huan found her, Xiao Tao panicked and stammered to explain, "Ma'am said that it will be windy tonight, so prepare an extra bedding for Miss... I, I will come back later!!"

Before she finished speaking, Xiaotao had already run away with the quilt in her arms, Qing Huan wanted to shout anxiously, opened her mouth, then closed it in vain.

Ahhh, her fame! !

Night, as scheduled.

After that scene at night, Qing Huan tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Just after midnight, she smelled an unusual smell.

Turning over and sitting up, she quickly left the door. Fortunately, Mu Xiliang never locked the door at home.

She quietly opened the door and went in, and the ghost was standing in front of Mu Xi's bed, probably sensing someone behind him, it turned around.

Seeing this, Qing Huan was almost scared to death.

Only half of the face was left unsaid, it was still dripping blood, and the long tongue was hanging out, not to mention how disgusting it was.

It was a hanged ghost, the most troublesome ghost of this kind.

Qing Huan's heart was churning, and she raised her hand to put it away without giving it a chance.

The moonlight poured down and spilled into the room through the thin gauze, and it was warm and peaceful again, as if nothing had happened.

Qing Huan checked the surroundings to make sure it was safe, and then went back to her room, but less than half an hour after returning, another ghost came again! !
Finally subduing the ghost with great effort, Qing Huan sat in front of Mu Xi's bed in a daze.She has hidden her heart, Mu Xiliang will not feel her.

But, she can't run around all night like this.

Subconsciously, Qing Huan raised her hand to hold the white chalcedony on her chest.


As soon as the idea came up, Qing Huan shook her head vigorously to deny her own thoughts.

Just kidding, if you give him this white chalcedony, ghosts will come looking for you!

It was because of her special physique that my father sent me up the mountain to learn art from a master.

Thinking of those experiences when she was a child, Qing Huan couldn't help but shudder.

Mu Xiliang, who was sleeping soundly, lost his indecency during the day, but was a little more serious.As he said, he was indeed very vigilant, and he never indulged himself even when he fell asleep.

Qing Huan's eyes moved back and forth between Bai Chalcedony and Mu Xiliang, finally sighed, found a small corner at the end of the bed, and quietly closed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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