Mountains have trees and trees have branches

Chapter 40 The Witch's Calamity

Chapter 40 The Witch's Calamity
When Qing Huan's yard was on fire, she had already taken Yong'an out of Fushui Village.

The monstrous fire light illuminated half of the sky, and the sky was distorted by the fire light, making it look like a monster baring its teeth and claws.

They walked all night, and it was only after dawn that they left the border of Hanzhong.After finally having the opportunity to be alone, Qing Huan released Lao Zhang.

"How about it?"

"Don't worry," Lao Zhang smiled contemptuously, "I went to Yong'an's house and found a woman's soul staying there. I guess she is Yong'an's mother. She seems to be by Yong'an's side all the time. I told her You took Yong'an away, and she left the house, looking in that direction, it seems that she went to Fu Yongchen's house."

Qing Huan was taken aback, then sighed after a while.Old Zhang asked curiously, "You just let those people go like this? It's not like your character."

Qing Huan shook her head and said, "Fu Yongchen and the others will suffer retribution. Yong'an's mother has suffered such deep grievances. Sooner or later, Fu Yongchen will regret it."

Because of the sudden incident, Qing Huan wandered around for three or four days before returning to Huating.

Fu Yunting didn't return to his hometown for many years, but he didn't expect that the people in his clan were no longer what they used to be.

He was silent for a while, and after confirming that his daughter was not injured, he turned around and sent Yong'an to the hospital.

But when the test results came out, the doctor was a little surprised.

Although Yong'an's head was broken, but his brain function was not damaged, logically he shouldn't become demented.

Qing Huan stared at Yong'an for a long time, and had a guess in her heart.

When she got home, she summoned Lao Zhang and asked him to help Yongan take a look.

Lao Zhang looked back and forth carefully, then shook his head, "He should not have been tampered with in this regard."

"Why then?"

Qing Huan was a little disappointed.

Those indiscriminate people can't use any means.

If they find someone to do something to him, she will be able to solve it.

But now there is nothing, what should I do?
Old Zhang glanced at her.

"You are really in a hurry."

If you say a thousand things and ten thousand things, Fu Yong'an is just a stranger.

Qing Huan naturally understood the meaning of his words, she gave him a white look, and said, "Don't talk nonsense there! You hurry up and think for me, what else can I do to help him?"

Lao Zhang curled his lips and walked around Yong'an a few more times.

Compared with the flustered and restless when he was in Fushui Village, he was quiet when he arrived in Huating, and he didn't look uncomfortable at all.

"I think he didn't have a broken head."

Fu Yongan knows people.

If it is dementia, basically no one can recognize it.

Qing Huan nodded, "The doctor said the same thing. The test result shows that his brain is fine, so he won't be demented."

Lao Zhang rubbed his chin, Yongan lowered his head and stared at the ground, his eyes were dull and motionless.

But there was an inexplicable clarity in his eyes.

"Do you think it's possible that he was bewitched?"

Qing Huan was taken aback, "A Gu?"

Lao Zhang pointed at Yong'an and said, "Does he look like he is being controlled?"

After being reminded by Lao Zhang, Qing Huan looks more and more like Yong'an again.

"Then what do I have to do to make sure that he was bewitched?"

"Look for a witch. Generally, most people like this can see it. As for whether they can solve it, it's another matter."

"But where can I go to the witch??"

Qing Huan looked helpless, and the two talked around Yong'an for a long time, when Lao Zhang suddenly slapped his thigh, "Looking for Jiuli, maybe he will know?"

Qing Huan's eyes were startled, and she immediately vetoed Lao Zhang's words, "Please, I am a god, how could I know such a secret spell?"

"Gods also come from ordinary people, okay? You also think that God is too perfect. You can ask, which god didn't go through hell and reincarnation before he became a god?"

Qing Huan was stunned for a moment.

She felt that what Lao Zhang said seemed to make sense, so she paused and called out Jiuli.

Jiuli was still in a white robe, every time Qing Huan saw him, she felt a little inferior.

The face is not as good as others, even the hair quality is not as good as others!

Qing Huan smiled politely, and carefully said, "Jiuli, um, I want to ask you, do you know what is called a voodoo?"

Jiuli glanced at it, his gaze was indifferent.

He didn't reply, he went straight to Yong'an, raised his hand to cover Yong'an's forehead, and then a ray of light penetrated Yong'an's forehead and entered his body.

Yong'an's expression was calm at first, but gradually, he became painful.

He seemed to be in such great pain that he couldn't even sit still, holding his head and howling.

But Jiuli pressed his forehead firmly, even if he wanted to struggle, he couldn't move.

Yong'an's cry became louder and his face gradually distorted due to the pain.

Qing Huan looked at them worriedly, afraid that Yong'an would not be able to bear it, and wanted to stop Jiu Li, but Lao Zhang grabbed his arm.

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Qing Huan frowned and looked at him.

She understood what he meant, Jiuli must have discovered something.

Just when she was in a daze, something crawled out of Yong'an's ear.

Qing Huan didn't know what it was, it was small with two extremely long tentacles, and its whole body was dark red.

At first it just crawled out of the ears.

With the passage of time, this kind of bug crawled out of Yong'an's nose and mouth.

Yong'an was tortured to death, but when he was still breathing, Jiuli stopped.

He fell to the ground as if he had lost consciousness. Lao Zhang carried him to the bed, turned his head to look at the creatures that were still crawling on the ground, and said after a long time, "I can't tell, Fu Yongchen is quite dark-hearted. Look at this worm being fattened up by Yong'an, and it has multiplied so much, it probably won't be long before Yong'an will be eaten."

Qing Huan endured the nausea in her heart and glanced at the insects that were still crawling around. They lost their hosts, and they were scurrying about in the room like headless flies.

Qing Huan even felt as if a lot of bugs were biting her body.

"Okay, okay, deal with it quickly, I'm afraid!"

Lao Zhang looked at her dumbfoundedly, and stretched out his hand to point. The bugs burst into flames, and within 10 minutes, they were completely burned.

The room was filled with an unpleasant smell of blood.

Qing Huan couldn't help feeling sick, turned her head and saw Jiu Li was standing on the side watching him quietly, her eyes were still calm and nothing could be seen.

Qing Huan endured it, suppressing the discomfort in her stomach.

She smiled at Jiuli, and said seriously, "Jiuli, thank you so much, I thought you were a god, so I might not know about this kind of thing... Anyway, I'm really happy that you saved Yong'an."

Jiuli glanced at Yong'an who was still in a coma, and then looked at her again.

"Why did you save him?"

Qing Huan didn't expect him to ask this, and her eyes widened.

"That's right, he's very pitiful. I just happened to be able to save him, so I did."

"There are so many poor people in this world, do you want to save everyone?"

The words didn't sound very pleasant, but Jiuli's tone didn't sound like a mockery, but rather a question.

Qing Huan bit her lip.

It was the first time someone asked her that.

That's right, if she saw it, would she save everyone?

When Qing Huan was in a daze, Jiu Li walked up to her.

He looked down at her. To him, even among human beings, Fu Qinghuan was a girl with a very ordinary appearance.

He accepted her as his master because he was curious. He had been a shikigami for so long, and this was the first time he met a human master.

Qing Huan raised her eyes inadvertently, and saw Jiu Li's magnified face. Looking at him closely, he became more and more handsome, with an air of dust.

"I've never thought about this issue," Qing Huan raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, "Of course I can't save everyone, it's just that I just happened to catch up, and it's just a helping hand. I didn't think so much."

Jiuli remained calm.

After a long silence, his figure flashed and disappeared into the air.

Qing Huan was in a daze for a long time, then turned her head to look at Lao Zhang with a blank expression on her face, "What does he mean?"

Lao Zhang didn't answer directly, but smiled with squinted eyes, and said, "It seems that your master may have been investigated."

(End of this chapter)

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