Chapter 45 It Can Only Be Me
This is the most difficult lesson that Qing Huan has ever made up in her life.

Mu Xiliang sat on the side and watched them.

He put his legs up on the table, read the documents in his hand, and raised his head to look at them from time to time.

Yuan Yichu must have been under great pressure, so he stopped talking about the morpheme, and he said it wrong several times.

Qing Huan endured it for another ten minutes, but couldn't take it anymore, so she simply closed the book and said, "Brother Yuan, let's stop here today, you still have work, go get busy."

Yuan Yichu seemed to be pardoned, and he left the office very quickly without even saying a word of politeness.

After Yuan Yichu left, Qing Huan glared at Mu Xiliang, and walked forward angrily.

"Mu Xiliang, you did it on purpose!!"

She put her hands on the table and looked at him fiercely, Mu Xiliang raised her eyebrows, and said unhurriedly, "What's wrong with me, is it wrong for me to care about my sister's studies??"

Qing Huan took a deep breath and persuaded, "Brother Xiliang, I'm looking for Yuan Yichu for something, so can you stop making trouble?"

Mu Xiliang's expression tightened slightly, "What's the matter?"

"I can't tell you! Anyway, you promise me, don't embarrass Brother Yuan again, okay?"

"Brother Yuan", Mu Xiliang's anger that had just been suppressed was provoked again, he sneered and said, "From today onwards, you will make up lessons with me every night from now on, as a brother, I am obliged to supervise you! !"

Qing Huan was furious enough, but she knew that if she could not appease Mu Xiliang, this matter would not be resolved.

As a last resort, she had no choice but to tell the story of Yan Ning.

It just became a living entrustment.

Mu Xiliang frowned, "Why didn't I know you knew this Miss Yan??"

"How long have you been back? Then let me ask you, do you know who my good friends are, do you know that I often hang out with those female classmates at school, do you know my social circle?"

He really... knows nothing.

Mu Xiliang didn't speak, which meant acquiescing, Qing Huan said, "Look, you don't know anything. So you don't want to make trouble again, I'll settle this matter quickly, okay?"

Although Mu Xiliang still didn't speak, Qing Huan knew that he would never do this again.

Saying goodbye to him, Qing Huan was about to go home, when Mu Xiliang stopped her when she was approaching the door.

He pulled her to sit on the sofa and said seriously, "I really don't know the questions you asked just now. But if you tell me now, I will know."

Qing Huan's eyes widened immediately.

She laughed and said, "Mu Xiliang, how can you do something that girls do?"

Mu Xiliang glared at her, "Okay, tell me soon. What do you like to eat?"

"Well, I like spicy food in principle, but as long as it's delicious, I love it."

"Then what color do you like?"

"I like everything except black and gray."

"which season do you like?"

"I love all four seasons, each has its own merits."

"Then who are your good classmates?"

"As long as it's not someone like Nie Yunxin, I'm on good terms with most of my classmates."

Mu Xiliang paused, then smiled helplessly.

Saying this is the same as not saying it.

"Okay, the last question, what about boys, what type of boys do you like?"

He thought of what Fang Meijing said for no reason, Qing Huan blinked, and said with a smile, "I like your type, brother Xiliang."

"What nonsense?"

Qing Huan protested, "I'm not talking nonsense! Brother Xiliang, the person I like the most in my heart is you!"

As she spoke, she hugged Mu Xiping's arm and acted like a baby.

"Come on, I don't know who said a few days ago that they don't want to see me again."

Qing Huan sat up and said seriously, "That's because you made a mistake, why, do you think I forgive you too early, then I..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu Xiliang hurriedly said, "I didn't say anything, so I'll take you home."

After a lot of effort, Qing Huan finally met Yuan Yifan.

Surprisingly, Yuan Yifan was extremely bookish, with meticulously combed hair, a neat suit, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses neatly placed on his nose.

He was in charge of the finances of a commercial firm, and his bookish air brought a bit of shrewdness for no reason.

Qing Huan's eyes widened, and she turned to ask Mu Xiliang, "Is this really Yuan Yifan?? It's too different from Yuan Yichu!!"

"They are brothers but not twins, each has its own way of life."

Mu Xiliang said indifferently, "However, he is about to get married, and his partner is the daughter of his boss. I heard that she is also a well-educated lady, and she is a good match for him."

Qing Huan looked at him in surprise, "You know all about this? I'm planning to get close to Brother Yuan to see who Yuan Yifan likes!"

Mu Xiliang sneered, glanced at Yuan Yifan who was greeting customers outside the car window, and said, "Then there is no need!! What do you want to know, just ask me, I didn't say it, I know better than Yuan Yichu Much more."

While talking, Mu Xiliang took out a few pages of materials and threw them to Qing Huan.

Qing Huan flipped through it casually, and found that it was all Yuan Yifan's personal information, and unexpectedly detailed down to what kind of food he likes to eat.

Qing Huan was taken aback, and said in surprise, "Have you investigated Yuan Yifan? Why are you so concerned about this matter?"

Mu Xiliang turned his eyes to Qing Huan, and said domineeringly, "You only have one brother, and that is me! I will help you finish this matter, but the premise is that you stay away from Yuan Yichu after the matter is completed!"

Qing Huan exclaimed, "Why??"

"I don't like him, I'm afraid that one day something goes wrong and I will transfer him to the border!!"

Qing Huan was stunned, and when he realized it, he said angrily, "Mu Xiliang, you are threatening me!!"

Mu Xiliang raised his eyebrows and didn't speak, but said "you can figure it out".

Qing Huan knew that he would do what he said.

Rolling her eyes helplessly, Qing Huan agreed, "Deal!"

Bosheng Commercial Firm, where Yuan Yifan works, operates a trust fund, and Mu Xiliang took out his private property and asked Bosheng to manage the investment.

For guests like Mu Xiliang, the firm naturally couldn't send ordinary staff to receive them. In the end, Yuan Yifan, who was in charge of finance, was naturally the one to do it himself.

As Mu Xiliang's agent, Qing Huan went to contact Yuan Yifan a few times, and immediately understood Yan Ning's concerns.

This man is really outstanding.

He looks good, has a high IQ, and has a higher EQ.

Such a man is only a financial director of a small business, what a waste of talent!
This afternoon we finished talking about things, it was still early, at Qing Huan's request, Yuan Yifan walked her home for a walk.

In the past few days of contact, Qing Huan has become very familiar with him, and coupled with Yuan Yichu's relationship, Yuan Yifan treats her very differently.

Seeing that the atmosphere was just right, Qing Huan said, "This world is really small. When I first met Staff Officer Yuan, I never would have imagined that he was a classmate with a good friend of mine."

Yuan Yifan asked with a smile, "Who is it?"

"Yan Ning, do you know him?"

When Yan Ning's name was mentioned, Yuan Yifan stopped abruptly.

Qing Huan looked at him suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Yuan Yifan sighed, "She lives next to my house. She grew up with Yichu since she was a child, and they were classmates all the way. Aning is a very good girl, with extraordinary knowledge and self-motivation. Unfortunately, she encountered a car accident. .”

Yuan Yifan's expression was a bit regretful, a bit regretful.Qing Huan looked at him carefully and said, "Then do you know Yan Ning very well?"

Yuan Yifan shook his head, "That girl seems to be afraid of me."

"Afraid of you??"

Qing Huan was taken aback, and Yuan Yifan explained, "Our two families have a lot of contacts. Every time she comes to the house, she only plays with Yichu and rarely talks to me. Maybe it's because I am older than them, Aning I feel that I am a bit rigid and not easy to get close to, so I have never been very close to me. After she became an adult, she hardly spoke to me a few words. To be honest, I am still a little regretful that Aning is gone, because I have always wanted to ask Ask her if I am particularly scary in her eyes. It's just that before I have time to ask, she..."

Thinking of Yan Ning's death, Yuan Yifan felt a little sad, Qing Huan frowned, she was a little uncertain about Yuan Yifan's performance, so she had to say a few words of comfort, and bypassed the topic.

After parting ways with Yuan Yifan, Qing Huan went to find Mu Xiliang, but Fang Meijing was in his office.

The two people didn't know what they were talking about, and the discussion was very intense, Qing Huan didn't dare to disturb them, after thinking about it, she turned to look for Yuan Yichu.

Compared to Yuan Yifan, Yuan Yichu is much easier to fool. Qing Huan invites him to dinner, and within a few words, he leads to Yan Ning.

"What kind of girl do you think Yan Ning is?"

Yuan Yichu scratched his head, "Yan Ning, it's very good, but she is too shy and a little timid. Take my brother as an example, she grew up with my brother, and she hardly said anything to my brother. After a few words, my brother was a little depressed, thinking that he was afraid of people."

Qing Huan frowned, "Yan Ning? Don't you call her Aning?"

Yuan Yichu shook his head, "My brother is the only one in the family who calls her that, we all call her Yan Ning."

(End of this chapter)

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