Chapter 48
Fu Qinghuan, who had become Yan Ning, returned to the crowd.

After cutting the cake, Yuan Yifan took a glass of champagne to the balcony, Yan Ning thought about it, and followed.

The night wind is a bit strong tonight. Although it is early spring, the weather has not warmed up.

Yan Ning plucked up the courage to call "Brother Yuan", and tried to behave like Fu Qinghuan.

Yuan Yifan looked back and saw that it was her, he couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Thank you for coming tonight, Yunxi and I both like the gift you chose, Yunxi just said that you are very cute, and wants to be friends with you."

Yan Ning didn't know how to express, so she just smiled silently.Yuan Yifan lowered his head and smiled, "I don't know why, but I think of that girl, Ah Ning."

Yan Ning was shocked.

She suddenly remembered that when she was still alive, every time he saw her, Yuan Yifan would smile and call her A-Ning.

She liked it best when he called her that.

However, because of her damn character, she only dared to call "Brother Yuan" hastily, and then ran away.

"Yan Ning told me before that she loves people calling her Aning the most,"

She mustered up the courage to look at him. For a long time, she only dared to hide behind and peek at Yuan Yifan. Even once, she never looked directly at Yuan Yifan's face.

He's still so good-looking, it makes her feel inferior.

Yuan Yifan was taken aback, "Really, I thought that girl didn't like it. Every time I called him that, she avoided it, so I stopped calling her later. Ah Ning is really cute but shy Girl, when she gets shy, she blushes like the morning glow in the sky, every time I want her to be my sister, I must pinch her cheek to see if it is about to burn!"

Yuan Yifan laughed loudly as he said that, Yan Ning just looked at his smiling face, a tear could not help but slipped down quietly.

It turned out that she missed so much.

Seeing her crying, Yuan Yifan looked at him in surprise, Yan Ning raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and said in a low voice, "I, I just think of Yan Ning..."

Yuan Yifan's eyes flickered slightly.

He smiled, turned around and looked into the distance, "If there is an afterlife, I hope to see Aning again and grow up with her. At that time, I must ask if I look terrible, Why do you run away from me every time you see me?"

Night Breeze grew stronger, like Yan Ning's heart, weeping in the wind.

"Ah Ning, let's go."

Yuan Yifan said something low to the air, Yan Ning lowered his eyebrows and curled his mouth, and flew away from Qing Huan.

Qing Huan felt that she was still not experienced enough, she couldn't understand what Yuan Yifan said at the end.

But Yan Ning left contentedly.

So what did she understand?Did Yuan Yifan like her? ?

This matter made her depressed for several days. In order to relax, she left school in the afternoon and asked her classmates to have dinner. After the meal, the two went shopping again. They wandered around until after eight o'clock before going home.

But just when she was about to say goodbye to her classmates, a car drove over from the other side of the road. The license plate number on the front was 005, which she was most familiar with, Fu Yunting's car.

But there was not only Fu Yunting sitting in the car, but also a lady.

The car just stopped not far from them. The lady got out of the car and waved at Fu Yunting. The car started slowly again until it disappeared.

The lady stared in the direction where the car disappeared for a long time before turning and entering the gate behind her.

Qing Huan looked up along the gate, and there were three big characters "Xinxianlin" wrapped in neon lights.

Qing Huan was taken aback, the dance hall.

Is this an accident?
Even though she was young, she also knew that Xinxianlin was the largest and most luxurious dance hall in the area.

The lady looked at her attire, she should be a dancer from Xinxianlin.

Qing Huan doesn't care about his father's relationship with men and women, as long as he is happy.

But she was a little curious.

For so many years, that lady was the only woman she had ever seen who had gotten into her father's car.

She wondered what kind of woman could catch her father's eye.

This matter has been held back in her heart for several days, but Qing Huan finally couldn't hold it back and decided to go there in person.

First, the identity of the lady must be determined.

She spent some money on the children in the alley, and within two days the results came out. The lady was indeed a dancer in Xinxianlin, and she was also the number one.

Lu Shiyin.

The first step was done, and next, Qing Huan decided to sneak in and take a closer look at Lu Shiyin's appearance.

It was too far away that day, she didn't see clearly at all, she only remembered her slender figure and her graceful figure, which couldn't be concealed.

At first she planned to dress up as a man, but after looking in the mirror, she gave up.

Although most of the people who go to Xinxianlin are men, there are also women, and there are also many people who come here to discuss business and hold parties, so she doesn't have to hide it, she just goes there openly.

She purposely dressed up a bit more maturely, imitating Fang Meijing's appearance and wearing a well-fitting knee-length skirt with high heels.

After entering, she ordered a drink first. It seems that there is a dance party today, and all the young ladies and gentlemen came, God help me.

Qing Huan found a reliable waiter and tipped him several times, saying that she just wanted to see Lu Shiyin up close.

The waiter was very polite, and immediately told her where Lu Shiyin was tonight. She seemed to have guests, and they were two elegant-looking gentlemen.

They didn't order in the box, but sat in the booth. Thankfully, the waiter took Qing Huan to the seat next to them.

Seeing this, Qing Huan was a little surprised.

Seriously speaking, Lu Shiyin's length is not beautiful.

But she is very good at dressing up, knowing what kind of makeup suits her best, and what kind of clothes can maximize her physical advantages.

So looking at it this way, her red lips are charming, her makeup is exquisite, and her slightly raised eyeliner reveals a bit of style.

Tonight she was wearing a peacock blue sleeveless cheongsam, with a large piece of satin embroidered with a blooming peony.

Qing Huan listened to their conversation again, and as expected, Lu Shiyin was very insightful, he could be called full of literary talent, and he articulated his words without giving people a sense of oppression.

Qing Huan felt that she no longer needed to listen.

She got up and was about to leave, but it happened that the dance party ahead was in full swing, and many people were dancing in the pool, blocking her way.

The waiter pointed her to another door, passing through the private room over there, and there was another side door.

Without hesitation, Qing Huan walked along the path pointed by the waiter. She just walked through the first private room. The door of the private room in front was suddenly opened from the inside, and someone came out talking and laughing.

Qing Huan had a face-to-face meeting with the other party, subconsciously looked up, and immediately stayed where she was.

It's... Mu Xiliang! !

Mu Xiliang also saw her, and was taken aback for a moment, but after he realized it, he took another look at her attire, and his eyes immediately burst into flames.

Qing Huan was so frightened that her legs gave way, she turned and ran.

She also didn't care about the crowd, she was already sweating profusely when she got out of the crowd and walked to the front door.

The exit was just ahead, Qing Huan took a breath, and ran over quickly without taking a rest.

But she just opened the door, and when she raised her head, she met Ding Heqiao's face.

Ding Heqiao smiled awkwardly and called "Miss".

Qing Huan followed him and looked around, only to realize that Mu Xiliang had ordered someone to surround the entire front door!

Qing Huan yelled in her heart that she was not good!
She still wanted to run, but there was a sound of leather boots behind her, probably because the master was angry, they made a clacking sound.

Qing Huan didn't need to turn her head, she just smelled the smell and knew that Mu Xiliang was standing behind her.

Someone grabbed her arm and yanked Qing Huan. Qing Huan was forced to turn around, and Mu Xiliang's extremely angry face appeared in front of her eyes.

Qing Huan wanted to laugh, but couldn't, Mu Xi said "go" coldly, and dragged her staggeringly towards the car over there.

(End of this chapter)

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