Chapter 71 Makeover
From the moment Qin Youliang stepped into Mu Xiliang's office, he felt uneasy.

He chose Staff Officer Fang because half of the people in the military believed that Staff Officer Fang would be the future wife of the warlord.

But when it comes to knowing people, Ding Heqiao must be ranked ahead of Fang Meijing.

Mu Xiliang took the list and scanned it briefly, and sure enough, he frowned.

"Why is there no Luo Heng?"

Qin Youliang was stunned.

"Staff Luo...I considered that he had just arrived and was not familiar with the situation, so I asked him to stay at home and be on duty."

Mu Xiliang put down the list and sat back on the chair, clasped his hands and looked at Qin Youliang and said, "Qin Youliang, haven't you read Luo Heng's resume? Luo Heng graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic, and then graduated from Youth University with all A's. Dowson Military Academy. Don’t you know the ranking of Dawson Military Academy in the world’s military academies? A perfect high-achieving student from a military academy that has produced half of the world’s famous military commanders, you let him stay at home on duty, huh?”

Qin Youliang sweated all down.

"Luo Heng is the eldest son of the Qingcheng Governor, and he will be in charge of Qingcheng in the future. He will be our enemy. For such a person, it is a point to have less contact with the core."

At that time, he went to ask Fang Meijing, and these were Fang Meijing's original words.

It was only after hearing this that he crossed Luo Heng off the list.

Qin Youliang hurriedly said, "What you said is true, I'll add Staff Luo right now."

"Also," Mu Xiliang picked up the list again, "cross out Fang Meijing."

Qin Youliang was stunned again, and Mu Xiliang couldn't wait for an answer, so he looked up at him, "Is there a problem?" "No!"

After leaving Mu Xiliang's office, Qin Youliang's back was soaked.

He didn't waste a moment to find Ding Heqiao, and then said in fear, "Brother, if you hadn't reminded me, something big would happen to me today!"

After all, he told Ding Heqiao exactly what Mu Xiliang had ordered, and Ding Heqiao said with a smile, "Now you know why I didn't tell you in advance."

Qin Youliang frowned, "Leaving aside this Luo Heng for the time being, what about Fang Meijing? Why did the young master cross her out??"

Doesn't he like her?

Ding Heqiao sneered, "What can she do? A political student who became a monk halfway, can she shoot a gun or cannon when she goes to the battlefield?"

Qin Youliang felt that he was not well.

"Master...don't you like Staff Officer Fang??"

Ding Heqiao's tone is not the tone he should have for the future military governor's wife! !

Ding Heqiao laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "Director Qin, you have to practice again!"

After sending Qin Youliang away, Mu Xiliang called Luo Heng.

Since Qing Huan was injured, this was the first time they had been alone together.

Luo Heng saluted, and seeing that Mu Xiliang remained silent, Mu Xiliang said, "Do you want to go to this exercise?"

Luo Heng was taken aback, "Will you let me go?"

Mu Xiliang stopped the pen in his hand, looked up at him, "Why should I not let you go?" After a pause, he simply put down the pen in his hand, "Governor Luo gave you to me, and asked me to train you Of course, I have to ensure your safety first. But I think that since you have made a change and left home to serve in the army, as a soldier, you have to go to the battlefield, so I called you here today, just to ask you, this exercise, you Are you going or not?"

Luo Heng stood at attention and said loudly, "Go!"

"Well, you can choose a unit yourself, choose the one you are best at."

Luo Heng thought for a while, then said cautiously, "Can I go to the intelligence department?"

Mu Xiliang was a little surprised, "Why?"

"In this exercise, Lian Shou will definitely try his best to defeat us. If he defeats us, he will defeat Xue Yanhe. Therefore, I think the source of information and the accuracy of information are very important. When I was in school, my intelligence subject graduation score Yes, I am confident that I will block Lian Shou in his lair!"

Mu Xiliang looked at Luo Heng for a long time, and raised the corners of his lips if there was nothing, "Okay, go and report."

This kid has really changed his face!

Due to the emergency, this New Year, Mu Xiliang spent at the border.

For three whole months, the news kept coming, there were victories, and naturally there were also defeats.

It went back and forth for a while, and finally ended with Mu Xiliang bombarding Lian Shou's headquarters and wiping out all the combat commanders.

When Mu Xiliang came back, it was already March in Yangchun.

On the first night back, Qing Huan wanted to stay with Fu Yunting at home, so she couldn't find Mu Xiliang.

In class the next day, she lost interest.

Song Yilin naturally knew what was on her mind, and teased her, "Look at your youthful look! You can leave school after a while, just go find him!"

Qing Huan shook her head, "Oh, you don't understand, this is Xiao Bie Sheng's newly-married, long time no see, now that he's back, I'm a little embarrassed to find him."

Song Yilin laughed loudly, "Fu Qinghuan, it's hard for a thick-skinned person like you to be embarrassed! Well done, feel sick yourself, I'll vomit first!"

Finally, when school was over, Qing Huan and Song Yilin went home together before leaving the school gate. Song Yilin's eyes lit up and she touched Qing Huan's arm, "Look, who is that?"

Qing Huan followed Yilin's eyes and saw Mu Xiliang's car.

Sudden surprise hit her heart, although Qing Huan's face was still calm, but the blush on her face revealed her thoughts.

Yilin glanced at Mu Xiliang's car, and said, "Hey, tell me, what do you like about Mu Xiliang? Although he is a high-ranking and powerful man, he is much older than you. Every time I see you two together , It's like looking at the uncle and the little sister!

Qing Huan raised her lips, looked ahead and tilted her head, "What do you know? A mature man is the best aphrodisiac!"

Yilin blushed and spat, "Fu Qinghuan, you slutty girl! If Mu Xiliang finds out your true face one day, he will regret it to death!!"

The two chatted and laughed for a while, Qing Huan was about to go to find Mu Xiliang, when Qiao Nanyi saw Mu Xiliang, and trotted over.

She said a few words to Mu Xiliang through the window, then opened the door and got in the car.

Yilin was startled, and blurted out, "No way!!"

Mu Xiliang... came to pick up Qiao Nanyi?

She turned her head to look at Qing Huan, Qing Huan's expression was the same as usual, but the blush quietly disappeared without knowing when.

She took Qing Huan's hand worriedly, afraid that she would be sad.Qing Huan shook Yilin's hand backhand, and patted it reassuringly.

She doesn't believe it.

Even if Mu Xiliang doesn't like her, Mu Xiliang is not a person of this character.

Besides, if he wants to pick up Qiao Nanyi, he can just go to the Faculty of Arts, why come here?

Time flew by every minute and every second, but Yilin felt nervous for just a few minutes, as if it had been a long time.

Someone around had already noticed that Qiao Nanyi got into Mu Xiliang's car and started whispering.

At this moment, when the car door opened, Mu Xiliang got out of the car.

When he got out of the car, the car drove away. He looked around for a long time, and when he saw Qing Huan, he walked over calmly.

I haven't seen him for a few months, and Mu Xi has become darker and thinner.

He had cut his head bald before, and now his hair has just grown back, so cool.

Girls around screamed, praising him for being so handsome.Mu Xiliang greeted the setting sun and walked in front of her, smiling at her, "School is over?"


"Dinner at my house tonight, my mother asked me to pick you up."

Qing Huan glanced at the car that drove away, "How can I go back when the car is gone?"

Mu Xiliang raised his eyebrows, "If you're not hungry, let's walk back."

Qing Huan lowered her eyes and smiled, "Okay."

The moment they walked away, at the corner across the street, Luo Heng came out from the shadows.

(End of this chapter)

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