The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 121 Chapter 121 My Master

Chapter 121 Chapter 121 My Master ([-])

"It's my fault, come and sit down." After Yi Longfei took him to a seat beside him and sat down, he said to the woman sitting or standing next to him: "This is a person from Miracle Doctor Valley. Stay here temporarily."

"Brother Yi..." Ru Xueer spoke inexplicably, leaning lightly on the shoulder of the person beside her.

Liniang looked at the pretending woman with disgust in her eyes.As the most favored and highest-ranking woman in Yilong Feihou's house, she has always existed as the hostess, and now a yellow-haired girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere to snatch her, how could she not be angry.

After turning her eyes away from looking at the two people, standing on a high place, she spotted Shen Mengdie who was far away from the crowd at a glance, so after waving her handkerchief, she asked Yi Longfei with a light smile: "Master, you brought us two sisters this time, why didn't you introduce the other one to us?"

Yi Longfei stopped his actions to appease Ru Xueer, and looked at Liniang with some doubts. Following the other party's guidance, he naturally saw Shen Mengdie standing quietly outside the crowd.

"Mengdie, come here."

Shen Mengdie, who was watching the farce, heard Yi Longfei's call, and cast her eyes on Yi Longfei. At the same time, other women stepped aside for her, and all kinds of curious and puzzled eyes fell on her. .

"This is Shen Mengdie who I met on the way. She's staying here temporarily..." Yi Longfei didn't know how to introduce him. He was obviously very enthusiastic about him when he met him, but the more he got to the back, the more enthusiastic he was. is alienation.

Shen Mengdie stood there silently, without opening her mouth to explain anything, because she also suddenly discovered that apart from the familiar face of the other party, she had no other feelings at all.

"Master, isn't she the sister you brought back for us?"

"I..." Seeing that Yi Longfei didn't say anything, Shen Mengdie took the words, but at the end of Zhang Zhang, she didn't know what to say. Her original plan was to stay in the place she was looking for. But the current situation is not quite right, so he swallowed back the words he wanted to say, and said instead: "I have nowhere to go now, I can only disturb you here, brother Yi."

Although she was very puzzled about her own feelings, she was a little unwilling to give up her hand to others.

Hearing her answer, Yi Longfei just narrowed his eyes slightly, looked up and down the person he had neglected recently, then nodded lightly and said: "Since I have brought you back, you should stay here first Stay here."

Listening to the conversation between the two and the way Shen Mengdie looked at Yi Longfei, Li Niang understood that the other party was not a threat. "In this case, Mengdie will come to me if she needs anything in the future."

"So, thank you very much." Shen Mengdie smiled and nodded to Liniang, no matter whether she misunderstood or what, only by staying by Yi Longfei's side can she understand the whole story.

And just after Shen Mengdie stayed here for a while, the leader of Yuehua Sect, who was far away, was asking for someone from Liu Yeliu. "Liu Ye, where is the person I asked you to bring back? Where did you take me?"

"Master, that woman left with someone else after she woke up." Liu Ye sat aside, rubbed her fingers on the rim of the teacup, and replied casually.

The leader stopped what he was doing, and looked at the unaware person over there with a bad tone. "Then you just watch her go?"

"Yeah, it's impossible for me to bring people back by force, right?" Liu Ye put down the teacup, changed to a relaxed sitting position, and looked lazily at the leader.

"I asked you to help me take care of people. Is this how you take care of me?" Although he knew that the other party was a bit unreliable, but the current situation really made him a little confused about what to say to the other party.

"Yes, otherwise?"

"Forget it, do you know where she went?" The leader didn't want to pursue the matter further, and after sighing lightly, he asked about Shen Mengdie's whereabouts.

"Oh, I don't know about that." Liu Ye now asked three questions, and answered all the questions of the leader with "don't know".

"You can go." The leader looked at the other person's appearance, and waved the other person away with some annoyance. Looking at the person who turned around neatly, he sighed lightly and rubbed his forehead. "No, I'm going to find her." Although he didn't know the identity of the woman, there was always a thought in his heart urging him to find her quickly, to find her quickly.

So he decided to obey his own thoughts, and arranged for his congregation to find someone for him, and after only half a day, he knew that the person flew away with the martial arts leader Yilong. "He actually left with him." Thinking that the other party is now by his nominal brother's side, for some reason, besides a little helpless, he felt a little uneasy, so after bringing a few hidden guards, he hurried to The lord of the alliance rushed to the villa.

After Shen Mengdie lived in the guest room of the leader's villa, Yi Longfei took care of her as a guest as he said at the beginning.In the recent period of time, she has not seen Yi Longfei, but she has seen all the girls in the back house.

She who is temporarily staying in the guest room is sitting on a chair by the window, looking at the servant girl Xiaoxing who is busy beside her with gentle eyes. The other party is only twelve or thirteen years old, and in her eyes she is just a child. But it was arranged to take care of her life.

"Xiaoxing, don't be busy, sit down and have a rest." Shen Mengdie looked at the busy people, put down the basic miscellaneous talk book she got from Liniang, and persuaded softly.

"Miss Shen, I..."

"Okay, I don't have anything to do here, you can rest for a while, I'm not a lady, just call me Mengdie." Shen Mengdie interrupted the other party's words, and said gently.The little star in front of her reminded her of those people who used to be by her side, who were also young and innocent, just like herself back then.

Xiaoxing stopped to hear her instructions, and stood beside her a little awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Shen Mengdie looked at Xiao Xing who was a little shy in front of her, shook her head with a chuckle and stepped forward to pull him to sit in front of her.Seeing the other party constantly stirring the corner of her clothes, not daring to meet her eyes, she couldn't help reaching out to caress her face, and said jokingly. "Am I that scary? Why don't you dare to look at me? Huh?"

"Miss Shen, I..."

"Okay, okay." Shen Mengdie realized that she could no longer get along with the other party as friends, so she changed the subject and asked. "Can you tell me something about Leader Yi?"

Except for the simple understanding and some information from the information at the beginning, she didn't know some of the current situation. She also suspected that she had denied the wrong person, but looking at that face, she rejected it again, but that alienation The feeling is a little unclear.

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(End of this chapter)

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