The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 124 Chapter 124 My Master

Chapter 124 Chapter 124 My Master ([-])
"Miss Shen, who are you looking for?" Xiaoxing looked at Shen Mengdie suspiciously, and at the same time followed the other's gaze.

Shen Mengdie was examining those young women, and when she wanted to count how many there were, she was attracted by Xiao Xing's words, and slowly withdrew her gaze. "Nothing, I'll just take a look."

"Oh." Xiaoxing blinked his eyes, then nodded his head blankly.

When Shen Mengdie put her eyes on the pavilion in the lake, she found a large group of people gathered there, and among the crowd was Liniang who hadn't seen her for a long time.But it's strange to say, for some reason, Liniang went to look for her every day for the past two days, but now she hardly sees her.

"Xiaoxing, do you know what they are doing?" Shen Mengdie looked at the people dancing in the pavilion from time to time, tilted her head and asked Xiaoxing, the maid beside her.

"They should be rehearsing a show. On the master's birthday, they are going to perform a show."

"Performing a show?" In her impression, this seemed to be what an actor should do, and she didn't understand why a woman who was a concubine had to dance.

"En, yes." Xiaoxing nodded her head, not understanding why the other party would ask such a question.

"Oh, let's go back." Shen Mengdie withdrew her gaze and stopped paying attention to those people in the distance.

After slowly returning to the residence, she waved away the little star who wanted to stay and continue to serve, and leaned against the window sill alone, looking at the blue sky and white clouds through the window, and her restless mood gradually calmed down many.

"What should I do in the future?" She couldn't help asking herself in her heart, but what she was filled with joy was the loss she never thought of. She took a deep breath and hid her panic deep in her heart .

In the next two days, she didn't step out of her residence again, and the lively atmosphere outside didn't attract her attention.At noon that day, she was reading a book in her room when she heard the sound of crackling firecrackers outside, she put down the book in her hand, and walked out of the room slowly, only to see puffs of smoke floating in the direction of the door from a distance.

"Miss Shen, do you want to go there now?" Xiao Xing came to her side, and also looked towards the direction of the door, and asked her.

Shen Mengdie silently withdrew her gaze, shook her head and sighed softly: "No."

"Oh." Xiaoxing just nodded her head when she got the answer, and then quietly stood beside her.

Shen Mengdie slowly turned around and walked into the room behind her. When she was about to step into the threshold, she looked back at the place where the smoke was rising, as if she was sighing, and she lowered her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking.

After returning to her chair by the window, she picked up the book she had just unloaded again. Although her eyes were on the pages, her lifeless eyes showed that she was distracted.Regarding her current behavior, she herself was a little unclear, as if she was subconsciously avoiding something, she felt a little lost in her heart, but she didn't feel too much sadness.

"Could it be that I am a heartless person, or why when I see that person, I don't have any emotions in my heart?" I feel that this kind of thing is always so illusory, and she is also very concerned about this kind of situation where only she has two feelings every time. Feeling helpless because of the memories of the past, this is the exhaustion from the depths of the soul. She asked herself that she is not a person who is too persistent, and sometimes she should let go of everything else, but whenever she has this kind of thought, the bottom of her heart There will be a strong unwillingness in the depths.

And when Shen Mengdie was thinking about his future alone, the travel-worn leader also came to the leader's villa.

"Master, it is said that today is Yi Longfei's birthday, look..."

"Find a way to sneak in." The leader naturally also saw the situation at the door not far away, and he was very clear about his purpose for coming this time.After explaining to his subordinates, he stayed where he was and watched the scene of people coming and going at the gate.

And the subordinate who received the order came back with a golden invitation in his hand after leaving for only a moment.

"Master, this is the invitation card I found." The subordinate respectfully handed the invitation card to him, and stood silently behind him.As for the origin and method of the invitation, several people naturally knew it well, and as the leader's right-hand man, this person even brought over the birthday gift that was about to be given.

The Hierarch caressed the gold-plated lettering on the invitation card, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, he straightened his clothes and walked to the reception desk with his two subordinates calmly.

Naturally, he would not only bring two subordinates with him when he went out this time. There were too many people who wanted his life in this Jianghu, and those people were basically dealt with by his subordinates before they even got close to him.Except for the two behind him, the other subordinates are hiding in the dark, and as long as he needs someone, he can summon them at any time.

The butler at the door received the invitation and took a look at it, then smiled and made a gesture of invitation. "Inside please."

The leader nodded without saying a word, and walked slowly into the villa. A subordinate who followed casually handed the gift in his hand to the other party, and then walked in together.

"This man is really strange. He's still wearing a mask." A guard who was helping shook his head and sighed softly. He didn't see anything wrong, but he was very surprised by the mask.

After glancing at the person who entered, the butler silently withdrew his gaze, squinted his eyes slightly and scolded the guard: "Since it is the guest invited by the master, there shouldn't be any problems. You can rest easy for me. Don't cause trouble for me." The butler, who is not confused, naturally has a certain amount of experience, so after seeing the leader's aura, although he has restrained a lot, he guessed that the identity of the person must be extraordinary, isn't it? A little housekeeper like him can afford to offend him.

This guard is actually the housekeeper's cousin. After hearing his uncle's words, he just rolled his eyes secretly in his heart, and continued to busy with the affairs in hand in silence. Relying on his uncle's relationship, he spent a very long time in the villa. Well, he doesn't want to lose the job just yet.

The leader didn't care about other people's evaluation of him. After arriving at an empty courtyard with the servant who led the way, he took his subordinates to find a remote corner and sat down.

The other people who were also sitting in a remote corner glanced at him, confirmed that he was not someone famous in the world, and stopped paying attention to him.Although the leader is wearing a mask, it seems strange to ordinary people, but there are many people in the world who have this habit.

(End of this chapter)

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