The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 144 Chapter 144 My Master

Chapter 144 Chapter 144 My Master (34)

"Then, thank you, but let's keep it with you first, and take it out when needed." And just after Shen Mengdie responded, the system's notification sounded.

'Sub-task: get the legendary colorful snow lotus. (completed)'

"Huh..." She let out a breath and closed the box.But when she didn't realize it, the flowers that were supposed to be in the box were taken away by the system.

The leader did not object to her decision, he just put the box back in its original place, and said to her: "Whenever you need it, come to me." In the leader's mind, the other party is actually declining His own kindness, but he is not going to say any more, after all, he will show it when the time comes.

The two of them were thinking about their own affairs, and walked out of the dark room slowly. Afterwards, the leader did not take her back the same way, but continued to walk far away along this secret passage. After rising up and making a rumbling sound, she saw the sunlight projected in from outside.

After coming out of the secret passage, she looked at her position and looked around in confusion.She didn't understand that she had entered through the secret passage from the bedroom just now, why she couldn't see the original contiguous houses and courtyards when she came out now.

The leader seemed to understand her doubts, so he took her to a place full of flowers and explained: "This is the back mountain."

"Oh." Hearing this, she also probably understood that this should be used for emergency escape. It is better not to ask more about such a secret matter.

What is in front of me is an open field, surrounded by only a few low shrubs, and wild flowers blooming tenaciously at this time of year. Looking around, it is really beautiful.But when she turned her eyes to the distance, there was a cliff there. At a glance, it was surrounded by clouds and mist, and she couldn't see clearly what was going on underneath.

In the following days, the whole church started to get busy with the marriage of the leader.And Shen Mengdie didn't pay any more attention to the captured Ru Xueer, and now she is waiting for her wedding day with joy.

In such a busy situation, time flies, and this day has arrived in a blink of an eye.

After waking up early in the morning, she started to get ready, and after taking a bath, she walked out in a white nightgown.Under the skillful hands of the maids, she changed into a bright red wedding dress, then sat in front of the dressing table and let the maids' dexterous fingers run back and forth between her hair.

"Miss Shen, you will be the most beautiful woman today, and we will soon have to respectfully call you Mrs. Mistress." Standing behind her, Luo Yan directed the maids to be busy, gently combing her silky hair. Said loudly.

Shen Mengdie silently looked at herself in the mirror, although she pressed her lips tightly, there was a smile in her eyes that couldn't be hidden.

It took two hours and four hours just to dress up. Her long hair was tied into a bun and various accessories were put on her head. When her head was on the ground, she felt a heavy weight on her neck, and she shook her head before she managed to stabilize herself.

And at this moment, the nurse outside came to send a message, and took a look at the progress here. "Is the bride ready?"

"Well, it's ready." Luo Yan answered the other party, and then stood aside.

Logically speaking, at this time, some elders should be invited to explain to the bride some ways of getting along with the couple, and then various complicated rules, but because the leader thought it was too troublesome, he canceled it.Originally, even the process of welcoming the bride would be cancelled, but I thought it would be too simple, so I decided to go around the courtyard a few times in the end.

After waiting for a short while, noises started to come from outside, and someone outside quickly ran over and reminded the people here: "The groom is here, is the bride ready?"

"Quickly, put the hijab down." Luo Yan quickly reminded, and then stepped forward to help fix it.

Under the bustle and bustle, Shen Mengdie walked out with the help of the maid. After receiving the people, the leader led the team around a few times, and then quickly rushed to the hall that had been prepared.After simplifying many complicated procedures, the two finally began to worship.

Surrounded by happy characters and red silk plastered everywhere, it was a festive scene. Sitting on the upper seat was the old lady who had been ill for a long time. A pair of big dragon and phoenix candles were quietly burning. Apart from the high-level members of the church, all the people around were watching the ceremony. Besides, those who are specially invited to come to the wedding.

And right in the crowd, at this moment, there was a man clenching his teeth, his hands clenched into fists showing blue veins, and the hatred in his eyes could not be concealed.

Under such a gaze, the leader seemed to be conscious of looking over, but seeing that it was just an ordinary congregation, he slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at the person opposite him with a smile in his eyes.

The leader handed the red silk in his hand to the opponent's hand, and the two held one end each.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two thanks to the high hall."

"Happy husband and wife."


Following the emcee's voice, the two stood facing each other after paying their respects.The leader still wears the mask on his face, blocking the probing eyes of a group of people, but judging from the aura around him, he should be in a good mood.After gently lifting the hijab on the opponent's head, he reached out and stroked the person's cheek.

Shen Mengdie looked at the loving eyes of the leader, and couldn't help blushing with embarrassment.

Yao Meier, who was on the side, paid close attention to the two people wearing wedding dresses, the joyful red color almost burned her eyes, but she could not disobey the order of the leader, let alone destroy it.

He Zijun's attitude towards Yao Meier is really helpless, and he doesn't know how to persuade him. He only hopes that as time goes by, it will gradually change.

"The Hierarch and Madam are both talented and beautiful. I think the old lady is very satisfied with the new lady." Now everyone started to call the mother of the Hierarch the old lady, and the new lady is the wife of the Hierarch.

"Yes, yes. Our teaching has not been this lively for a long time, and you will have a drink with me later."

Everyone looked at the pair of Bi people in the middle with blessings in their eyes.

But after the man who hated the leader just now saw clearly who the bride was, he who was hiding in the crowd suddenly couldn't hold back, the burning anger in his eyes almost burned his reason.

The leader has always felt that someone is staring at him, but today is his good day, and there are quite a lot of people who came to watch the ceremony before, so it is not easy for him to check who it is for a while.Just as he lowered his head to kiss his bride, he suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

"Devil, take your life." And at this moment, the man just now attacked him with a sharp sword.

(End of this chapter)

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