The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 146 Chapter 146 My Master

Chapter 146 Chapter 146 My Master (36)

"Dang..." The leader seemed to have a pair of eyes behind him. With a wave of the saber in his hand, he blocked the danger from behind with his backhand, and then quickly stepped aside. After checking that there was no danger around him, he will The man in the middle was lightly placed on the ground.

But at this moment when he was moving, Yi Longfei, who followed closely just now, did not move. The other party just glanced at Shen Mengdie with complicated eyes, and then held the sword in his hand tightly. You know what you are thinking.

Standing behind the leader, Shen Mengdie looked helplessly at the two people in front of her. She couldn't help them in their fight, so she took the initiative to take a few steps back, away from them.


The leader waved the long sword in his hand, making a whirring sound of piercing through the air, and looked at his face calmly. He knew that if he didn't deal with Yi Longfei, he would not be able to leave safely with the people behind him.

Now is the best time, there is no interference from other people and enemies around, the person standing behind him is now safe, and he can also let go of his hands and feet to solve the immediate crisis.

Thinking of this, he suddenly exerted force on his feet and quickly attacked the opponent.

And just when the two were fighting together, a group of people came one after another from the back mountain, and the one who ran in front of the crowd was Luo Yan. At this moment, her body was already covered with blood, and it was unknown whether she was injured or someone else. blood, followed by two servant girls, Qing and Yue.

Luo Yan saw Shen Mengdie standing there at a glance, so she clenched the soft sword in her hand and quickly ran over there with the two people behind her.When they were in the hall just now, due to the sudden incident, they who were originally assigned to protect Shen Mengdie were also entangled by the enemy.

"Protect Madam." Luo Yan ordered Qing and Yue, after finishing an enemy who was following behind her.

"Yes." The two servant girls, Qing and Yue, ignored the enemies who were quickly chasing after them, and after responding, they came to stand beside Shen Mengdie, holding the weapons in their hands, and looked outside defensively.

Although Shen Mengdie, who was watching the fight of the leader, was focused on the two people over there, when the large number of people rushed to this side, he naturally noticed the movement over there.

"Ma'am." Luo Yan held a soft sword dripping blood in her hand, nodded to Shen Mengdie, and then looked around vigilantly.

"Where are the others?" After observing the three of them, Shen Mengdie took the initiative to ask a few other people. At that time, she didn't notice the situation of those people because it was too chaotic.

"They...couldn't come out." Luo Yan said one by one, with a heavy look in her eyes.Although Qing and Yue did not speak, their reddened eyes revealed their grief.

When Shen Mengdie heard this, she naturally understood what the other party wanted to express. Thinking of those people who protected her, she felt a little uncomfortable.

In this short period of time, more than a dozen people came one after another, both enemies and friends, she was protected in the middle, and she was basically not hurt, while the leader was fighting fiercely with her opponent.

After a chaotic fight, there were only a few people left here, and she knew that she was besieged.

"Luo Yan, can we go out now?" She began to ask the people around her. Everything that happened today made her uneasy, besides fear, there was also confusion about the unknown.

Luo Yan was no longer as calm as usual at this moment, the wound on her body made her frown, and after looking at the enemies around her, she fell silent.

"I know." Shen Mengdie didn't explain what she knew, some things were too hurtful to say, and she also understood that today might be the time for her to leave.

When both the leader and Yi Longfei stopped, the situation unexpectedly reached a stalemate for a while.

"Brother Yi, let's go, get out of here." Shen Mengdie knew that she was a burden, although she didn't want to think of herself that way, but that was the truth.

"No, I'll take you away with me." The leader had his own calculations in his heart. Although the chance of taking someone away safely was very small, he would definitely not abandon his married wife.


Just when she was about to say something more, a voice full of hatred came over. "It's really a deep love between husband and wife."

After hearing the voice, Shen Mengdie quickly turned her head to look at the person who came, and when she recognized who it was, her pupils shrank sharply. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, of course I came to see how you died..." At this time, Ru Xueer had a victorious smile on her face, and after giving her a contemptuous look, she sneered.

And Shen Mengdie also suddenly discovered that besides the leader, there were only Luo Yan and the other three by her side, but there were more than a dozen people on the other side who were besieging her.

"I want you to taste the pain I have suffered." Ru Xueer gritted her teeth bitterly, with malice that couldn't be hidden in her eyes.During the days when she was locked in the dungeon, although she used her beauty to let the guards take care of her, she really didn't want to stay in that kind of place for a moment longer, so she confused the guards of the dungeon and asked him to take her She let it out, but when she thought of that man's wretched appearance, she couldn't help feeling sick.

"Shen-meng-die." Ru Xueer roared, took the sharp sword handed to her by the person beside her and attacked the opponent.

Naturally, the leader would not allow anyone to hurt his wife, he stepped forward like lightning and flew the sword in the opponent's hand, and at the moment he left, Yilong Fei who was standing quietly by the side started to move, and the two of them again Fighting together again.

Ru Xueer was naturally unwilling, so she directed the people behind her to act. In order to protect her wife, the three of Luo Yan rushed to fight.Even though the three of them were skilled in martial arts, they gradually lost the wind under the siege of the crowd. With Yue's injury, the only remaining people here began to suffer casualties.

When only Luo Yan was left with scars and approached Shen Mengdie, she knew that now she could only resign herself to fate.

"Madam, come with me." Luo Yan knew that she couldn't protect the people behind her alone, so she led them and started to flee into the distance.

"Catch me alive." Ru Xueer waved her hand and ordered the people behind her.During this operation, Yi Longfei contacted her as soon as she sneaked into the sect, and she was with the leader guarding the cell at that time. After the other party solved the man, she began to plan the next step with him. action.And those decent families who were arrested with her last time naturally released her when they acted, which can be regarded as a little more help.

These people around were all employed by Yi Longfei, and the other party spent a lot of money to hire them, so they naturally obeyed orders.Then, like a cat catching a mouse, the people over there began to round up the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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