The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 148 Chapter 148 My Master

Chapter 148 Chapter 148 My Master (38)

The leader was noncommittal to Yi Longfei's cruel words, in his eyes, no matter how much he said, it was useless.

Yi Longfei didn't want to make himself appear to be at a disadvantage, and now he had to find a way to resolve the stalemate. "You all go to me, and kill the man who hides his head and shows his tail and wears a mask."

Helplessness flashed in the eyes of the hired killers. The martial arts of the person facing him was definitely superior to them. From the fight just now, they could see that although they had different ideas and selfishness in their hearts, but in order to keep tabs on the road According to the rules, they still took a step forward collectively without saying a word.

Yi Longfei was very satisfied with the current situation. Looking at the man who was besieged in the middle, he couldn't stop the smile on his face. He thought that this time he could definitely solve the opponent, but after a while, The smile on his face gradually collapsed, and he looked at the man who showed no signs of decline with a livid face. "Damn it, it's so difficult."

As if thinking of something, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Shen Mengdie who was looking at the crowd with concern, then he seemed to have made up his mind, raised his saber and stabbed at that person.

Faced with the sudden change, Shen Mengdie was stunned. She couldn't understand what Yi Longfei was doing. After subconsciously taking a few steps back, Luo Yan, who was protecting her, rushed up to meet her.

"Clang..." After a brief collision, the two sharp swords separated quickly.

The leader noticed the movement here, and he couldn't help but turn red when he couldn't get away for a while, and at this moment, Luo Yan was thrown aside by Yi Longfei's palm, and the sharp blade was about to pierce Shen Mengdie At this critical moment, the leader, regardless of the blades of the people around him attacking him, rushed over there with the sword in hand.

Shen Mengdie felt that the world in her eyes had stopped, and everyone's every move was so clear.

"Dang..." The leader narrowly stopped the other party, and at the same time, the enemies who were besieging him also came. In desperation, he had no choice but to stay by Shen Mengdie's side, not daring to leave half a step.

Outnumbered was talking about his current situation. When Yi Longfei's sword attacked Shen Mengdie again, the leader quickly hugged him and turned to avoid it.And this was just Yi Longfei's trick, after he made a feint, he stabbed the opponent's back with a sharp and ruthless sword.

When Shen Mengdie was led by the leader to turn around, she suddenly felt the other party's arm around her suddenly stiffen, and she couldn't help but feel a little bit of a thump in her heart.


I saw that Yi Longfei stopped slowly after being repelled tens of meters by the master's palm, and then spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, holding his heart and laughing wildly. "Hahaha, you are finally defeated by me."

Listening to Yi Longfei's words, Shen Mengdie didn't understand what happened in that moment, but she couldn't stop worrying in her heart.Looking at the person who was hugging her, she felt a little relieved, but when she let out a breath, the person beside her suddenly fell backwards.

"Brother Yi..." She called out to the other party, and tried to support the other party's body. When her hands covered the other party's back, what she touched was wet, and she trembled and could hardly stand herself. After leaning him lightly in her arms, she looked at the other's cheek.

"Ahem..." The blood from the corner of the leader's mouth couldn't stop flowing out, panting lightly and looking at the other party.

Shen Mengdie always thought that this kind of plot only existed in those TV dramas, but when she actually encountered it, she felt a little out of breath, and tears poured out uncontrollably, blurring her vision. "Brother Yi, you will be fine." As if she was saying to herself, she raised the back of her hand to wipe the tears on her cheek, but she couldn't stop it.

The leader only had time to lick the corner of his mouth lightly, and before he raised his hand to caress her cheek, it quickly slipped down.

"Brother Yi, open your eyes and look at me." She didn't understand how this happened, and a strong sense of guilt surged in her heart. It was because she dragged the other party down, why couldn't she be useful.She shook the other person's body excitedly, but she still couldn't get a response. Tears dripped from her chin onto the red shirt of the person in her arms.

At this time, Yi Longfei had already suppressed the blood in his mouth. Although his chest was still throbbing with pain, it didn't affect his movements much. Seeing that his enemy was finally eliminated, he couldn't hold back his face any longer. on the smile.

"Hahaha... You also have today, and this is what you will do to ruin my reputation." As long as Yi Longfei thought about what happened to him after he escaped back last time, his irritable emotions could not be restrained.After the failure of the previous crusade, he, the leader, fled first, and was resisted by other people when he returned home. Not only was his reputation ruined, but his position as the leader of the martial arts was also unstable. "You sure don't know why I'm so strong all of a sudden, right? Let me tell you, I have obtained the power of my father's life, and I came here to defeat you..."

Shen Mengdie didn't pay attention to the nagging people over there, just when she was holding the arm that slipped off from the leader, the system's notification sounded.

'Main task: Since ancient times, evil has always prevailed, and all darkness will be defeated by light, but is this really the case?To help Yi Longfei destroy the Yuehua Sect, the mandatory task must not be given up.Tips: A countdown will start for this mission, if you fail to complete the mission within the specified time, you will directly enter the punishment world. (completed)'

She felt as if she was in a dream, everything was so blurry, in this quiet back mountain, only the angry screams of the people opposite filled their ears.

After talking to himself for a long time, Yi Longfei stopped as if he had said enough. After scanning the current situation, he ordered the people behind him: "Bring me the maid who is in the way." .”

Luo Yan, who fell on the ground, was easily captured by the other party, unable to break free, she could only glare at the other party with hatred.

Yi Longfei smiled lightly and looked at Shen Mengdie, who was a little dazed, and said playfully, "Since your newlywed husband has gone, why don't you come back to the villa with me?"

"Heh..." With tears in her eyes, Shen Mengdie looked at the other party mockingly. She had never hated a person like this before.

"Don't be ignorant of what's good or bad, you have to know that I'm in charge here now." Yi Longfei complacently looked at the woman who pretended to be strong in his eyes, and he liked the feeling of controlling everything.

"Bah, shameless." Shen Mengdie didn't want to talk to the other party, she carefully wiped the blood from the corner of the leader's mouth with her sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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