The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 158 Chapter 158 I Was a Demon

Chapter 158 Chapter 158 I Was Originally a Demon ([-])

The current Shen Mengdie doesn't understand this, but she knows that the man in front of her is not easy to mess with, and she should try to avoid him as much as possible.So she rolled herself into a ball, quietly shaking her ears to listen to the conversation between the two without moving.

"Yue'er, come back with me tomorrow, your grandpa misses you." Bai Ze walked beside his junior sister and said casually.He came out on this trip to check the strange phenomenon of the last full moon night, but when he found nothing, he had to go back, and he just happened to bring back the person who had disappeared recently.

"Well, I miss him too." Ren Yue'er nodded, she knew that it was too reckless for her to come out to practice alone this time, and she could only understand the words that people's hearts are dangerous when she left the person who protected her. What exactly does that mean.

"Where are you now, I will go with you."

"Well, it's the biggest inn in front." Ren Yue'er pointed to the gate of the inn where the shadow could already be seen in front, and replied to the senior brother beside her, and then she stroked the little white fox in her arms, He continued: "Eldest senior brother, it depends on how many people escort me this time, otherwise I won't be able to come back. I will take them to see Grandpa."

In the past few days, the four-person team worked hard to protect her, and she also promised that those people would pay a certain amount of money and let her grandfather guide each other a little bit.

"Okay, let's set off with us tomorrow, and you will show me some people later." It's not that he can't trust his junior sister, but as the saying goes, the heart is sinister, and he is worried that the other party is deceiving his junior sister.

"Okay." Ren Yue'er nodded her head and agreed to the elder brother's proposal. In her heart, the other party is like a teacher and a father. This may also be related to the other party's age.Among ordinary people, her senior brother is old enough to be her great-great-grandfather.

On the way back to the inn, while listening to the conversation between the two, Shen Mengdie gently touched the bell on her neck. She found that the moment the bell was worn on her neck, her mood was very calm. The long-standing depression and irritability dissipated at this moment.

When she was concentrating on researching what the bell was, a scorching gaze made her almost turn around and attack. This was the instinct of a beast when it was in danger, but after seeing who the other party was, she turned around a little annoyed. Too far, because she found that Bai Ze was looking at her with interest, and there was an indescribable playfulness on his face.

"This person is sick, look at me like this." Although she thought so in her heart, she really didn't dare to act rashly, so she had to bury herself in the arms of Ren Yue'er who was hugging her.At this time, she had to sigh again. Fortunately, the woman was holding her. If the male protagonist made such a move, she would definitely blow up and attack him uncontrollably. She didn't know why she was so sure, but she had an intuition It's hard to tell. .

"It's really interesting. The three-tailed snow fox has learned to hide its tail. It seems that it has been taught by the elders, but it will become the pet of the junior sister. It seems that there must be something strange." He noticed that the white fox in front of him was a little strange, and after careful confirmation, he found that it was a three-tailed snow fox that had already opened its mind.And the reason why he didn't think that the other party would be the descendants of the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox was because the fairy fox family basically avoided the world and had always existed in legends.

In the following time, Ren Yue'er introduced the people who escorted her to the elder brother, and those people were naturally overjoyed when they learned of Bai Ze's identity.

In the early morning of the next day, a group of people boarded Bai Ze's flying magic weapon. Like a giant bird, it slowly soared into the sky under the surprised eyes of those people, and then quickly moved towards the destination. The speed is quite fast, it really is a thousand miles a day.During this period of time, Shen Mengdie has never found a suitable opportunity to leave. Whenever she wanted to leave, she would see Bai Ze staring at her with penetrating eyes. Therefore, under such circumstances, a group of people finally arrived Arrived at the destination, Qiong Yepai.

"Everyone, we are here, let's go down." After Bai Ze slowly stopped the flying magic weapon, a group of people walked down slowly.And Shen Mengdie was safely in Ren Yue'er's arms at the moment, she didn't pay attention to the expressions of other people at the moment, looking at the mountain gate in front of her, for some reason, she suddenly couldn't control her violently accelerated heartbeat.

"This is the Qiongye sect?" One of the men looked at everything in front of him fascinatedly. This is the place that many monks yearn for, but they are very strict about accepting apprentices. Recruiting new students every five years will attract tens of thousands of people. Those who plan to come to the trial.

Bai Ze didn't answer the other party's words, and after putting away the flying magic weapon, he walked in first.

There are many mountains here, and the scenery is beautiful. The place where they stayed was one of the mountains. It seems that this place is specially used for the entry and exit of the disciples of this sect. Therefore, people riding horses or walking with swords can be seen from time to time.

In this place, she was even more afraid to act rashly, for fear that someone with a strong cultivation base would recognize her.

And just when Ren Yue'er was leading those people to meet her grandfather, on another mountain peak in the distance, a young man who was retreating opened his eyes as if he felt a cold light. Passing through his eyes, when the other party fully opened his eyes, there was only ice in his eyes that could not be melted all year round. The light just now seemed to be just an illusion.

"It's time to come, here it is." The man's facial features were cold and hard, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, his eyes were calm, and he pursed his thin lips lightly, as if he was looking at the person over there through the mountain wall in front of him.

He is the youngest elder of the Qiongye Sect. He is indifferent and ruthless, and he cultivates the ruthless way, but his attribute is fire. Logically speaking, people with the fire attribute are generally irritable, but he is like a person with the ice attribute. People are unattainable and deserted.

"Maybe it's because the emotions are too indifferent." This was his master's evaluation of him back then, because he didn't pay much attention to everything and took everything very lightly.

And his soaring master, when he accepted him as an apprentice, had already done a fortune telling for him. The saddest catastrophe in his life was love catastrophe. No one understands the saddest thing for such an indifferent person. Why is it a love robbery, even he himself doesn't understand, maybe it's God's will tricking people.

Today he finally felt that kind of throbbing again. Although he noticed it last time, it may be because of a distant relationship, and it is not as strong as this time. Now his cultivation has encountered a bottleneck, and he only needs to get through this time. After the love robbery, you can fly in the daytime and go to the fairyland that everyone yearns for.

(End of this chapter)

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