The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 162 Chapter 162 I Was a Demon

Chapter 162 Chapter 162
Shen Mengdie also didn't understand the shape of her eyes. She was obviously round in fox form, but when she turned into a human form, she had veritable fox eyes, narrow and charming.

"Okay, we'll prepare it for you right away." After answering, a slightly older man touched the person beside him. "Go to the kitchen and get something to eat."

"Okay, I'll go right away." The man nodded his head lightly, and quickly ran to the house not far away.

Although Elder Wen Jun has been in seclusion for many years without seeing anyone, there are people in the sect delivering food every day, and the food that was eliminated the next day basically went into the hands of these people who came to take care of the mountain here. , Whether it is sold or eaten by oneself, it is a big profit.And Elder Wenjun didn't care about this matter at all, which also caused people who wanted to come to this mountain to often fight over their heads.

Seeing the person going away, Shen Mengdie flicked her tail a little bored, the environment here was too strange, she didn't know where to go, and the person never came out.

When she looked at the cave behind her with some resentment, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out in front of her. "What are you doing?" She took a few steps back and looked at the other party with some vigilance. She now became very disgusted with other people's touch.

The man held his hands in embarrassment, with a faint smile on his face. "I'll carry you over there."

Shen Mengdie raised her head, looked at the man squatting beside her, looked at him with wide fox eyes, flicked her tail, and was about to say something when suddenly there was an angry shout from behind.

"What are you doing?" Wenjun saw everything in front of him as soon as he came out. When he saw that disciple wanted to touch the fox demon, although he didn't have any anger on his face, the chill on his body was Even more fierce.

Shen Mengdie looked back and saw that it was Wenjun who came, and ran towards him happily, but it was the first time that disciple saw him get angry, so he couldn't react for a while, and sat down on the ground blankly.

Elder Wenjun reached out and picked up the little white fox that was rushing towards him. He didn't think much about why he didn't throw it out immediately.After entering his cave, he was going to retreat, but he couldn't calm down for a long time, so he decided to come out to find the little fox, but the current situation made him frown slightly.

"Elder Wenjun, we are just...just..." Under the oppressive gaze of the other party, the disciple was a little bit trembling and speechless. "It's said that Elder Wenjun is indifferent, but why is he so scary in his current state?" The disciple looked at the frost-faced person in front of him, and could only think inwardly.

Seeing the disciple's trembling appearance, Shen Mengdie had to stretch out her paw to remind the person who was hugging her. "You never come out, I'm hungry."

After Elder Wenjun heard about it, he withdrew his intimidating gaze, stretched out his hand to caress the soft belly of the little white fox in his arms, and then said with a slight sigh: "I was negligent."

Following the opponent's movements, Shen Mengdie gently hugged one of the opponent's palms with her paws, and rubbed her furry head lightly.

"In that case, I'll take you to eat."

While he was speaking, the disciple who went to fetch food just now had already run over with a plate of food, and when he saw Elder Wenjun, he hurried forward to salute and say hello. "Elder Wenjun..."

"En." Wen Jun glanced at the plate in the visitor's hand, nodded his head lightly as a response, and then ordered the two of them: "You two lead the way, and I will take her to eat now."

The two were taken aback for a moment when they heard his words, and then responded quickly. "Oh, okay, Elder Wenjun, please follow me."

It was only when Shen Mengdie was lightly placed on the table that she came to her senses, staring at the person who was putting food on her plate, the original gloom in her heart suddenly disappeared.The person in front of her was as good as ever, even if she didn't remember the past, she still protected her.

"Why don't you eat it?" Wen Jun asked in a deep voice, looking at the food on the plate, and then at the little white fox who was standing still.

After hesitating for a while, Shen Mengdie decided to ask what was on her mind. "Is your name Wenjun this time? Then do you remember who I am? Did you have any special... special feelings after seeing me?" After she finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at him expectantly .

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Elder Wenjun stared at the other party quietly with his dark eyes, and tapped the table with his right index finger once and for all. Thinking about things in a thousand turns.

"You..." He sighed softly, but in the end he still didn't say what his original plan was, but after a moment of silence, he withdrew his finger on the table. "Since you're not hungry anymore, follow me back."

"You haven't answered my question yet." Shen Mengdie trotted in front of the other party anxiously, staring into the other party's eyes, she found that she couldn't see clearly, couldn't figure it out.

"What if it is, what if it isn't?"

"This is very important to me, please answer me?"

"Let's go back."

"Please answer me." She couldn't help stretching out her claws to grab the sleeve of the other party, with an unprecedented desire in her heart. "I'm very selfish, I don't want all the past memories to be remembered by myself."

"No." Elder Wenjun replied lightly. Although the fox demon in front of him did have an influence on him and gave him a faint sense of familiarity, he did not have any memory of the other party in his memory.

The simple answer broke the expectation in Shen Mengdie's heart. She withdrew her expectant eyes in disappointment, and the fox ears drooped down because of the frustrated mood of the master.

Wen Jun stretched out his hand to caress her ear, and then gently hugged her. "Do you know why I kept you by my side?"

Shen Mengdie shook her fox ears, although she didn't raise her head, she was listening to the other party's words carefully.She understood that since the other party did not remember her, it was impossible for her to stay for no reason.

"My love is on you, but I don't understand why now."

"Love Tribulation?" Such weird words made her stunned for a moment.

"You don't need to know too much, as long as you accompany me quietly." Elder Wen Jun patted her on the head comfortingly, not wanting to explain anything.

"Yeah..." As long as she stays by the other party's side all the time, this is what she has always hoped for. What's the point of pursuing the past too much?

(End of this chapter)

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