The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 164 Chapter 164 I Was a Demon

Chapter 164 Chapter 164
Shen Mengdie didn't understand, even if the other party didn't love her, at least she was kinder, but now it's like treating a stranger, cold and cold.

After showing her prototype, she casually set up a water mirror in front of her.What appeared in the mirror was a white fox that was much bigger. The only thing that was special was probably the six tails behind it.

"Six-tailed sky fox." She sighed softly, she really didn't know what to say about her current image, and she also found that in her memory, there were some things that she didn't know about the origin of her family. A well-known secret. "Hey……"

Sighing softly, I don't know whether the current situation is good or bad.The further back, the more difficult it is for Tianhu to grow up. It can't help but need a lot of time to practice and various opportunities. Sometimes it's hard to say clearly about luck.

"Don't sigh." A big warm hand caressed her drooping head, and she rubbed it lightly.He raised his head in a daze, and looked at the other party in a daze for a long time without saying a word.

Elder Wenjun seems to have returned to normal at this moment, and nothing unusual can be seen.

"Don't you like the way I look in human form?" She also clearly noticed that when she appeared in front of the other party in human form, she was far less popular than in fox form.

"It will be like this from now on." Elder Wenjun didn't explain too much, after straightening his robe, he stood up slowly.

After Shen Mengdie decided that the other party didn't like her human appearance, although she felt a little disappointed in her heart, she still obediently kept the fox shape, and her body shrank a circle on the current basis. This is her newly learned ability , because as the cultivation level grows, the prototype body will also become larger and larger.When she turned into her original petite appearance again, she lightly rubbed the man's palm and looked at him expectantly.

Elder Wenjun looked at the little white fox in front of him, which was the same as before except for the increased number of tails. For some reason, he was relieved. "Xiaohu, I'll take you out now."

"Oh..." She didn't know what to say now, so she could only respond to the person in front of her like this, and then grabbed the other person's fingers and asked him to take her out.

When she returned to the cave where she first lived, looking at the withered flowers in the vase on the table, she felt a little melancholy in her heart.

"You take a rest first, I..." Elder Wen Jun suddenly stopped continuing his words, and looked outside the cave as if aware of it, then waved his hand, and saw a bird made of paper talisman fly in.

He gently spread his palm, and the talisman bird stayed in his hand. With a puff of smoke floating up, he pondered for a moment.

"What's the matter? Is someone looking for you?" Shen Mengdie didn't know how long they had stayed in the cave, but the other party seemed to have received a message from someone else.During these days of getting along, it was the first time that she saw the other party so entangled. Although she couldn't see any expression on his face, she just felt the helplessness flashing in the other party's eyes.

Elder Wenjun withdrew his hand, gently hugged the little white fox, stroked her ears, and strode out.

"Senior brother in charge already knows the news of my exit, let me go there as soon as possible."

"Oh." Shen Mengdie knew that the other party wanted to take her out together, so she didn't say much, and after burying herself in the other party's arms, she went together with peace of mind.

Since coming to this place, firstly because of her identity, and then because of closed-door training, she has never left this mountain. Although she is not very curious about the outside world, it is good to meet other people .

Surrounded by the gentle sound of the wind, and occasionally crisp bird calls, the mountains and forests are full of greenery, staying in an absolutely safe embrace, shaking her fox ears, looking happily with round eyes. around.

"Elder Wenjun."

When he came to the entrance of a hall, the disciple waiting outside the door recognized him immediately. After the other party greeted him respectfully, the other disciples around him also stopped their hurried steps at this moment and turned to the sect. Say hello to the young elder.

"En." He nodded his head lightly, glanced casually at the people present, then slowly crossed the threshold and walked in step by step.

"Why haven't I seen this elder before?" A man who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, or should be said to be a boy, looked at an elder beside him and scratched his chin in confusion. Hair, waiting for an answer.

The elder patted the young man on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "The one just now, you and I can only look up to him. You are new here, so you may not be clear about it. Go back and ask your senior brother, and you will understand."

"Eh?" The young man still didn't quite understand the meaning of the other party's words, so he could only look at the fading figure suspiciously.

"Junior Brother Wenjun, come here quickly." The headmaster who was sitting at the top saw the person who was walking slowly, and then his eyes lit up, and he waved to him happily.

"Brother Sect Leader." He responded lightly, then walked forward at a leisurely pace.

The head of the sect seemed to be used to such an attitude towards his junior brother. After a helpless smile, he didn't say much.Both of them worship under the same master, and the master only accepted the two of them as his direct disciples. It is precisely because the two senior brothers are too young that he has always taken care of him, who is much younger than himself. younger brother.

"Elder Wenjun's cultivation has become even more unfathomable now. He is really talented." A middle-aged man stroked his beard and said with a sigh.He still remembers the other party's deeds until now, but because the incident involved too much, everyone tacitly understood it.After that incident, the other party rarely showed up in front of people, so many people in the younger generation didn't know that there was such a person in Qiongye Sect.

"I'm really flattered. My junior brother is like this. Please forgive me." The head of the Qiongye faction said to the people below, he understood the nature of his junior brother, he was indifferent, and he seemed indifferent to everything. His bottom line is that he will never be merciful.

Elder Wenjun frowned slightly listening to the greetings of the few people. "Brother, what do you mean by sending a letter to me?"

"You will be in seclusion this time for 50 years. If you don't come out, you will miss the opening of this once-in-a-century secret realm."

"Brother, don't worry, I care about myself."

"You know, this time I..."

As soon as Shen Mengdie entered here, she felt unfriendly eyes towards her. In order not to cause trouble, she buried herself deeply in the man's arms, and carefully looked around.

(End of this chapter)

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